View Full Version : Weight Loss?

08-18-2005, 10:50 AM
Anyone here actively and agressively trying to lose weight?

I'm down 12 lbs in 10 days. I am currently doing Atkins, I don't plan on doing Atkins long-term, but I have to say that I'm amazed at how well it works when you're trying to get back up on the horse.

For the longest time I'd laughed at people who did the Atkins diet and either failed because they didn't it half-assed or they simply gave up. I also mocked it's principles because they go against everything we know. However, after seeing many lose a ton of weight by not doing much at all I figured I'd give it a try.

I'll tell you, if you follow the rules it does work. However, it still doesn't seem naturally healthy to me. I'm going to move to Body For Life at the end of the first 30 days. The principles of that program seem much healthier and it emphasizes discipline and balance.

Any one have techniques that have worked for them?

08-18-2005, 10:54 AM
I am currently and actively and aggressively on a new me plan.

I work out four times a week. I no longer even attempt to argue with my trainer about atkins or any other diet...as he has me on a nutritional plan that works...and is very healthy for me, using foods I will eat, not that crap they try to make you eat.

I lose one pound a week, no more, no less...men can lose two....bastards.....no offense...but my honey is doing the same thing....and has lost twice the weight in half the time.

I have metabolism and once I lose the rest of my weight...people will be able to see the toning of my muscles....

I've decided to make this a permanent thing, because we put in a flagstone patio this spring and I had to sit down every fifteen minutes. I thought I was dying.

08-18-2005, 10:55 AM
I also pay a trainer because otherwise, I don't know that I would do it.

08-18-2005, 10:55 AM
nah man, I have been struggling with it for a long time... and I gleefully waste thousands of dollars on weight loss stuff all the time. I couldnt do atkins... i just love bread way to much. But one of my Filipino employees sent me a cook book for pansit and as soon as I can talk my wife into buying the noodles on line I think we will have a whole bunch of new, very healthy choices to add to our diets.

but if ya know of any good pillls LOL


08-18-2005, 10:57 AM
Let me just say - whatever Raven is doing is working!

I've gained 10 pounds in the last few months - and I was already 40 pounds over what I know I should weigh so I am trying to cut down. Eating out is my killer though. And the fact that the only exercise I get is walking to the car........

08-18-2005, 11:01 AM
I am currently and actively and aggressively on a new me plan.

I work out four times a week. I no longer even attempt to argue with my trainer about atkins or any other diet...as he has me on a nutritional plan that works...and is very healthy for me, using foods I will eat, not that crap they try to make you eat.

I lose one pound a week, no more, no less...men can lose two....bastards.....no offense...but my honey is doing the same thing....and has lost twice the weight in half the time.

I have metabolism and once I lose the rest of my weight...people will be able to see the toning of my muscles....

I've decided to make this a permanent thing, because we put in a flagstone patio this spring and I had to sit down every fifteen minutes. I thought I was dying.
That sounds really smart, and it is something i would try too except it would be impossible here. I would have to drive for 2 hours to get anywhere close to where a personal trainer would be.... i guess it is the price I have to pay for living in a small town


08-18-2005, 11:14 AM
To each their own. There are lots of things that will work. My entire family maintains good health and is very active. I get lazy and often enjoy cooking and subsequently eating more than working out. I was looking at some recent pictures and was disgusted at what I saw. I look 10 years older than I really am.

I took a drastic step in the right direction.

Everything in moderation. Burn more calories than you consume. Enjoy the change of life.

08-18-2005, 11:53 AM
Let me just say - whatever Raven is doing is working!

I've gained 10 pounds in the last few months - and I was already 40 pounds over what I know I should weigh so I am trying to cut down. Eating out is my killer though. And the fact that the only exercise I get is walking to the car........


My summer vactioning. (Look!! I still take less holidays that Bush!!) has been adding on the pounds , plus littke exercise when at home.

I tried Atkins a yeart or so ago , dropped 20lbs in a mth.

Gained it back real quick , and also read the fact that basically you are making your body act like you are diabetic.

I think it is really an unsafe and unsound diet from what I have read.

08-18-2005, 12:12 PM
I did Atklins for two months and a half months last year and lost 38 lbs as I was doing cardio work 6 times a week as well. Then I broke my elbow and my diet and exercisde got all shot to hell. Thinking about trying this new approach that is called Slow Carbs for Life. Not nearly as restrictive as Atkins and still effective. I'm also considering, believe it or not, trying Jenny Craig. :blush: One of the Packer players did it in the offseason here and loved it.

08-18-2005, 12:15 PM
Atkins isnt a diet, its a weight loss program. And a very efficient one.

But its certainly not a healthy diet.

I lost 15 pounds in the last year or so, I dont really know how that happened... Another ten and Ill almost be healthy ;)

08-18-2005, 12:57 PM
Anyone here actively and agressively trying to lose weight?

I'm down 12 lbs in 10 days. I am currently doing Atkins, I don't plan on doing Atkins long-term, but I have to say that I'm amazed at how well it works when you're trying to get back up on the horse.

this is a point that has always annoyed me and that no one seems to understand. the initial dramatic weight loss is not fat. losing weight and losing fat should never be confused.

a significant amount of dehydration occurs in the first 2 weeks and it will be 50% or more of total weight loss.

your muscles store glycogen with water together.

stop eating carbs... you then deplete glycogen stores... stored water gets pissed out... body weight drops really fast.

then of course... start eating carbs again.. the opposite occurs. you can gain 10-20 pounds in a few days (depending on your own body composition/muscle mass) which is also not fat.

08-18-2005, 02:03 PM
I've heard good things about the Lindora diet from a few people I know that are on it. If anybody's interested in checking it out... http://www.lindora.com/ :)

08-18-2005, 02:34 PM
I've heard good things about the Lindora diet from a few people I know that are on it. If anybody's interested in checking it out... http://www.lindora.com/ :)
checking it out now thanks :)


08-18-2005, 02:54 PM
I've simply stopped drinking surgared sodas, switched to sweet n low in my coffee and cut out white bread in place of whole grain bread and I take a one mile walk every night plus do 30 minutes on the ab-lounger every day and have lost 15 pounds in the last two months, including a full notch on my belt and I feel better than I've felt in years. When the weather here starts cooling down, I plan on increasing my one mile walk to twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Simple, old fashioned, eating better and getting exercise is working well for me...

