View Full Version : MOMMY!!! (here we go again)

08-19-2005, 11:37 AM
Not nearly as bad as last time I whined but waking up three times in eight days feeling like total crap gives me great pause if I want to keep drinking. When I was younger I would have completely laughed off a night like last night even though it is still a lot of alcohol for most people out there. I don't get the hangovers per se (I feel like complete shit sans headache) but it is still a miserable experience.

I need to get motivated again for a diet as when I seriously dieted last time i swore off alcohol and it was easy to do until I broke my elbow even though I always had people pushing for me to party and drink.

08-19-2005, 11:44 AM
Maybe it's that time to stop.

08-19-2005, 11:45 AM
What's a hangover?

guess i'm too young for that shit :P

Ask me about science alcohol sometime.... gets you hammered and you can drink a shitload and wake up with no hangover... (no puking the night before either)

08-19-2005, 11:56 AM
Maybe it's that time to stop.

I agree it definately is time to stop.

08-19-2005, 01:16 PM
Good man :okthumb:

08-19-2005, 01:18 PM
Everyone's going to be tea total before long :blink: :(

Mike AI
08-19-2005, 01:24 PM
What's a hangover?

guess i'm too young for that shit :P

Ask me about science alcohol sometime.... gets you hammered and you can drink a shitload and wake up with no hangover... (no puking the night before either)

what is science alcohol?

08-19-2005, 01:32 PM
what is science alcohol?
It's pure alcohol used in experiments. :)

08-19-2005, 01:44 PM
Close Trev.

Science alcohol Is waht I call it.

And don't knock this until you try it... It works incredibly well

a little background. Alcohol, when distilled, uses a carbon filtering process to smooth out the flavour and take out the impurities. premium alcohol distills it a lot more and cheap bottom shelf crap distills less. the impurities in the alcohol is what gives it the bitter shit taste and consequently accounts for much of a hangover.

so what you do is take a bottle of alcohol (works best with vodka, but any liquor will do) I wouldn't recommend scotch as its perfect on its own. rye rum vodka and tequila have all been tried.

take the bottle and pour it through a new Brita water filter. (after its been rinsed once with water)

Since Brita water filters use a carbon system this is essentially the same as further filtering the product. Each time you filter it (5 is the magic number) more and more impurities are filtered out while leaving the alcohol.

This has a dual effect of making the booze much smoother and all but guarantees no hangover.

5 is the magic number of filtrations becuase it improves the flavour dramatically up to that point but afterthat the effects are less noticeable. (we've done all kinds of tests)

In the United states they sell "anit hangover" pills.... which are essentially just an activated carbon pill. its does the same thing as the brita except the Brita does it outside your body rather than inside.

Seriously you have to try it... its amazing

08-19-2005, 01:49 PM
Close Trev.

Science alcohol Is waht I call it.

And don't knock this until you try it... It works incredibly well

a little background. Alcohol, when distilled, uses a carbon filtering process to smooth out the flavour and take out the impurities. premium alcohol distills it a lot more and cheap bottom shelf crap distills less. the impurities in the alcohol is what gives it the bitter shit taste and consequently accounts for much of a hangover.

so what you do is take a bottle of alcohol (works best with vodka, but any liquor will do) I wouldn't recommend scotch as its perfect on its own. rye rum vodka and tequila have all been tried.

take the bottle and pour it through a new Brita water filter. (after its been rinsed once with water)

Since Brita water filters use a carbon system this is essentially the same as further filtering the product. Each time you filter it (5 is the magic number) more and more impurities are filtered out while leaving the alcohol.

This has a dual effect of making the booze much smoother and all but guarantees no hangover.

5 is the magic number of filtrations becuase it improves the flavour dramatically up to that point but afterthat the effects are less noticeable. (we've done all kinds of tests)

In the United states they sell "anit hangover" pills.... which are essentially just an activated carbon pill. its does the same thing as the brita except the Brita does it outside your body rather than inside.

Seriously you have to try it... its amazing

Id thnk it would be easier to quit personally....

Its not how much you drink its how you drink but I aint filtering booze thru a brita filter 5 times for carbon cleasing.

Seriously TE...I dont want to read about you waking up from passing out with a mouthful of pizza. If you dont like how it makes you feel later then why do it now?

08-19-2005, 01:54 PM
Never claimed it was for everyone... but it works great for me and my friends :D

Mike AI
08-19-2005, 02:02 PM
It's pure alcohol used in experiments. :)

I knew it was not that. Alchohol used by scientist is de-natured. Benzine is usually put in it, so it CANNOT be drunk. That way it is not taxed.


