View Full Version : Little Angel

08-09-2005, 04:36 PM
My little angel Daniel got me into so much trouble today after telling his dad he's a bastard. :o

I tried to get Trev to believe that he hadn't picked it up from me. :rolleyes:

I guess from now on when ever Trev tells me no I’m going to just have to bite my tongue and not call him a Bastard.

08-09-2005, 04:51 PM
Yeah babe, he's picking it up from CBeebies - ok sure :hmm:

08-09-2005, 04:52 PM

Oh, Toni! The memories! One of my daughters, at about two, was playing "Daddy goes to work." She put on his yellow sweater, picked up his lunch box, headed for the door...then stopped suddenly and announced "son of a bitch!" My husband and I gaped at each other then collapsed in laughter.

It was a little less than funny when the tiny tot sitting in the shopping cart in the grocery store exercised her new vocabulary within earshot of other shoppers. Luckily, they were all parents and I got a lot of sympathetic glances.

I remember coming home from elementary school and asking my mother what "fuck" meant. The blood drained out of her face and she gasped "where did you hear that word?" I hadn't heard it anywhere, I read it off the sidewalk. She told me it was a "swear word so bad even she didn't use it." Having heard my mother unload, I was quite impressed and began my quest to find out what it meant. The dictionary let me down, of course. Another kid finally told me, but couldn't handle the "yes, but what is the derivation?" question that was next. (That word I knew, the monosyllabic one was throwing me.) I think a teacher finally told me where it came from, using the "Forbidden Use of Carnal Knowledge" explanation.

I *think* it is the only word in the English language that has all the forms: noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

08-09-2005, 09:18 PM
my youngest, who just registered for kindergarten the other day loves the word "frickin" and "freaking" and it often sounds like he's saying "fucking"

we were registering him the other day and I asked if he wanted to go to McDonalds and he said "of course I fricking love McDonalds you fricking butthead" I really struggled to make it through the rest of the process so I could run outside and bust up laughing...the lady in the office wasn't as amused...

I'm sure it'll be an off the record topic at the next PTA/PTO meeting....and I'm up for re-election, so it could even get political...hahaha

08-10-2005, 04:45 AM

Oh, Toni! The memories! One of my daughters, at about two, was playing "Daddy goes to work." She put on his yellow sweater, picked up his lunch box, headed for the door...then stopped suddenly and announced "son of a bitch!" My husband and I gaped at each other then collapsed in laughter.

It was a little less than funny when the tiny tot sitting in the shopping cart in the grocery store exercised her new vocabulary within earshot of other shoppers. Luckily, they were all parents and I got a lot of sympathetic glances.

I remember coming home from elementary school and asking my mother what "fuck" meant. The blood drained out of her face and she gasped "where did you hear that word?" I hadn't heard it anywhere, I read it off the sidewalk. She told me it was a "swear word so bad even she didn't use it." Having heard my mother unload, I was quite impressed and began my quest to find out what it meant. The dictionary let me down, of course. Another kid finally told me, but couldn't handle the "yes, but what is the derivation?" question that was next. (That word I knew, the monosyllabic one was throwing me.) I think a teacher finally told me where it came from, using the "Forbidden Use of Carnal Knowledge" explanation.

I *think* it is the only word in the English language that has all the forms: noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

Thats so funny lol :lol:

08-10-2005, 04:48 AM
my youngest, who just registered for kindergarten the other day loves the word "frickin" and "freaking" and it often sounds like he's saying "fucking"

we were registering him the other day and I asked if he wanted to go to McDonalds and he said "of course I fricking love McDonalds you fricking butthead" I really struggled to make it through the rest of the process so I could run outside and bust up laughing...the lady in the office wasn't as amused...

I'm sure it'll be an off the record topic at the next PTA/PTO meeting....and I'm up for re-election, so it could even get political...hahaha

Bless him :)

I would have just fell on the floor laughing :D

08-10-2005, 05:08 AM
Lance...if your PTA is anything like mine was, if we got a father to show up, we chained him down and kept him.


All three of them, one of them being my husband.

08-10-2005, 05:36 AM
Lance...if your PTA is anything like mine was, if we got a father to show up, we chained him down and kept him.


All three of them, one of them being my husband.

to make you really scared...I'm vice president of the PTA :)
the bakesale I oversaw broke school records....and no it wasn't the brownies that did it...hahaha

It's been a weird year though...I was co-director of the school christmas pageant and my son has become quite the guitar player, so i allowed him to play "Iron Man" on his guitar for the pageant. It raised quite a stir in the school sicnce I live in a mormon neighborhood ;-) I also don't take shit from most of the whiny parents, so they either love me or hate my guts

08-10-2005, 05:42 AM
to make you really scared...I'm vice president of the PTA :)
the bakesale I oversaw broke school records....and no it wasn't the brownies that did it...hahaha

It's been a weird year though...I was co-director of the school christmas pageant and my son has become quite the guitar player, so i allowed him to play "Iron Man" on his guitar for the pageant. It raised quite a stir in the school sicnce I live in a mormon neighborhood ;-) I also don't take shit from most of the whiny parents, so they either love me or hate my guts

Yep. Spent a lot of years as a PTA vice president. (You have to be taking serious drugs to be president.) I knew it was going to be a bumpy ride when, the first year I did the Halloween Carnival, I cheerfully announced "they won't let me have the human sacrifice!" and they all gaped at me in horror. I carefully explained "that was a...joke?" Geesh.