08-18-2005, 03:00 PM
I've simply stopped drinking surgared sodas, switched to sweet n low in my coffee and cut out white bread in place of whole grain bread and I take a one mile walk every night plus do 30 minutes on the ab-lounger every day and have lost 15 pounds in the last two months, including a full notch on my belt and I feel better than I've felt in years. When the weather here starts cooling down, I plan on increasing my one mile walk to twice per day, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Simple, old fashioned, eating better and getting exercise is working well for me...

Tha'ts exactly what you need.

Limit the caloric intake, increase the expenditure.


Eat less, workout more.

08-18-2005, 03:07 PM
Speaking as a diabetic, I'm with Anthony, Sykkboy and JR on this one.

08-18-2005, 03:10 PM
Speaking of gradual weight loss, I started improving what I ate about 18 months ago. Just more variety, more seafood, a lot more fresh vegetables. Still eating the red meat, the pastas and such. But less often. Lost 10 pounds over the course of a year. Then it stopped.

I know I have to do some exercise (the only I do now is walking, and it's either feast or famine -- seems I'm either sitting at the computer all the time or somehow going on marathon walks, don't ask me why.) I felt best at 180-185 lbs and a 34-36 waist. But the last time I was that was about 15 years ago. Got up to 212, now hovering around 200.

I really have to lose that 15 or 20 more pounds though. And get myself toned again. And quit smoking. Grrr. Ok, one thing at a time. I'm sure if I get exercising, I'll probably get out of breath more often and stop smoking. My problem is -- like others -- actually DOING it instead of talking about it.

The other problem is -- and I welcome any tips or recommendations on this one -- is when I actually get going, I REALLY get going!! Too much!

What's scuttled all of my past attempts has been that. It's like hitting the gas pedal and the brake at the same time then taking the foot off the gas (for all you ex-street racers out there, you know what I mean!) The momentum to actually get off my ass builds and builds and wham I got at it too much, too fast and have always ended up hurting myself at the start of every time I finally got off my butt and exercised.

I just don't know how to get the impetus to do it, and then when ready do it nice and slow and carefully. Now that I'm even older and more out of shape (eesh!) I'm even MORE concerned about hurting myself good by doing too much too fast. Thoughts?

08-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Thanks, Peaches....I gave up sugar years ago, so that wasn't so much the problem. But, when a formerly active and fairly petite girl gains as much weight as I did....and then can't breathe....it became a life and death thing for me..or it did in my own head.

As it's been explained to me..just weight loss doesn't distinguish between the loss of fat and protein and carbs..it's indiscriminatory...so working out...or weight resistance training tones my muscles as the nutrition plan and cardio allow me to lose that one lousy pound a week....I still have a ways to go.....but, in all reality, I could go for a long brisk walk which doesn't require a gym...I could go out and buy a set of free weights...even doing them wrong will do something.....I could buy a treadmill....

Money is what has resonance for me...which is why I chose to go this route..and, as Steve says...everyone makes their choices. I have tried dieting.....including Atkins..and, yes, it takes the weight off and rather quickly.. But, I want a metabolism..so that when I go to Internext, I gain one pound..instead of ten....and then lose it within a few days. Gotta love metabolism....

08-18-2005, 03:14 PM
Thanks, Peaches....I gave up sugar years ago, so that wasn't so much the problem. But, when a formerly active and fairly petite girl gains as much weight as I did....and then can't breathe....it became a life and death thing for me..or it did in my own head.

As it's been explained to me..just weight loss doesn't distinguish between the loss of fat and protein and carbs..it's indiscriminatory...so working out...or weight resistance training tones my muscles as the nutrition plan and cardio allow me to lose that one lousy pound a week....I still have a ways to go.....but, in all reality, I could go for a long brisk walk which doesn't require a gym...I could go out and buy a set of free weights...even doing them wrong will do something.....I could buy a treadmill....

Money is what has resonance for me...which is why I chose to go this route..and, as Steve says...everyone makes their choices. I have tried dieting.....including Atkins..and, yes, it takes the weight off and rather quickly.. But, I want a metabolism..so that when I go to Internext, I gain one pound..instead of ten....and then lose it within a few days. Gotta love metabolism....

Whatever you been doing its had an impact in a month!

08-18-2005, 03:19 PM
Whatever you been doing its had an impact in a month!Guess it's going to be the Svelte Fucking Nobodies meeting at the salad bar soon! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif


08-18-2005, 03:23 PM
I've heard good things about the Lindora diet from a few people I know that are on it. If anybody's interested in checking it out... http://www.lindora.com/ :)

It's the diet that I am on doof, why didn't you mention that?

If you order anything from them, order the book Lean For Life.

Lindora is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change.. After you've lost all the weight you want you start a maintenance plan to keep healthy and keep it off, for life!

The Other Steve
08-18-2005, 03:26 PM

My summer vactioning. (Look!! I still take less holidays that Bush!!) has been adding on the pounds , plus littke exercise when at home.

I tried Atkins a yeart or so ago , dropped 20lbs in a mth.

Gained it back real quick , and also read the fact that basically you are making your body act like you are diabetic.

I think it is really an unsafe and unsound diet from what I have read.

Unfortunately all diets place some strain on your body - some more so than others. When you lose weight fast it can throw the way your body functions way out of balance and some organs can evenb begin to fail.

For example, if you were ever likely to have problems with your thyroid sudden weight loss will bring them on very quickly. If you already do have thyroid problems sudden weight loss will make it much much worse.

So if you're dieting keep in tune with your body because it will tell you if it isn't feeling happy and if you notice any unusual signs go see a doctor.