08-19-2005, 02:02 PM
I tried being an alcoholic for a day or two a few months ago. I'm just too old - takes me days to recover :(

And when I spilled a full glass of red wine on my carpet, I realized I'm not a good drunk anyway ;)

08-19-2005, 02:05 PM
yeah I wouldn't filter wine either :P

but the drunk thing will work great for ya if you filter :P Since I started doing this it hasn't given me one hangover... and i've been drinking a shitload.


the above link is to essentially the same Idea in a commercial product

08-19-2005, 02:12 PM
I knew it was not that. Alchohol used by scientist is de-natured. Benzine is usually put in it, so it CANNOT be drunk. That way it is not taxed.

Interesting, I didn't know it had Benzine added to it.

08-19-2005, 02:13 PM
I have found two successful ways to avoid hangovers.

For the past twelve years, I've just said no. Oh, sure, I miss the adventure (who is she? where is my car? where are my pants? if I'm here, why are my pants in my car? why am I in Chicago when I was last at a baseball game in St. Louis?), but boredom has its advantages too.

Prior to that, I simply avoided allowing my BAC to drop to dangerous levels. Unfortunately, there are a lot of narrow minded people in this world who simply did not recognize that this was a medical necessity.

08-19-2005, 02:29 PM
Knock wood, I don't get hangovers, or at least the dreadful headache hangovers any more. A little something to eat at the bar and afterwards at home. Plenty of water, one or two in fact at the bar. Several later at home. No problem.

Now, in some ways that sounds like and probably is considered moderation. On the other hand, it's tough for me to say when I go out drinking am I drinking in moderation or "a lot" compared to others as it's all relative really.

Either way, if you can handle it and enjoy it, do it. If it's bothering you and you're thinking of stopping, then I say stop.

Personally, I feel only a tad sluggish the next day and sometimes some moderate stomach upset at the most. To me, that's nothing dramatic and I'm "willing to pay the piper" the day after compared to the night before -- LOL, call it the "ROI of Drinking".

08-19-2005, 02:47 PM
It's just gotten old. I don't gte hangovers per se just feel like crap and a it tired.

I've been smart enough to quit drinking and driving like I used to years ago. Now it's time to just quit drinking period. :)

08-19-2005, 02:49 PM
I have found two successful ways to avoid hangovers.

For the past twelve years, I've just said no. Oh, sure, I miss the adventure (who is she? where is my car? where are my pants? if I'm here, why are my pants in my car? why am I in Chicago when I was last at a baseball game in St. Louis?), but boredom has its advantages too.

Prior to that, I simply avoided allowing my BAC to drop to dangerous levels. Unfortunately, there are a lot of narrow minded people in this world who simply did not recognize that this was a medical necessity.


08-19-2005, 03:05 PM
Blood Alcohol Content

08-19-2005, 03:07 PM

08-19-2005, 03:44 PM
If you truly want to get rat assed , its gotta be Everclear or Absinthe.

And I'm a professional :)

At my peak I was drinking 3 bottles of voddie by lunch and wandering around apparently just slightly tipsy. (that means one has built a lot of tolerance) ;-)

And I would bet I've been drunk more days nearly than you have been alive Bhelliom ;-)))

08-19-2005, 03:46 PM
However ,not a drop for :

It is 346 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 11 months, 12 days including the end date

346 days can be converted to one of these units:

29,894,400 seconds
498,240 minutes
8,304 hours
49 weeks (rounded down)

08-19-2005, 03:48 PM
It's just gotten old. I don't gte hangovers per se just feel like crap and a it tired.

I've been smart enough to quit drinking and driving like I used to years ago. Now it's time to just quit drinking period. :)

I believe you posted about 3 mths ago , claiming you were going to quit.

You didn't.


08-19-2005, 03:50 PM
And I would bet I've been drunk more days nearly than you have been alive Bhelliom ;-)))

I wouldnt take that bet... drunkie :P

08-19-2005, 04:01 PM
I believe you posted about 3 mths ago , claiming you were going to quit.

You didn't.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmI believe you posted giving up smoking about the same time, no?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

08-19-2005, 04:04 PM
At my peak I was drinking 3 bottles of voddie by lunch and wandering around apparently just slightly tipsy. (that means one has built a lot of tolerance) ;-)That is the one thing that's annoying. Building up tolerance means it takes a larger and larger bar bill. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/tongue.gif

On the one hand, no one is going to get me drunk and shanghai me. LOL

On the other hand, blessed are the meek who can get potted on a five spot! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/laugh.gif

08-19-2005, 04:06 PM
TE...the very second that you wonder if you have a problem...you have a problem. The only way to solve the problem is to quit. "Cutting down" is an illusion. It may work for a few days, a week...then you'll be right back up to where you were, with a lower tolerance and more horror stories.

