View Full Version : LMFAO...Thanx Serge :)

08-10-2005, 11:24 PM
Synopsis so you don't have to click over to the zoo if you don't want to.

Serge posts link to a contest on winetalk (I assume because the link has been edited)

RRRED edits out the link to be http://www.shame-on-you-serge-you-know-better.com

Serge gets a touch pissy with RRRED.

Erik gives Serge two strikes Serge personal attacks are a no no... Personal attacks on good people that work for GFY is a double no no... Consider yourself warned with 2 strikes. Lets play nice and not get a third.

Does Erik always talk to folks as if they're in kindergarten ? lolololol...

Too fucking funny

Just looked back and BS has joined in the thread.....

Hell, I was tired of working for the night anyway... Go get em Serge :yowsa:


08-10-2005, 11:55 PM
Synopsis so you don't have to click over to the zoo if you don't want to.

Serge posts link to a contest on winetalk (I assume because the link has been edited)

RRRED edits out the link to be http://www.shame-on-you-serge-you-know-better.com (http://www.shame-on-you-serge-you-know-better.com/)

Serge gets a touch pissy with RRRED.

Erik gives Serge two strikes

Does Erik always talk to folks as if they're in kindergarten ? lolololol...

Too fucking funny

Just looked back and BS has joined in the thread.....

Hell, I was tired of working for the night anyway... Go get em Serge :yowsa:


Serge doesnt play baseball I dont think.
Theres a lot more skullduggery going on over there than meets the eye!

08-10-2005, 11:58 PM
A storm in a D-cup.

08-11-2005, 12:00 AM
A storm in a D-cup.

They think they will fare better handling Serge than the sorry ass job they are doing with that cunt Confucy.

Apparently shes been saving pictures of Hooper...

08-11-2005, 12:03 AM
They think they will fare better handling Serge than the sorry ass job they are doing with that cunt Confucy.

Apparently shes been saving pictures of Hooper...
Funny thing is that they aren't all pictures of Hooper ;)

08-11-2005, 12:05 AM
Funny thing is that they aren't all pictures of Hooper ;)

When has the truth ever stopped her?

08-11-2005, 12:09 AM
Yeah I saw that stunt by confucy on JBM ( Fuck!!! I just admitted I read JBM somnetimes!! fuck!! ;-)) Didn't see it on GFY.

I think her behaviour a disgrace.

But then I'm the lone voice on Oprano over hoopers "spyware" anyway , if I was in a position to have done it back then I would have!! So I'm not gonna give him shit over it. LOL

I agree with hooper and the mods there.

The pics should be pulled , hell ,she should be banned.

She isn't part of this business.

I have posted pics of my kids. However I can see there is valid arguments for not doing so and I certainly wouldn't want pics of them posted by others.

Is Mitnick going to enforce his debt btw?

08-11-2005, 12:13 AM
Is Mitnick going to enforce his debt btw?

Ill ask him about it again when I speak with him over the weekend. Im still trying to get Darci to pose for a geek hacker porn site.

Honestly though.... whats he gonna get? A single wide out in Palm Springs California?

08-11-2005, 12:15 AM
Ill ask him about it again when I speak with him over the weekend. Im still trying to get Darci to pose for a geek hacker porn site.

Honestly though.... whats he gonna get? A single wide out in Palm Springs California?

Her , off all of our backs...

08-11-2005, 12:16 AM
But then I'm the lone voice on Oprano over hoopers "spyware" anyway , if I was in a position to have done it back then I would have!! So I'm not gonna give him shit over it. LOL
You're not the lone voice :) I would have done it too, but I've yet to think of anything clever in 43 years ;)

08-11-2005, 12:22 AM
Just took a look at that thread, the bitch is off her meds again :blink:

08-11-2005, 12:44 AM
Is Spannow a mod at GFY ?

He (or someone) edited the post I made in Serge's thread. I had linked to a thread from this afternoon where someone had spammed a url for a board that was paying for posts and asked why take down Serge's when they're gonna leave crap like that up. Whoever edited it put a nice dopey comment of ""Oops! I accidentally linked to an old thread that linked to another board - am i dumb or what?!" in place of the link to the thread.

My issues are two fold.

1. It wasn't an old thread.
2. They left the freaking link in the thread I had posted to.

So, apparently they would rather try to make me look stupid rather than go edit the other thread.

Fuckwads. There are reasons I don't post over ther very often.


08-11-2005, 04:18 AM
Is Spannow a mod at GFY ?

He (or someone) edited the post I made in Serge's thread. I had linked to a thread from this afternoon where someone had spammed a url for a board that was paying for posts and asked why take down Serge's when they're gonna leave crap like that up. Whoever edited it put a nice dopey comment of ""Oops! I accidentally linked to an old thread that linked to another board - am i dumb or what?!" in place of the link to the thread.

My issues are two fold.

1. It wasn't an old thread.
2. They left the freaking link in the thread I had posted to.

So, apparently they would rather try to make me look stupid rather than go edit the other thread.

Fuckwads. There are reasons I don't post over ther very often.

Saw that too Sar... Honestly though; do you realize how many sequential ball-peen hammer wacks to the head it would require for you to appear as stupid as 95% of the GFY folks prove themselves to be on a daily basis?

08-11-2005, 04:27 AM
Poor RRRED....she is no longer RRRED, she drinks beer and should call herself YYYELLOW.

I wasn't get pissy with her, I was pissy with Ken for dumping her and driving poor woman to beer.

Who the fuck is SPANNOW? He came into the thread and sent me to 2 weeks vacation in DC, Boston and Maine, all paid by Lensman, I assume.
I'm glad I haven't cracked his head with 2x4 in Miami

08-11-2005, 09:21 AM
Saw that too Sar... Honestly though; do you realize how many sequential ball-peen hammer wacks to the head it would require for you to appear as stupid as 95% of the GFY folks prove themselves to be on a daily basis?

Well, I appreciate that, thanx :) I almost went back in last night, but then decided it just isn't worth it. No reason to let the assholes have the upper hand.

I haven't paid attention to spannow before, but from looking at him with Serge I guess he thinks mod powers makes him a big man or something.

08-11-2005, 09:29 AM

Being a board mod is like being the guy on the horse hearding the cats. Sure you see alot of pussy, but also alot of asses and it makes you bow-legged if you do it too long.

08-11-2005, 09:58 AM

Being a board mod is like being the guy on the horse hearding the cats. Sure you see alot of pussy, but also alot of asses and it makes you bow-legged if you do it too long.

That's quality :okthumb:

08-11-2005, 11:19 AM

That's quality :okthumb:

Love it, love it!! :okthumb:

Type it in, Trev, my darling crumpet! :D

08-11-2005, 12:48 PM
Confucy defending Serge in the outhouse

Now I've seen most everything

08-11-2005, 01:31 PM
all well what ends well,
I now have FREE vacation, compliments of GFY

I shit you not.

08-11-2005, 02:12 PM
Congrats on the vacation serge

08-11-2005, 05:38 PM
Spannow is a weasle, his mother must of left him for a lesbian lover too.

08-11-2005, 10:13 PM
Spannow is a weasle, his mother must of left him for a lesbian lover too.

"In school, you are given the lesson first. On the street, you're given the mistake first and then it's up to you to find the lesson, if you ever find it."
- Robert Kiyosaki

He will