08-18-2005, 03:27 PM
I was on Atkins a few years ago, lost about 20lbs, but found it hard to stay on it. Since then I have gained all of it back, plus interest :rolleyes:

08-18-2005, 03:41 PM
I've also cut out my late night snacking and if we order a pizza, instead of grabbing 4-5 slices like I used to, I take 2 slices and drink a lot of water with it.

Drav, I still eat red meat and pastas too, but have become more selective with my sauces (and the amount of sauce) and I eat a lot of fresh veggies with the red meat. I also eat those Lean Cuisine meals and they seem to be large enough to fill me up and all of that along with the exercise is really helping.

I'm even joining a co-ed softball league with some friends this fall.

08-18-2005, 03:53 PM
In a month, Gonzo? ROFL...this is my fifth month of torture.....But, hey, I AM Raven.
Damn, that night was funny...

08-18-2005, 03:55 PM
On my diet, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want. You can eat a whole strawberry cheesecake at 3 a.m. and all that happens is you get fat!

08-18-2005, 04:16 PM
On my diet, you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want. You can eat a whole strawberry cheesecake at 3 a.m. and all that happens is you get fat!
We share something in common ;)

08-18-2005, 04:28 PM
You must fight nature when it comes to losing weight.

Our bodies are designed for feast or famine. Cavemen went for long times not eating. Think about that for a second.

When there's food, your body wants to store it in fat. When it loses that fat due to some fad diet (Starvation/famine), your body remembers, and now wants to make sure that it is prepared for the next famine, so it stores even more fat.

Do it smart, lower your intake, increase your expenditure.

Colin is a good person to get insight on this.

08-18-2005, 04:33 PM
Less intake, no fast food or alcohol .. ab crunches, cardio vascular, weights all around, stretching, punchbag each day with some slow release whey smoothies with either pineapple or a banana ..

08-18-2005, 04:49 PM
It's the diet that I am on doof, why didn't you mention that?

If you order anything from them, order the book Lean For Life.

Lindora is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change.. After you've lost all the weight you want you start a maintenance plan to keep healthy and keep it off, for life!

Because you haven't officially really started it, I mean, to a "T"...

But, since we know someone that did and you've talked to others that have said good things about them and it seems to have worked for them, I mentioned them.

08-18-2005, 08:23 PM
You must fight nature when it comes to losing weight.

Our bodies are designed for feast or famine. Cavemen went for long times not eating. Think about that for a second.

When there's food, your body wants to store it in fat. When it loses that fat due to some fad diet (Starvation/famine), your body remembers, and now wants to make sure that it is prepared for the next famine, so it stores even more fat.

Do it smart, lower your intake, increase your expenditure.

Colin is a good person to get insight on this.

Been there, done that....starved myself thinner and gained it all back. Done with that. Now I eat six times a day....work out, let a trainer beat on me three times a week, cardio four times a week....and four months later...even I can see the difference. It's slow; but, it took me seven years to get out of shape. I figure a year is worth it.

08-18-2005, 08:39 PM
Less intake, no fast food or alcohol .. ab crunches, cardio vascular, weights all around, stretching, punchbag each day with some slow release whey smoothies with either pineapple or a banana ..No alcohol?! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/eek.gif

Oh screw that, I'll just rent a forklift some day!! http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/drink.gif

08-18-2005, 09:29 PM
Try meth...

08-18-2005, 09:51 PM
Try meth...

Jenny Crank? :lol:

08-18-2005, 10:01 PM
I got an aggressive weight loss story for ya, but it's a helluva step...

In 1999, I stood 6'4" tall and weighed 365. Tried, tried and then tried again, and could never get rid of it. I finally broke down and got the gastric bypass. Dropped 160 lbs in 17 months. Today, I stand 6'4" and weigh 190, and that weight has been the same for years.

I eat whatever I want, whenever I want...and that is usually two teaspoons full, 10 or 12 times a day.

Drastic, expensive, and at the end on the day, utterly worth it.

08-18-2005, 10:13 PM
I got an aggressive weight loss story for ya, but it's a helluva step...

In 1999, I stood 6'4" tall and weighed 365. Tried, tried and then tried again, and could never get rid of it. I finally broke down and got the gastric bypass. Dropped 160 lbs in 17 months. Today, I stand 6'4" and weigh 190, and that weight has been the same for years.

I eat whatever I want, whenever I want...and that is usually two teaspoons full, 10 or 12 times a day.

Drastic, expensive, and at the end on the day, utterly worth it.

yes this option is one i have considered and reconsidered over and over. I am approx 6 foot tall and weigh in excess of 450lbs... the reason for the estimate... try and find a scale that will weigh you when your that heavy... you seriously need a cattle scale and.... well those are a bit out of my price range.... would i benefit from GB cuttin? Yeah no doudt about it. But at about $20K for the cutting and another $30K for the plastic fixes later (the hanging roll of skin) it is so far out of my reach it's more like a fantasy like winning the lotto.... not to mention the fact that a lot of insurance companies wont cover the surgery because they view it as 'unnessesary'. But I dream of the day I could get GB and view it in my case as a real life saver.


08-18-2005, 10:20 PM
yes this option is one i have considered and reconsidered over and over. I am approx 6 foot tall and weigh in excess of 450lbs... the reason for the estimate... try and find a scale that will weigh you when your that heavy... you seriously need a cattle scale and.... well those are a bit out of my price range.... would i benefit from GB cuttin? Yeah no doudt about it. But at about $20K for the cutting and another $30K for the plastic fixes later (the hanging roll of skin) it is so far out of my reach it's more like a fantasy like winning the lotto.... not to mention the fact that a lot of insurance companies wont cover the surgery because they view it as 'unnessesary'. But I dream of the day I could get GB and view it in my case as a real life saver.


I'm still dealing with the skin, however, insurance covered the GB...Anyone 100lbs or more overweight is now undeniably covered by insurance. Taking any shitty day job with benefits makes it worthwhile. Just don't come back after you get cut. You simply cannot believe the difference in how you feel and live with all that weight gone.

08-18-2005, 10:24 PM
And the skin thing? Two points on this.

1. Everyone you know and everyone you will meet in the future will be so amazed by how skinny you have gotten, the skin is not an issue to anyone but yourself.