I don't tell this story very often. Even Nick, my favorite dry person, is hearing it for the first time.

The only thing I've ever lied to my husband about was how much I was drinking. He lifted the bottle of Jack Daniels, looked at the level and said gently "you're drinking too much." I didn't tell him that wasn't the bottle he'd bought. I'd long since drained that one. That was a new bottle. A sin of omission, but in my book, a lie. That scared me. I started drinking the minute he left for work and drank all day. I always drank alone...except, of course, for the two small children in my care. When I finally stopped cold, I had the screaming DTs. My skin crawled with imaginary spiders. It was unpleasant. I didn't touch alchohol again for almost 20 years. I can have the occasional drink now, because I have a built-in failsafe mechanism. I'm on so damned much medication that if I mix liquor with it...I'll die. I seem to be able to tolerate a maguerita every once in a while, a glass of white wine or half a bottle of Dos Equis, always with a meal.

My father was a nice, quiet drunk. I'm Irish American, so I come from a long line of drunks. We never had a sober family gathering. I didn't expect to be one of them. But...I was.

08-19-2005, 04:20 PM
I believe you posted giving up smoking about the same time, no?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/rolleyes.gif

Yup , failed miserably on that.

Couldn't kick cigs.

Kicked booze and lots of other stuff ;-)))

....but cigs...nope...FUCK!

I see you haven't been able to quit being a dick.

08-19-2005, 04:23 PM
At my peak I was drinking 3 bottles of voddie by lunch and wandering around apparently just slightly tipsy. (that means one has built a lot of tolerance) ;-)

That's fucking impressive. I can do about a pint of vodka & a twelve pack. After that I don't remember what happened usually and wake up the next day hurling my guts out...all part of the fun tho!

08-19-2005, 04:24 PM
TE...the very second that you wonder if you have a problem...you have a problem. The only way to solve the problem is to quit. "Cutting down" is an illusion. It may work for a few days, a week...then you'll be right back up to where you were, with a lower tolerance and more horror stories.

I don't tell this story very often. Even Nick, my favorite dry person, is hearing it for the first time.

The only thing I've ever lied to my husband about was how much I was drinking. He lifted the bottle of Jack Daniels, looked at the level and said gently "you're drinking too much." I didn't tell him that wasn't the bottle he'd bought. I'd long since drained that one. That was a new bottle. A sin of omission, but in my book, a lie. That scared me. I started drinking the minute he left for work and drank all day. I always drank alone...except, of course, for the two small children in my care. When I finally stopped cold, I had the screaming DTs. My skin crawled with imaginary spiders. It was unpleasant. I didn't touch alchohol again for almost 20 years. I can have the occasional drink now, because I have a built-in failsafe mechanism. I'm on so damned much medication that if I mix liquor with it...I'll die. I seem to be able to tolerate a maguerita every once in a while, a glass of white wine or half a bottle of Dos Equis, always with a meal.

My father was a nice, quiet drunk. I'm Irish American, so I come from a long line of drunks. We never had a sober family gathering. I didn't expect to be one of them. But...I was.

I quit drinking for 8 years.

I then thought a few years ago that I could go back to drinking.

Oppppps lol

I am not a quiet drunk. When I drink it tends to leads to ummm errrr "adventures"

08-19-2005, 04:26 PM
I believe you posted about 3 mths ago , claiming you were going to quit.

You didn't.


Very true.....

08-19-2005, 04:26 PM
That's fucking impressive. I can do about a pint of vodka & a twelve pack. After that I don't remember what happened usually and wake up the next day hurling my guts out...all part of the fun tho!

The shit I was doing a few yrs ago I'm lucky to be alive...lol

08-19-2005, 04:29 PM
The shit I was doing a few yrs ago I'm lucky to be alive...lol
That's me with pills...damn do I ever love pills.

Shoulda met you a few years ago. We coulda had some grand stories I think ;)

08-19-2005, 04:29 PM
However ,not a drop for :

It is 346 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 11 months, 12 days including the end date

346 days can be converted to one of these units:

29,894,400 seconds
498,240 minutes
8,304 hours
49 weeks (rounded down)

Congrats Nick - good for you! :)

08-19-2005, 04:32 PM
I've only gotten hangover drunk twice in my life. Once was in New Orleans - on Bourbon Street of course. I just kept drinking those Blue Crack Daquiris like there was no tomorrow... I mean - they taste just like slurpees, and it was hot, and we were walking up and down the street... throw in a couple of Hurricanes in the mix and I was piss-assed drunk for the first time in my life.