I hated bake sales. What I hated even more was...hot dog sales. Our gas grill got piled into more pickup trucks and taken to places so my husband and I could stand there and sell hot dogs. :mad:

08-10-2005, 06:07 AM
Yep. Spent a lot of years as a PTA vice president. (You have to be taking serious drugs to be president.) I knew it was going to be a bumpy ride when, the first year I did the Halloween Carnival, I cheerfully announced "they won't let me have the human sacrifice!" and they all gaped at me in horror. I carefully explained "that was a...joke?" Geesh.

I hated bake sales. What I hated even more was...hot dog sales. Our gas grill got piled into more pickup trucks and taken to places so my husband and I could stand there and sell hot dogs. :mad:
you should have seen the looks I got when I told them we need to stop having these monthly fund raisers selling shitty overpriced chocolates and stationary...especially when 75% of the sales were from the parents of the kids anyways..

The reason our bakesale did so well is the prices were lower than those shitty chocolate catalogs and we didn't have to settle for 25% of the funds raised...we got nearly 100% and made more money...a lot of these parents are business woners, hwo could they not figure this out? I guess they were used to the same old, same old...

08-10-2005, 06:41 AM
you should have seen the looks I got when I told them we need to stop having these monthly fund raisers selling shitty overpriced chocolates and stationary...especially when 75% of the sales were from the parents of the kids anyways..

The reason our bakesale did so well is the prices were lower than those shitty chocolate catalogs and we didn't have to settle for 25% of the funds raised...we got nearly 100% and made more money...a lot of these parents are business woners, hwo could they not figure this out? I guess they were used to the same old, same old...

Oh, hell yes. "But we've *always* done it this way!!" You should have seen the faces that first Halloween carnival I did. I got the records (what there were) from the last one and was just bored to tears with what they did. So, me being me, I talked to a mom who painted. They had a stick to toss rings at. I had a four foot Dracula with a stake through his heart to toss rings at. I turned all the games into Halloween themed events. It struck me as being so profoundly obvious...but it sure wowed everyone else.

Did you know that if you have a bowl of grapes in water that the kids have to reach into to grab a prize and call it "The Eyeball Game," you can actually make a full grown woman retch? The kids thought it was a howl. The parents were going to storm my castle with farm implements and torches. :lol:

08-10-2005, 10:59 AM
I let slip yesterday "girls are stupid" in front of a 3.5 year old.... so for the rest of the day he was repeating me... amazing how fast he picked that one up. The mother was hitting me everytime he said it

08-10-2005, 02:09 PM
Oh, hell yes. "But we've *always* done it this way!!" You should have seen the faces that first Halloween carnival I did. I got the records (what there were) from the last one and was just bored to tears with what they did. So, me being me, I talked to a mom who painted. They had a stick to toss rings at. I had a four foot Dracula with a stake through his heart to toss rings at. I turned all the games into Halloween themed events. It struck me as being so profoundly obvious...but it sure wowed everyone else.

Did you know that if you have a bowl of grapes in water that the kids have to reach into to grab a prize and call it "The Eyeball Game," you can actually make a full grown woman retch? The kids thought it was a howl. The parents were going to storm my castle with farm implements and torches. :lol:

hmmm, if only they would allow me anywhere near halloween themed events....
I remember the time I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention and wore a Slayer "God Hates Us All" t-shirt to school event...it certainly wasn't a very Christian-like attitude I was met with...

08-11-2005, 10:45 AM
hmmm, if only they would allow me anywhere near halloween themed events....
I remember the time I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention and wore a Slayer "God Hates Us All" t-shirt to school event...it certainly wasn't a very Christian-like attitude I was met with...

You see, I *look*...well, hell, you know what I look like. :)
My "inner freak" isn't visible.
Sure is audible, though. After the first muttered "oh, for fuck's sake" it was agreed that I do not get to speak.

08-11-2005, 12:34 PM
Couple of points...

PTA is for fags.

You go to the school explain that "this is how things will go down"


08-11-2005, 12:47 PM
I actually did a version of that, Nick.
One Book Fair, when I couldn't get volunteers, I snarled "fuck it, I'll do it with my kids. I can rely on *them* to do it right!"
Another Book Fair I paid one of the kids in books to prevent other kids from stealing. I believe I was the first PTA VP to ever hire a bouncer.

Long before I ever heard the phrase "it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission," I was doing things myself, my own way.

08-12-2005, 03:37 PM
Couple of points...

PTA is for fags.

You go to the school explain that "this is how things will go down"


yeah, but if not for being on the board, I'd probably get arrested my first step into the school, hahaha

actually, at my nephews' graduation ceremonies today, I noticed I'm actually real fucking normal compared to some of these other parents...it was one of the few times I was the one wearing a nice button down shirt and slacks and other parents wore shorts and Big Johnson tshirts....

fucking mormons.....

08-15-2005, 05:40 PM
My little angel Daniel got me into so much trouble today after telling his dad he's a bastard. :o

I tried to get Trev to believe that he hadn't picked it up from me. :rolleyes:.
This is a time to take pride in the child. He's obviously observant, intuitive, and will do well in life.

You should be happy.

08-15-2005, 05:52 PM
This is a time to take pride in the child. He's obviously observant, intuitive, and will do well in life.

You should be happy.
Why thank you, when he's posting on Oprano calling you a cocksucker I'll pat him on the back ;)