2. Medical tourisim in Thailand. The $30k is reduced to about $6k in Bangkok, at a hospital that is recognized as one of the best in the world...I'm shooting for March on that.

08-18-2005, 10:27 PM
And the skin thing? Two points on this.

1. Everyone you know and everyone you will meet in the future will be so amazed by how skinny you have gotten, the skin is not an issue to anyone but yourself.

2. Medical tourisim in Thailand. The $30k is reduced to about $6k in Bangkok, at a hospital that is recognized as one of the best in the world...I'm shooting for March on that.
Bumrungrad is awesome. I used to live on Sukhumvit. Been to that hospital a few times. Many of my friends from Eastern Russia have flown there for various surgeries as well. Cheap. Amazingly professional and high tech.

08-18-2005, 10:38 PM
Bumrungrad is awesome. I used to live on Sukhumvit. Been to that hospital a few times. Many of my friends from Eastern Russia have flown there for various surgeries as well. Cheap. Amazingly professional and high tech.

Exactly where I'm going! Gonna get a room at the Nana hotel for 3 days, do unspeakable thing with the gogo girls, then get cut and stay at the Bumrungrad serviced apartments till they decide it dosen't hurt bad enough to fly for 23 hours back here.

08-18-2005, 11:12 PM
yes this option is one i have considered and reconsidered over and over. I am approx 6 foot tall and weigh in excess of 450lbs... the reason for the estimate... try and find a scale that will weigh you when your that heavy... you seriously need a cattle scale and.... well those are a bit out of my price range.... would i benefit from GB cuttin? Yeah no doudt about it. But at about $20K for the cutting and another $30K for the plastic fixes later (the hanging roll of skin) it is so far out of my reach it's more like a fantasy like winning the lotto.... not to mention the fact that a lot of insurance companies wont cover the surgery because they view it as 'unnessesary'. But I dream of the day I could get GB and view it in my case as a real life saver.

Dude - go get a complete medical exam and contact this guy:

You're on a b-line to very serious probs. That guy is a training/diet guru. He trains/consults with everyone from competitive bodybuilders to the average joe. Explain your situation and he'll set you up on a program for you that you can handle to start.

Skin will shrink unless your like 90...plus there are things you can do/drink to help shrink the skin gradually (natural lemon juice tightens the skin). That should be the least of your worries in all honesty tho.

08-19-2005, 03:48 AM
Speaking of gradual weight loss, I started improving what I ate about 18 months ago. Just more variety, more seafood, a lot more fresh vegetables. Still eating the red meat, the pastas and such. But less often. Lost 10 pounds over the course of a year. Then it stopped.

I know I have to do some exercise (the only I do now is walking, and it's either feast or famine -- seems I'm either sitting at the computer all the time or somehow going on marathon walks, don't ask me why.) I felt best at 180-185 lbs and a 34-36 waist. But the last time I was that was about 15 years ago. Got up to 212, now hovering around 200.

I really have to lose that 15 or 20 more pounds though. And get myself toned again. And quit smoking. Grrr. Ok, one thing at a time. I'm sure if I get exercising, I'll probably get out of breath more often and stop smoking. My problem is -- like others -- actually DOING it instead of talking about it.

The other problem is -- and I welcome any tips or recommendations on this one -- is when I actually get going, I REALLY get going!! Too much!

What's scuttled all of my past attempts has been that. It's like hitting the gas pedal and the brake at the same time then taking the foot off the gas (for all you ex-street racers out there, you know what I mean!) The momentum to actually get off my ass builds and builds and wham I got at it too much, too fast and have always ended up hurting myself at the start of every time I finally got off my butt and exercised.

I just don't know how to get the impetus to do it, and then when ready do it nice and slow and carefully. Now that I'm even older and more out of shape (eesh!) I'm even MORE concerned about hurting myself good by doing too much too fast. Thoughts?

down 124 lbs and counting....

08-19-2005, 04:15 AM
Speaking of gradual weight loss, I started improving what I ate about 18 months ago. Just more variety, more seafood, a lot more fresh vegetables. Still eating the red meat, the pastas and such. But less often. Lost 10 pounds over the course of a year. Then it stopped.

I know I have to do some exercise (the only I do now is walking, and it's either feast or famine -- seems I'm either sitting at the computer all the time or somehow going on marathon walks, don't ask me why.) I felt best at 180-185 lbs and a 34-36 waist. But the last time I was that was about 15 years ago. Got up to 212, now hovering around 200.

I really have to lose that 15 or 20 more pounds though. And get myself toned again. And quit smoking. Grrr. Ok, one thing at a time. I'm sure if I get exercising, I'll probably get out of breath more often and stop smoking. My problem is -- like others -- actually DOING it instead of talking about it.

The other problem is -- and I welcome any tips or recommendations on this one -- is when I actually get going, I REALLY get going!! Too much!

What's scuttled all of my past attempts has been that. It's like hitting the gas pedal and the brake at the same time then taking the foot off the gas (for all you ex-street racers out there, you know what I mean!) The momentum to actually get off my ass builds and builds and wham I got at it too much, too fast and have always ended up hurting myself at the start of every time I finally got off my butt and exercised.

I just don't know how to get the impetus to do it, and then when ready do it nice and slow and carefully. Now that I'm even older and more out of shape (eesh!) I'm even MORE concerned about hurting myself good by doing too much too fast. Thoughts?

I know what you mean. When I end a relationship I always have to lose the 20-30lbs I put on, and when I start it off I'm so pumped I keep going, but after being idle for so long, even with plenty of stretching, you'll be all cramped up for like 5-7 days. You are just so pumped to start getting results.

You gotta write down what and how much you are going to do before you exercise when just getting back into it. And when you get back into it, keep going, find some motivation. My only motivation is women, I don't really care what I look like. I'm starting to get back into the gym, but very slowly...still fucking my ex girlfriend. I'm at my fattest ever at 202. My thinnest as an adult was when I was single 2 years ago, 153 at 6' 3". We should start an exercise support forum on oprano, this biz makes everyone get outa shape at some point or another.