The second time - was thanks to my good friend Raven - who kept handing me White Russian after White Russian at a celebratory freedom party in Vegas a few years back. I REALLY needed to just let it all out. And I did... never again.

Since that time I can count all of the alcoholic beverages I've had on two hands... and that's been over YEARS of time... I got it out of my system. No mas.

08-19-2005, 04:32 PM
Yup , failed miserably on that.

Couldn't kick cigs.

Kicked booze and lots of other stuff ;-)))

....but cigs...nope...FUCK!

I see you haven't been able to quit being a dick.To quote Team America: World Police ...

Pussies don’t like dicks because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes, assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is they fuck too much or fuck when it isn’t appropriate. And it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves, because pussies are an inch and half away from assholes. I don’t know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don’t let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit.

08-19-2005, 04:37 PM
TE...the very second that you wonder if you have a problem...you have a problem. The only way to solve the problem is to quit. "Cutting down" is an illusion. It may work for a few days, a week...then you'll be right back up to where you were, with a lower tolerance and more horror stories.

I don't tell this story very often. Even Nick, my favorite dry person, is hearing it for the first time.

The only thing I've ever lied to my husband about was how much I was drinking. He lifted the bottle of Jack Daniels, looked at the level and said gently "you're drinking too much." I didn't tell him that wasn't the bottle he'd bought. I'd long since drained that one. That was a new bottle. A sin of omission, but in my book, a lie. That scared me. I started drinking the minute he left for work and drank all day. I always drank alone...except, of course, for the two small children in my care. When I finally stopped cold, I had the screaming DTs. My skin crawled with imaginary spiders. It was unpleasant. I didn't touch alchohol again for almost 20 years. I can have the occasional drink now, because I have a built-in failsafe mechanism. I'm on so damned much medication that if I mix liquor with it...I'll die. I seem to be able to tolerate a maguerita every once in a while, a glass of white wine or half a bottle of Dos Equis, always with a meal.

My father was a nice, quiet drunk. I'm Irish American, so I come from a long line of drunks. We never had a sober family gathering. I didn't expect to be one of them. But...I was.

Thanks for sharing that Morgan. Much appreciated.

08-19-2005, 04:39 PM
Yup , failed miserably on that.

Couldn't kick cigs.

Kicked booze and lots of other stuff ;-)))

....but cigs...nope...FUCK!

I see you haven't been able to quit being a dick.

In my opinion cigarettes are the hardest addiction to quit bar none.

08-19-2005, 04:41 PM
However ,not a drop for :

It is 346 days from the start date to the end date, end date included
Or 11 months, 12 days including the end date

346 days can be converted to one of these units:

29,894,400 seconds
498,240 minutes
8,304 hours
49 weeks (rounded down)
Nick, that is SO incredibly awesome!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

08-19-2005, 04:41 PM
That's me with pills...damn do I ever love pills.

Shoulda met you a few years ago. We coulda had some grand stories I think ;)

Yeah LOL

We had quite a bunch of people up here. Not wishing to incriminate others..

there was a pool tournament where the winner had to hit a 12 inch line , to the losers 6 inch line.Winner stays on (in more ways than one)

""The 100 days of Yeyo.""

""The lets see which of us can go without sleep the longest"" - I won but was nearly checked into a looney bin by the end. Paranoia and insanity like you really couldn't imagine.

Then there was the lets put all of these pills into a blender , then mix it with absinthe and do shooters.

It was a crazy few years.

We would see some celeb had died of overdose and scream "lightweight"

But then a load of guys in there 20 anbd 30s suddenly making huge money..i can only equate it to being in a rock band. We all lived in each others pockets and partied hard.


It was dumb , we were lucky none of us died , and DAMN the $$$ we burned through...

But ...

we made lifelong friends ( like being in a foxhole together) and whats more important we made it out the otherside. ( many don't)

Frankly sobriety has made me realise how great my life is .



And as Anthony said in another thread re:haters..

Its funny shit , I'm doing better financially now than ever before , because sober ,(not wishing to be arrogant) this really is an easy business to make 1m or 2 rapidly.

08-19-2005, 04:45 PM
In my opinion cigarettes are the hardest addiction to quit bar none.

08-19-2005, 04:49 PM

It depends....

crack ,ice and heroin are pretty tough I believe.

Booze is also very underrated as a "tough to quit" drug.

People will always say I'll try and quit smoking and fail , and admit it.

Most people will not try and quit drinking ( they will "drink less" or "only drink wine") because if they realised they could not quit , they would realise they are acholics and that stigma is harder to bear than merely being "a smoker"

08-19-2005, 04:52 PM
Yeah LOL

We had quite a bunch of people up here. Not wishing to incriminate others..

there was a pool tournament where the winner had to hit a 12 inch line , to the losers 6 inch line.Winner stays on (in more ways than one)

""The 100 days of Yeyo.""

""The lets see which of us can go without sleep the longest"" - I won but was nearly checked into a looney bin by the end. Paranoia and insanity like you really couldn't imagine.

Then there was the lets put all of these pills into a blender , then mix it with absinthe and do shooters.

It was a crazy few years.

We would see some celeb had died of overdose and scream "lightweight"

But then a load of guys in there 20 anbd 30s suddenly making huge money..i can only equate it to being in a rock band. We all lived in each others pockets and partied hard.


It was dumb , we were lucky none of us died , and DAMN the $$$ we burned through...

But ...

we made lifelong friends ( like being in a foxhole together) and whats more important we made it out the otherside. ( many don't)

Frankly sobriety has made me realise how great my life is .



And as Anthony said in another thread re:haters..

Its funny shit , I'm doing better financially now than ever before , because sober ,(not wishing to be arrogant) this really is an easy business to make 1m or 2 rapidly.
That's the truth if it was ever spoken. When you go balls out partying with people you end with up unspoken trust. You're all drooling so it's like a comradery...you've been around each other while everyone is at their absolute worse and knowing if you end up in the can it's those guys that will bail you out and vice versa.

I never liked snorting coke. We did it when we could afford it in college but we always smoked it off aluminum foil or in joints.

08-19-2005, 04:52 PM
I am not a quiet drunk. When I drink it tends to leads to ummm errrr "adventures"

Ahhh...memories. :)

I hold the North American Land Record for both quitting and getting fired...from the same damned place. :D
Always late at night, Pacific time. Why? Because one of us was always plowed and the other was in the same condition, only because of working to exhaustion. I couldn't walk away from the damned computer, and when you're that tired you have the same short fuse, paranoia and in general insanity that you do when you're drunk. Sparks flew, words were exchanged (we both know a lot of words and have absolutely NO hesitation about vocalizing them) and I ended up unemployed...again. Time would pass, tempers would cool...and we'd go 'round again. And again. And again.

He's sober.
I'm really difficult to find online past 6PM.

We grow, we learn. :)

TE...you're welcome. I only had to stare at that post for five minutes before hitting "submit reply." :)

08-19-2005, 04:52 PM
"""I need to get motivated again for a diet as when I seriously dieted last time i swore off alcohol and it was easy to do until I broke my elbow even though I always had people pushing for me to party and drink."""

Not being a wise ass...ok...well a bit.

But reread that.

There are at least 4 excuses there lol. In fact they are cross filed.

Excuses are a reason for failure

08-19-2005, 04:57 PM
And shut up dravyk. LOL

Fucking cigarettes!


08-19-2005, 04:58 PM
Food is my addiction. I've tried all the drugs, smoking, drinking, etc. but good food - and lots of it - I can't shake. Thank goodness it's legal :)

08-19-2005, 04:59 PM
I'm fortunate that overall I do not have an addictive personality.

Alcohol, despite my tolerance to and enjoyment of, is actually never a problem. I have easily gone six months and longer without even having a single beer. I also don't like drinking alone. It's the comraderie of drinking with people you like that I enjoy. Sometimes I've been told "I'm not feeling so hot tonight, why don't you go the bar yourself" and I always pass; it's not the same.

Drugs, they don't seem to like me much. Low tolerance and no kicks.

Gambling? I went to so many Vegas conventions in a row without putting a quarter in a slot it's not even funny.

Cigs, can't give the bastards up and I so would love to do so.

Very oddly, some, but not all, computer/video games I've found to be very addicting! Not shoot 'em ups that much. Simulation games especially. Some shoot'ems like Doom. Those I have a very strange psychological attraction to. Which I why I rarely play them. You know how one of those complicated games might take 14 hours to play? Instead of doing two hours a day, I would have to play the entire game throughout. Bad, bad. No sleep, no work done. Fortunately I haven't touch one in several years.

08-19-2005, 05:02 PM
mmm Food!!!! lol

Ok , so I got that one too...

I used to have a sex addiction. Truthfully.