08-19-2005, 02:43 PM
this is a point that has always annoyed me and that no one seems to understand. the initial dramatic weight loss is not fat. losing weight and losing fat should never be confused.

a significant amount of dehydration occurs in the first 2 weeks and it will be 50% or more of total weight loss.

your muscles store glycogen with water together.

stop eating carbs... you then deplete glycogen stores... stored water gets pissed out... body weight drops really fast.

then of course... start eating carbs again.. the opposite occurs. you can gain 10-20 pounds in a few days (depending on your own body composition/muscle mass) which is also not fat.

Actually, you're not 100% right and you're not 100% wrong. I'm not a nutritionist, a personal trainer or a guru of fitness, or pysiology. However, I'd agree with you if I wasn't monitoring body fat. I'm working out too and you know what? If I'm retaining that much extra water, I'm glad to have it gone.

Sorry to annoy you. 15lbs is 15lbs and it's a great start. I'll be doing Atkins for another 5 days and then I'll be moving to a sensible meal plan again.

08-19-2005, 02:45 PM
By the way I'll be heading out tonight to get some new pants and a new belt Both of which aren't workign now that I'm down an entire pants size since Internext.

08-19-2005, 05:40 PM
By the way I'll be heading out tonight to get some new pants and a new belt Both of which aren't workign now that I'm down an entire pants size since Internext.

I'm proud that people are talking so openly and frankly on this subject. I've always had little will power to food.

I'm working my way down quickly to get those initial easy pounds off. I'm running, biking, swimming, and doing weights on alternating days.

My entire family is fitness conscious, I'm the odd man out. I have a brother that's been a trainer for the Giants, another brother that's a triathlete, a senior citizen father who's in better shape than most people that I know.

Fitness is a very important thing but getting that initial weight off is a key part of finding and continuing motivation.

08-19-2005, 07:08 PM
Fitness is a very important thing.
Why is it?

I had an uncle, 35 he was - ran, swam, biked and did all sorts. He still died at 35 of a heart attack!

Before you ask he'd been in to fitness since school and he's the only one from my mothers side ever to die of a heart attack.

Answer me that.

08-19-2005, 08:24 PM
Why is it?

I had an uncle, 35 he was - ran, swam, biked and did all sorts. He still died at 35 of a heart attack!

Before you ask he'd been in to fitness since school and he's the only one from my mothers side ever to die of a heart attack.

Answer me that.

all you know is that he died of a heart attack. there was a reason for it. heart attacks don't happen to 35 year olds without reason.

and that still does not mean that being healthier isn't healthier ;)

08-19-2005, 08:37 PM
Actually, you're not 100% right and you're not 100% wrong. I'm not a nutritionist, a personal trainer or a guru of fitness, or pysiology. However, I'd agree with you if I wasn't monitoring body fat. I'm working out too and you know what? If I'm retaining that much extra water, I'm glad to have it gone.

Sorry to annoy you. 15lbs is 15lbs and it's a great start. I'll be doing Atkins for another 5 days and then I'll be moving to a sensible meal plan again.

1) i am not wrong.

2) i am not annoyed. if you need to believe what you believe to keep going thats great. but a poor understanding of what you are doing will be hurtful in the long run when weight loss slows/stops and like most, you will get depressed and feel a sense of hopelessness the first time you eat some sugar and gain 10 pounds and think you gained fat, not realizing that it is water. water that your body would be holding anyway under normal conditions.

3) 15 pounds of water is still 15 pounds of water. the goal is to lose fat. there is no point to dehydrating yourself and calling it weight loss when you will gain it all back by simply drinking fluids. the net fat loss will still be zero in the end.

read up a little on ketogenic diets. there is better information available losing weight by inducing ketosis in body building articles about CKD's (cyclical ketogenic diets) and TKD's (targeted ketogenic diets) than about atkins. if you really want to understand the mechanics of ketosis, read "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald - which is as of to date, the most comprehensive source of information on the matter. atkins and others do not talk much about the physiology involved simply because there are few studies on ketogenic diets and most of what is known comes from studies in using these diets to control epilepsy in children.

i would love to debate the issue all day, but i fear it would fall on deaf ears. i have read the books. read the studies, and i spend 5 days a week in the gym and consider myself fairly well informed on the subject.

4) losing 12 pounds of fat only in 10 days would require a caloric deficit of over 3600 calories per day which is not likely. right now i eat 2200-2500 cals a day at 5'10" and 240 pounds and my BMR is around 2200. that would mean i would have to eat zero and then run for an hour and a half every day to achieve that. if you know anything about basic physiology and exercise science, you would know that you cannot lose fat that fast without losing significant muscle mass as well. your heart is also a muscle. most who do achieve this level weight loss (unless they are morbidly obese) cause significant damage to their heart. thats why it is always recommended that safe weight loss should be around 1-2 pounds per week.

08-20-2005, 06:43 AM
all you know is that he died of a heart attack. there was a reason for it. heart attacks don't happen to 35 year olds without reason.

and that still does not mean that being healthier isn't healthier ;)
It also doesn't mean being healthier is going to make you live longer either :)

08-20-2005, 07:57 AM
Lost about 50 lbs a year ago by going ultra low fat for 4 months and giving up Pepsi.

Weight has not really gone up, but is shifting around, need to get exercise now, so going out to buy a bike today and going to start riding, live in a great neighborhood for it, could go for miles with all kinds of terrain and not have to deal with traffic.

I do however refuse to become one of the Lance Armstrong wannabes on the road around here, main roads clogging traffic, piss me off.

I really think that weight loss that works varies a lot from person to person - so many people swear by Atkins, and avoid carbs, I lost my weight eating pasta 3 days a week, go figure.

Aly is the amazing one over here, gave up smoiking in Feb and never had a single slip, started working out at the beginning of summer and is doing a strong hour of cardio 3 days a week, and different workouts the other 4.

08-20-2005, 09:36 AM
Jeff, you and Aly both look mahvelous! You've taken it off and kept it off - quite a feat! :)

08-20-2005, 12:20 PM
1) i am not wrong.