In my youth I was a terrible womaniser.I once had 3 christmas dinners at my various girlfriends/my houses....it probably was my worse addiction once upon a time.

Kicked that habit. Then fell of the wagon.
(as you know ;-)

Then got kicked back on the wagon. HARD too!! lol

08-19-2005, 05:05 PM
Then got kicked back on the wagon. HARD too!! lol

You'd best stay *on* the wagon, my man! :mad:

I'm practicing saying "oh, no, she was with me when he got shot!" :lol:

08-19-2005, 05:06 PM
You'd best stay *on* the wagon, my man! :mad:

I'm practicing saying "oh, no, she was with me when he got shot!" :lol:

What can I do?
Chicks dig me...



08-19-2005, 05:09 PM
What can I do?
Chicks dig me...



Well...you do clean up well. ;)

08-19-2005, 05:09 PM
What can I do?
Chicks dig me...The modesty meter done broke!!

08-19-2005, 05:11 PM
What can I do?
Chicks dig me...
You spelled "money" wrong - there's an additional o, n and y in it ;)

08-19-2005, 05:13 PM
The modesty meter done broke!!

No this is immodest....

Once upon a time I pulled into a gas station in my Ferarri and the gorgeous woman I was with pranced in to buy some soft drinks.

The pump attendant came up to me and said "Damn that car gets hot women"

I retorted "Nawww the same personality traits that got me the Ferarri , got me the girl."


08-19-2005, 05:13 PM
You spelled "money" wrong - there's an additional o, n and y in it ;)

She shoots...she scores!!!!! :bustingup :clapping: :thumbup:

08-19-2005, 05:14 PM
You spelled "money" wrong - there's an additional o, n and y in it ;)

Look above peaches ;-)))

I was sooooooooooo waiting for that line :)

08-19-2005, 05:15 PM
Drugs, they don't seem to like me much. Low tolerance and no kicks.
Drugs are incredible. Making that statement means you have either:
Taken shitty drugs
Not taken enough

I don't do drugs anymore but the absolute fun of weed/coke/pills and even acid is undeniable.

What's best is to smoke a couple bowls then go out drinking and as you get drunk, head out to the car or someplace and smoke a bit of coke and then go back to drinking until you get drunk again, do more coke...

Lather, rince, repeat until you end up collapsing because you can't go anymore.

08-19-2005, 05:15 PM
Look above peaches ;-)))

I was sooooooooooo waiting for that line :)

08-19-2005, 05:16 PM
And the same applies to you Morgan...you and peaches sell your sex short.

You are all far more picky than mere money. ;-)))

08-19-2005, 05:17 PM
During my party years, I could have easily become addicted to cocaine. It was by far my favorite. Never had to buy any - it's great being a girl :)

08-19-2005, 05:18 PM
Drugs are incredible. Making that statement means you have either:
Taken shitty drugs
Not taken enough

I don't do drugs anymore but the absolute fun of weed/coke/pills and even acid is undeniable.

What's best is to smoke a couple bowls then go out drinking and as you get drunk, head out to the car or someplace and smoke a bit of coke and then go back to drinking until you get drunk again, do more coke...

Lather, rince, repeat until you end up collapsing because you can't go anymore.


I'd vote for a politican that said:
"Fuck yeah!! I've partied , but now I've gone past that stage of my life.But I don't rule out the occasionally toke!!"


08-19-2005, 05:18 PM
And the same applies to you Morgan...you and peaches sell your sex short.

You are all far more picky than mere money. ;-)))

I *never* sell my sex short.
Me mum said get cash and lots of it. :p

If you think for *one* minute, I'm going to sit here and admit you just might maybe perhaps have a redeeming quality or two...fuggetaboutit. :nyanya:

08-19-2005, 05:18 PM
And the same applies to you Morgan...you and peaches sell your sex short.

You are all far more picky than mere money. ;-)))
After we turn 35, perhaps :p

08-19-2005, 05:21 PM
"""I need to get motivated again for a diet as when I seriously dieted last time i swore off alcohol and it was easy to do until I broke my elbow even though I always had people pushing for me to party and drink."""

Not being a wise ass...ok...well a bit.

But reread that.

There are at least 4 excuses there lol. In fact they are cross filed.

Excuses are a reason for failure

Again very true....

08-19-2005, 05:22 PM
Drugs are incredible. Making that statement means you have either:
Taken shitty drugs
Not taken enough I'm sure I've taken some shitty ones, but trust me I had some good stuff slipped to me a few times when I thought I was just smoking some dirt weed. Then I found out later it was Acapulco Gold or Columbia Blue or some such names. Or here's some red clay nothing hash and it turns out to be God knows what 20X more powerful.

Nope it's just in my personal biological chemistry. They give me sensory overload and the creeps. One time I'm 18, did some smoking at work (oh yes, I wasn't always the Boy Scout), get on the bus, and the street lights passing by looked the one's when the Enterprise goes into warp ... all rainbow colored streaks. Everything gets loud, I can hear my heart beating like I'm inside a trash can with someone beating it with a 2by4. My breathing sounds so loud, you'd think you were in scuba gear or having Darth Vader next to you whispering sweet nothings.

Nope. That stuff hates me. And hell, I'll never get addicted to it, so so much the better.

08-19-2005, 05:24 PM
"He may not be very tall , but he sure as hell is when he stands on his wallet"


I used to be cute looking but my mentor then was a big fat dude and could pull like he had discovered catnip for hos!

He put forward this hypothesis which I believe has some merit.

1.) Women are as a whole more attracted by what they hear than what they see. (hence Sean Connery is always in the top 10 sexiest men)
2.) Women look for other factors.(you ,women,are weird, a cute butt helps he said..but LOL)
3.) By nature they are looking for security , kindness , and the ability to provide and amuse.Faking interest in everthing they are interested in is good. Focus at the eyebrows and nod and say "really!" "Wow" alot. (thks anthony for that one)
And of course a good hard shag..

shall I go on...???



08-19-2005, 05:26 PM
shall I go on...???A rhetorical question, no doubt. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Seriously though, you forgot you surely must have had the Bad Boy Factor going on as well. Women love that. (I hear.)

08-19-2005, 05:27 PM
I'm sure I've taken some shitty ones, but trust me I had some good stuff slipped to me a few times when I thought I was just smoking some dirt weed. Then I found out later it was Acapulco Gold or Columbia Blue or some such names. Or here's some red clay nothing hash and it turns out to be God knows what 20X more powerful.

Nope it's just in my personal biological chemistry. They give me sensory overload and the creeps. One time I'm 18, did some smoking at work (oh yes, I wasn't always the Boy Scout), get on the bus, and the street lights passing by looked the one's when the Enterprise goes into warp ... all rainbow colored streaks. Everything gets loud, I can hear my heart beating like I'm inside a trash can with someone beating it with a 2by4. My breathing sounds so loud, you'd think you were in scuba gear or having Darth Vader next to you whispering sweet nothings.

Nope. That stuff hates me. And hell, I'll never get addicted to it, so so much the better.



You are a



08-19-2005, 05:28 PM
A rhetorical question, no doubt. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Seriously though, you forgot you surely must have had the Bad Boy Factor going on as well. Women love that. (I hear.)

I'm begining to think you dig me....

and it worries me a tad...


08-19-2005, 05:31 PM
Drugs? I'm a super lghtweight!

Booze? I'd drink most of you under the table.

Dig you? I think you're groooooovy, ba-by!


08-19-2005, 05:33 PM
Drugs? I'm a super lghtweight!

Booze? I'd drink most of you under the table.

Dig you? I think you're groooooovy, ba-by!



Mind you for lightweightedness , Meat wins hands down LOL

08-19-2005, 05:34 PM

1. I'm a very heavy smoker, which just may give one or two of my doctors a coronary just comtemplating. I've tried the gum - got mouth ulcers, and can't afford the patch yet. Soon, though. (Yes, yes, built in excuses, I know, I do this with smoking a lot.)

2. I've never tried any illegal drugs except pot and "back-in-the-day" speed. Circa mid '70's. Gave them all up decades ago. However, and this is kind of a big however, as I have the Trifecta of chronic pain conditions and am in pain every day of my life, my doctor has prescribed extra-strength Vicodin. (I want to have a life, which means I have to push myself as hard as I can, and that hurts even worse.) I'm definitely psychologically dependent on the Vicodin. I may be physically addicted. I watch the show "House" and cry because I identify with him so much.

3. I *do* have an addictive personality. I've been aware of that all my life. For the most part, I get addicted to stupid, harmless things. I was addicted to online chat rooms, until one day I wasn't. I was addicted to an online gaming site called Neopets, until I got busy doing something else. I am and always will be addicted to writing. If I don't write, I get horrific nightmares. I think I'm lucky that I hate computer games so much or I'd never get anything done. (I can relate, though, Dravyk, because I've watched my youngest sit bleary eyed for hours muttering "I'm almost on the last level!")