2) i am not annoyed. if you need to believe what you believe to keep going thats great. but a poor understanding of what you are doing will be hurtful in the long run when weight loss slows/stops and like most, you will get depressed and feel a sense of hopelessness the first time you eat some sugar and gain 10 pounds and think you gained fat, not realizing that it is water. water that your body would be holding anyway under normal conditions.

3) 15 pounds of water is still 15 pounds of water. the goal is to lose fat. there is no point to dehydrating yourself and calling it weight loss when you will gain it all back by simply drinking fluids. the net fat loss will still be zero in the end.

read up a little on ketogenic diets. there is better information available losing weight by inducing ketosis in body building articles about CKD's (cyclical ketogenic diets) and TKD's (targeted ketogenic diets) than about atkins. if you really want to understand the mechanics of ketosis, read "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald - which is as of to date, the most comprehensive source of information on the matter. atkins and others do not talk much about the physiology involved simply because there are few studies on ketogenic diets and most of what is known comes from studies in using these diets to control epilepsy in children.

i would love to debate the issue all day, but i fear it would fall on deaf ears. i have read the books. read the studies, and i spend 5 days a week in the gym and consider myself fairly well informed on the subject.

4) losing 12 pounds of fat only in 10 days would require a caloric deficit of over 3600 calories per day which is not likely. right now i eat 2200-2500 cals a day at 5'10" and 240 pounds and my BMR is around 2200. that would mean i would have to eat zero and then run for an hour and a half every day to achieve that. if you know anything about basic physiology and exercise science, you would know that you cannot lose fat that fast without losing significant muscle mass as well. your heart is also a muscle. most who do achieve this level weight loss (unless they are morbidly obese) cause significant damage to their heart. thats why it is always recommended that safe weight loss should be around 1-2 pounds per week.

Even with a medical background, I fought it...when I first started. If I hadn't started crying, I do believe my trainer was going to kick me out, even though I was paying him. I was that difficult.

I wanted to lose the initial weight fast..I was a great believer in modified Atkins....low to no carbs, since I felt that was the cause of all my problems...which it wasn't...

I wanted to tone muscle and improve my metabolism and I simply could not wrap myself around the reasoning for losing the weight gradually.....and I do mean gradually.....one pound a week when I've got fifty to lose....is slooooooooooow.....what I didn't realise is I would be losing body fat....and toning muscle, which tightens and strengthens....

One of the biggest side benefits I received....was no more occupational hazard pain......I had sciatica....from an old back injury and sitting wrong in my chair for hours on end...mouse shoulder, all right sided pain..and constant. Other than the muscle soreness...there was a day when I realised I was not in pain anymore. I can do chin ups now, with my right arm pulling my still not thin body up over the bar and my shoulder is no longer screaming at me. I can do unstable exercises and there is no more high pitched electric nerve pain shooting down my leg....if nothing else, this makes me do the Snoopy dance....which I can now do.

The one pound a week...well.....it's tough for me as I travel so much...and yes, I drink....some of you have seen me at shows. I am never without my vodka/tonic/lime or cosmo....and that's just the facts of life...but when I am home...every time I look at that boring nutritional plan, I just keep thinking size six...size six....muscles, tone.....buff.....pain free.

08-20-2005, 04:16 PM
1) i am not wrong.

2) i am not annoyed. if you need to believe what you believe to keep going thats great. but a poor understanding of what you are doing will be hurtful in the long run when weight loss slows/stops and like most, you will get depressed and feel a sense of hopelessness the first time you eat some sugar and gain 10 pounds and think you gained fat, not realizing that it is water. water that your body would be holding anyway under normal conditions.

3) 15 pounds of water is still 15 pounds of water. the goal is to lose fat. there is no point to dehydrating yourself and calling it weight loss when you will gain it all back by simply drinking fluids. the net fat loss will still be zero in the end.

read up a little on ketogenic diets. there is better information available losing weight by inducing ketosis in body building articles about CKD's (cyclical ketogenic diets) and TKD's (targeted ketogenic diets) than about atkins. if you really want to understand the mechanics of ketosis, read "The Ketogenic Diet" by Lyle McDonald - which is as of to date, the most comprehensive source of information on the matter. atkins and others do not talk much about the physiology involved simply because there are few studies on ketogenic diets and most of what is known comes from studies in using these diets to control epilepsy in children.

i would love to debate the issue all day, but i fear it would fall on deaf ears. i have read the books. read the studies, and i spend 5 days a week in the gym and consider myself fairly well informed on the subject.

4) losing 12 pounds of fat only in 10 days would require a caloric deficit of over 3600 calories per day which is not likely. right now i eat 2200-2500 cals a day at 5'10" and 240 pounds and my BMR is around 2200. that would mean i would have to eat zero and then run for an hour and a half every day to achieve that. if you know anything about basic physiology and exercise science, you would know that you cannot lose fat that fast without losing significant muscle mass as well. your heart is also a muscle. most who do achieve this level weight loss (unless they are morbidly obese) cause significant damage to their heart. thats why it is always recommended that safe weight loss should be around 1-2 pounds per week.

5' 10" and 240lbs! Holy shit bro! You are getting Diesel!

I'm trying to lose weight, but at the moment, the growth is actually making me bigger, rather smaller. I gained 6lbs in almost 2 weeks. I'm tipping the scales at 274lbs, and people are asking me if I'm losing weight!

No change in diet, still have one cheat meal or two a week, caloric intake is around 3600, in gym 4 to 5 times a week, no cardio. Just had blood pressure and heartbeat at rest taken this morning by a Nurse. 120/82 and 72 bpm.

I'm going to start BJJ back up after the first weekend and Vegas. It's going to be interesting to see how fast I drop weight. As that's an hour and half straight grappling.

08-20-2005, 04:18 PM
...but when I am home...every time I look at that boring nutritional plan, I just keep thinking size six...size six....muscles, tone.....buff.....pain free.

Me too! Except mine is... Penis grows a half inch for every 20lbs I lose... Lose weight... get hung...impress the ladies...


08-20-2005, 05:05 PM
Me too! Except mine is... Penis grows a half inch for every 20lbs I lose... Lose weight... get hung...impress the ladies...


So, just for the sake of the math here, how many twenty pounds are you going to lose, so I can calculate how many half inches you're gonna grow so I'll know how impressed the ladies will be?

08-20-2005, 05:13 PM
Me too! Except mine is... Penis grows a half inch for every 20lbs I lose... Lose weight... get hung...impress the ladies...


If you slimmed down to nothing , you'd be an enormous 14 inch cock...

08-20-2005, 11:17 PM
5' 10" and 240lbs! Holy shit bro! You are getting Diesel!

I'm trying to lose weight, but at the moment, the growth is actually making me bigger, rather smaller. I gained 6lbs in almost 2 weeks. I'm tipping the scales at 274lbs, and people are asking me if I'm losing weight!

No change in diet, still have one cheat meal or two a week, caloric intake is around 3600, in gym 4 to 5 times a week, no cardio. Just had blood pressure and heartbeat at rest taken this morning by a Nurse. 120/82 and 72 bpm.

I'm going to start BJJ back up after the first weekend and Vegas. It's going to be interesting to see how fast I drop weight. As that's an hour and half straight grappling.

jesus. 274. haha... thats a lot of Philippino lovin you are carrying around. :) i hope to get up to around 260 by the end of the year. i am 240, but my BF is still around 18-20%. i just took a few weeks off, went down to San Diego/LA and I need to go to Europe on Mon for a few days and after that i am going to come back and jump back into it full swing.

I want to get up to 260 by the end of the year. we'll see. i originally just wanted to get some of my size back and get a little bigger but find myself increasingly hooked on the idea of getting bigger and bigger. as i am sure you know, there is just something deeply satisfying about waking up and being the strongest you have ever been in your life and knowing you will be even stronger the next day... and at the same time, there is something terribly depressing about being weaker and losing what you built should you start slacking.

this time, i will make some videos of my progress with my friend as we train for the next 4 months. this time we are just going to do nothing but squats, dead lifts and bench twice a week (maybe arms/shoulders once a week). my buddy gained over 20 pounds in 6 months without any drugs or supplements doing this, so the next go around we will hit the same routine together. i can already deadlift 500 straight legged for 4-5 reps. kinda curious to see how far i can go.

08-20-2005, 11:53 PM
jesus. 274. haha... thats a lot of Philippino lovin you are carrying around. :) i hope to get up to around 260 by the end of the year. i am 240, but my BF is still around 18-20%. i just took a few weeks off, went down to San Diego/LA and I need to go to Europe on Mon for a few days and after that i am going to come back and jump back into it full swing.

I want to get up to 260 by the end of the year. we'll see. i originally just wanted to get some of my size back and get a little bigger but find myself increasingly hooked on the idea of getting bigger and bigger. as i am sure you know, there is just something deeply satisfying about waking up and being the strongest you have ever been in your life and knowing you will be even stronger the next day... and at the same time, there is something terribly depressing about being weaker and losing what you built should you start slacking.

this time, i will make some videos of my progress with my friend as we train for the next 4 months. this time we are just going to do nothing but squats, dead lifts and bench twice a week (maybe arms/shoulders once a week). my buddy gained over 20 pounds in 6 months without any drugs or supplements doing this, so the next go around we will hit the same routine together. i can already deadlift 500 straight legged for 4-5 reps. kinda curious to see how far i can go.

Is your buddy the guy I met?

08-21-2005, 12:29 AM
Is your buddy the guy I met?

that was my cousin. if you saw him right now, you would not recognize him. he has trimmed down and he is still over 230 pounds. he is a lot bigger and trimmer. i tried to get him to take off his jacket at your house so you could see his arms, but he was just self conscious about how fat he got in the 4-6 mo's prior. i have never seen arms that big on a kid that is only 20. right now, he is getting ready to compete, so he looks like a completely different person. he has been a great source of motivation for me.

08-21-2005, 12:42 AM
that was my cousin. if you saw him right now, you would not recognize him. he has trimmed down and he is still over 230 pounds. he is a lot bigger and trimmer. i tried to get him to take off his jacket at your house so you could see his arms, but he was just self conscious about how fat he got in the 4-6 mo's prior. i have never seen arms that big on a kid that is only 20. right now, he is getting ready to compete, so he looks like a completely different person. he has been a great source of motivation for me.

I was actually struck by his manners , a nice guy. :)

BTW if you and your wife are coming up in Sept , let me know and we'll have dinner.


08-21-2005, 12:48 AM
If you slimmed down to nothing , you'd be an enormous 14 inch cock...

Nah, I got it ingrown 6 inches right now!

08-21-2005, 12:52 AM
Even with a medical background, I fought it...when I first started. If I hadn't started crying, I do believe my trainer was going to kick me out, even though I was paying him. I was that difficult.

I wanted to lose the initial weight fast..I was a great believer in modified Atkins....low to no carbs, since I felt that was the cause of all my problems...which it wasn't...

I wanted to tone muscle and improve my metabolism and I simply could not wrap myself around the reasoning for losing the weight gradually.....and I do mean gradually.....one pound a week when I've got fifty to lose....is slooooooooooow.....what I didn't realise is I would be losing body fat....and toning muscle, which tightens and strengthens....

One of the biggest side benefits I received....was no more occupational hazard pain......I had sciatica....from an old back injury and sitting wrong in my chair for hours on end...mouse shoulder, all right sided pain..and constant. Other than the muscle soreness...there was a day when I realised I was not in pain anymore. I can do chin ups now, with my right arm pulling my still not thin body up over the bar and my shoulder is no longer screaming at me. I can do unstable exercises and there is no more high pitched electric nerve pain shooting down my leg....if nothing else, this makes me do the Snoopy dance....which I can now do.

The one pound a week...well.....it's tough for me as I travel so much...and yes, I drink....some of you have seen me at shows. I am never without my vodka/tonic/lime or cosmo....and that's just the facts of life...but when I am home...every time I look at that boring nutritional plan, I just keep thinking size six...size six....muscles, tone.....buff.....pain free.

Youve done well. I wish I had the motivation and will power!

08-21-2005, 01:15 AM
I was actually struck by his manners , a nice guy. :)

BTW if you and your wife are coming up in Sept , let me know and we'll have dinner.


Yeah, we would love to head back up that way. It would be great to see you... I will let you know if we do. She is waiting for documents to travel. We definately wanted to check out Butchart Gardens before summer ends as well.

08-21-2005, 01:16 AM
Youve done well. I wish I had the motivation and will power!

Thanks.......I appreciate the words, my friend. It helps...as it has been an uphill battle all the way...but, for me..the motivation is that I'm paying this bastard torture prick to whip me into shape. I hate wasting money....LOL...well, that...and I thought I was dying. Two powerful motivations....

08-21-2005, 02:08 AM
Thanks.......I appreciate the words, my friend. It helps...as it has been an uphill battle all the way...but, for me..the motivation is that I'm paying this bastard torture prick to whip me into shape. I hate wasting money....LOL...well, that...and I thought I was dying. Two powerful motivations....

Keep after it. it looks as if its agreeing with you

08-21-2005, 10:15 AM
Superb that everyone is sticking their hands up and explaining what they are doing to cut down and improve their health .. kudos to you all :)

The weird thing i found is that after not training for some considerable time going back to the exercise regime 3 times a day, is that there is no pain. When you initially start on the cardiovascular the body takes a hit and your heart beats like a fucked clock to start of with which is to be expected, but the pain I was anticipating and welcoming for my lack of weight training didnt come at all? No pain or aches whatsoever and i can still tie a tie .. this is wholly fucked up .. I love that pain but started taking some slow release whey right after training before I went to bed and every morning wake up and no pain .. I do know that 58% of normal whey (all of it apart from this one) goes straight to the liver due to the body loving it and you lose the benefits, with only 42% benefitting the muscles .. i gotta say its unexpected, not experiencing the pain but it keeps me going three times a day ..

08-21-2005, 10:21 AM
Its taken me over a month to shed 7lbs.......... at this rate will be what i want in another 3 months.....keeping it off might not be so easy.

08-21-2005, 10:40 AM
Its taken me over a month to shed 7lbs.......... at this rate will be what i want in another 3 months.....keeping it off might not be so easy.
Then you are taking me on my food tour of Thailand and will put it all back on again ;)

08-21-2005, 10:46 AM
TOGM....when I'm having a lucky month, I lose four to six pounds a month.....men have it a little easier, as my trainer allows them to lose two pounds a week....so woo hoo..they can lose 8-10 pounds a month.
Keeping it off...well...once I get it all off..I'll let you know....that kind of is a no talk zone at the moment, since I'm no where near goal yet. I have no idea what's in store for what is known as maintenance.

Happy belated birthday, Newton.....no pain or soreness....yeah....I felt that way until Friday....when my torture man told me we were going to grow muscle.....previously, he had told me that girlies don't really have a lot of capacity to grow muscle...we can merely maintain and tone what we've got.....but we can grow a little and now I am finding out that it fucking HURTS! LOL Cause, it's Sunday and I am still sore.

08-21-2005, 11:14 AM
Thats good going TOGM and Raven .. takes awhile but its maintaining the focus, every day does get easier and the rush from the endorphines is superb ..

Thanks Raven but my birthday is later in the year as i am a scorpio :) icq keeps giving me numerous birthdays each month .. piece of shit it is ..

Keep going and the pain will wane as your body gets used to it .. well done

08-21-2005, 06:59 PM
Multiple birthdays.....and ICQ...who would have thought that ICQ could fuck up like that? :)

Bullshit on the soreness factor.....my torture man said I could grow a little muscle...to that end, I am still suffering from Friday's session. LOL.....but, as you've said, I've learned to appreciate...if not love..that soreness...damn..am I becoming a workout junkie?

My only fear is that I will lose my status as a fat fucking nobody. :(

08-21-2005, 07:17 PM
Multiple birthdays.....and ICQ...who would have thought that ICQ could fuck up like that? :)

Bullshit on the soreness factor.....my torture man said I could grow a little muscle...to that end, I am still suffering from Friday's session. LOL.....but, as you've said, I've learned to appreciate...if not love..that soreness...damn..am I becoming a workout junkie?

My only fear is that I will lose my status as a fat fucking nobody. :(

WHen you think your out.... we pull you back in!

08-21-2005, 07:28 PM
Raven, check out a whey protein called "Glycerlean" its slow absorbant whey into the body, which typically is straight after your training and will continue to do its job for 8 hours after. I am getting absolutely no pain using this stuff as I normally would and it will promote muscle growth. ChocoLATS is the best flavour .. Put it into a blender with a banana and some ice and its a great smoothie for after training ;) http://www.glycerlean.com/

08-21-2005, 07:48 PM
Raven, check out a whey protein called "Glycerlean" its slow absorbant whey into the body, which typically is straight after your training and will continue to do its job for 8 hours after. I am getting absolutely no pain using this stuff as I normally would and it will promote muscle growth. ChocoLATS is the best flavour .. Put it into a blender with a banana and some ice and its a great smoothie for after training ;) http://www.glycerlean.com/
I know one guy using it that says thank you for the tip :okthumb:


08-21-2005, 07:56 PM
Welcome mate ;)

08-21-2005, 08:01 PM
I guess that's a brewski the old man owes you ;) :okthumb:

08-21-2005, 08:17 PM
No mate i am buying you a pint in Vancouver ;) where you can get your quid too lol

08-21-2005, 08:17 PM
I must add that he's gone back to eating tripe with a splash of vinegar and a dash of pepper, is that good or bad?

As it tastes like shit :unsure:

08-21-2005, 08:18 PM
No mate i am buying you a pint in Vancouver ;) where you can get your quid too lol
The quid is a null point ;)

08-21-2005, 08:19 PM
bollocks .. a bet is a bet lol

08-21-2005, 08:20 PM
bollocks .. a bet is a bet lol
Ok, ok. So I'll pay you a quid for advice on the old guy eating tripe to put weight on :)