4. Bit of an intimacy overshare here, but I'm addicted to talking to my husband. I actually get physically ill if I don't babble at him about something. Luckily and happily, he has the same condition.

5. I'm addicted to buying books. Another silly harmless thing, until my husband snaps someday and takes the credit cards away.

08-19-2005, 05:37 PM
Seriously though, you forgot you surely must have had the Bad Boy Factor going on as well. Women love that. (I hear.)

Young women may like that.

Older women are annoyed by it. :)

08-19-2005, 05:37 PM
1.) Yeah its a bitch

2.)(a) You have a thing for limeys
(b) Never got into the painkillers.All codeines made me sick

3.)(a) My daughters love neopets
(b) You are a looney.

4.) awwwww

5.) Me too!!!

08-19-2005, 05:40 PM
A rhetorical question, no doubt. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Seriously though, you forgot you surely must have had the Bad Boy Factor going on as well. Women love that. (I hear.)
Again, the under 35 set does :) As we chicks get older, we get smarter (or so we like to tell ourselves....) and after being burned by a few bad boys we learn our lesson :)

For me: Funny, smart and self sufficient. Pretty much in that order and everything else is gravy :) Oh, and unmarried, so don't start ICQing me, Nick :p

08-19-2005, 05:46 PM
3 out of 4 ain't bad...


08-19-2005, 05:49 PM
3 out of 4 ain't bad...

It's excellent ;)

08-19-2005, 05:56 PM
1.) Yeah its a bitch

2.)(a) You have a thing for limeys
(b) Never got into the painkillers.All codeines made me sick

3.)(a) My daughters love neopets
(b) You are a looney.

4.) awwwww

5.) Me too!!!

1. It's a big bitch; it's one of the most addictive drugs in the world; a lot of experts think it's more addictive than cocaine; three separate people cut out the article in the paper that said people with a biochemical depression are even more addicted to nicotine than other people. (I don't know what the *fuck* that was supposed to accomplish other than making me feel even more doomed.)

2. (a) This is true.
(b) I don't take the things to get high. I take them to live. Chronic pain has a tendency to make people desire to exit the planet via their own hand.

3. (a) Please ask your daughters to check out the "lilacmemories" account. They can admire my Kaus and their house. I spent a *fortune* in Neopoints on that thing and it's not even finished yet.
(b) This is not news.

4. When I look back on my life I see a lot of mistakes. I did one great, big, important thing right. It's enough.

5. I think Oprano needs a book club.

08-19-2005, 05:57 PM
5. I think Oprano needs a book club.
Sign me up!!!

08-19-2005, 06:08 PM
Sign me up!!!

Consider yourself signed up, Peaches! :okthumb:

We'll kick some ideas around soon. :happy45: (I love the "insanely happy" smilie!)

08-19-2005, 06:46 PM
This is just one more glaring example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote...this thread was cool - people were sharing their fun times/ideas of a fun time and you grandma's come running in and turn it into a fuckin' oprah thread.

08-19-2005, 07:00 PM
I like to have a beer, but gone are the days of getting steamed like I used to...

I've "partied" and I loved it – I loved it for many years, but my life has changed and I've moved on because of priorities.

I'm an admitted compulsive gambler, yet I still dabble (I get pocket money for it) but I also have a few other traits I can't seem to shake. :(

08-19-2005, 07:07 PM
This is just one more glaring example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote...this thread was cool - people were sharing their fun times/ideas of a fun time and you grandma's come running in and turn it into a fuckin' oprah thread.

And yes , Dravyk , he means you...

08-19-2005, 07:29 PM
This is just one more glaring example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote...this thread was cool - people were sharing their fun times/ideas of a fun time and you grandma's come running in and turn it into a fuckin' oprah thread.

Go fuck yourself, aeon. :)

08-19-2005, 09:01 PM
This is just one more glaring example of why women shouldn't be allowed to vote...this thread was cool - people were sharing their fun times/ideas of a fun time and you grandma's come running in and turn it into a fuckin' oprah thread.
Hey now, I admitted I'd become addicted to cocaine if given half the chance ;)

08-19-2005, 09:02 PM
And yes , Dravyk , he means you...Oh sure! Go to one tupperware party (by mistake yet) and you're branded for life! :D

08-19-2005, 09:09 PM
Question: What does Morgan's pussy smell like
Answer: Depends.

/running like fuck and closing icq... LOL

08-19-2005, 09:27 PM
Question: What does Morgan's pussy smell like
Answer: Depends.

/running like fuck and closing icq... LOL


You're a cowardly fuck but you're clever as hell! :lol: