View Full Version : Assorted Happenings of August 8th Through History

08-08-2005, 07:16 AM
On this day...

1579 Cornerstone is laid for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg observatory
1609 Venetian senate examines Galileo Galilei's telescope
1709 1st known ascent in hot-air balloon, Bartolomeu de Gusmao (indoors)
1796 Boston African Society establishes with 44 members
1814 Peace negotiations begin in Ghent, Belgium
1815 Napoleon Bonaparte set sail for exile on St Helena
1843 Natal (in South Africa) is made a British colony
1844 Brigham Young chosen Mormon Church head following Joseph Smith death
1860 Queen of Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) arrives in NYC
1861 William Bateson, originator of term "genetics"
1864 Red Cross Anniversary
1868 Quake destroys Arica Chile
1870 Magic (US) defeats Cambria (Engld) in 2nd running of America's Cup
1876 Dan O'Leacy completes 500 mile walk in 139h32m
1876 Thomas Edison patents mimeograph
1882 Snow falls on Lake Michigan
1890 Daughters of the American Revolution organizes
1900 1st Davis Cup tennis matches, held in Boston
1918 6 US soldiers are surrounded by Germans in France, Alvin York is given command & shoots 20 Germans & captures 132 more
1919 Treaty of Rawalpindi, British recognize Afghanistan's independence
1920 Tigers beat Yanks 1-0 in shortest AL game, 73 minutes
1922 Pirates set record of 46 hits in a doubleheader (against Phillies)
1929 1st airship flight around the Earth flying eastward begins
1929 German airship Graf Zeppelin begins a round-the-world flight
1929 Salem Oregon airport dedicated
1930 St Louis Cards are 12 games back in NL, & go on to win the pennant
1931 Wash Senator Bob Burke no-hits Boston Red Sox, 5-0
1937 Bonneville Dam on Columbia River begins producing power
1940 Battle of Britain began as Germany launches air attacks
1942 6 convicted Nazi saboteurs who landed in US executed in Wash DC
1945 Pres Harry S Truman signs UN Charter
1945 USSR declares war against Japan in WW II
1945 USSR establishes a communist government in North Korea
1946 India agrees to give Bhutan 32ý miles
1949 Bhutan, land of the Dragon, became an independent monarchy
1953 US & South Korea initial a mutual security pact
1955 Geneva conference held to discuss peaceful uses of atomic energy
1956 Fire & explosion kill 263 miners at Marcinelle, Belgium
1960 Ivory Coast declares independence
1961 Ham Tigercats (CFL) beat Buff Bills (NFL) 38-21 in Hamilton, Ontario
1963 Great Train Robbery in England, $2.6 million ($7.3 million)
1963 Kingsmen release "Louie, Louie," radio stations label it obscene
1966 Beatles' release "Revolver"
1966 South Arican Broadcasting bans Beatles (Lennon's anti-Jesus remark)
1968 Race riot in Miami Florida
1970 NY Yankees honor Casey Stengel, retiring his number 37
1972 NY Yankees sign 30 year lease with NYC
1973 VP Spiro T Agnew branded as "damned lies" reports he took kickbacks from govt contracts in Maryland. He vowed not to resign (Right!)
1974 Pres Richard M Nixon announced he'd resign his office 12PM 08/09
1977 Texas Rangers turn their 1st triple play (vs A's)
1978 Pioneer-Venus 2 with 5 atmospheric probes launched toward Venus
1980 LBV Conference Center & Club Lake Villas open
1983 Brig Gen Efrain Rios Montt was deposed as president of Guatemela
1983 Jury in KC, Mo, awards TV anchorwoman Christine Craft $500,000 in sex discrimination suit against KMBC-TV (later overturned)
1984 Carl Lewis wins 3rd (200m) of 4 gold medals in the Summer Olympics
1985 Japan launches Planet A, a probe to Halley's comet
1986 Record 3 grandslams in a game-(Harrah-Tex, Sheets & Dwyer-Orioles)
1987 Brewers' Rob Deer struck-out 5 times in a game
1987 Lynne Cox became 1st to swim from US to Russia across Bering Strait
1988 Chicago Cubs starts 1st home game under lights (rained-out)
1988 Discovery of most distant galaxy (15 * 10 ^ 12 light yrs) announced
1988 Duchess of York gives birth to 6 lb 12 oz baby girl
1988 Goose Gossage registers career save #300
1988 Jennifer Levin's parents file $25M suit against Dorrian Red Hand Bar
1988 Jose Canseco becomes 11th to get 30 HRs & 30 steals in a season
1988 Minn Twins pull 2nd triple-play of year & beat Cleve 6-2
1988 Renovated Central Park Zoo reopens after 4 years
1988 Russian troops begin pull out of Afghanistan after 9 year war
1988 Sec of State Shultz narrowly escapes assassin attempt in Bolivia
1988 South Africa declares cease-fire in Angola
1988 Temperature hits high of 88 on 8/8/88 in NYC
1989 US space shuttle STS-28 launched
1990 Balt Orioles pull their 10th triple play (1-6-3 vs Oakland)
1990 Carlton Fisk ties Johnny Bench hitting 327 HRs as a catcher
1990 Iraq annexes Kuwait
1991 Billy Preston charged with exhibiting porno to a minor
1991 Carlos Santana pleads no contest to marijuana possession charge
1991 Gary Oldman, actor (State of Grace), arrested for drunk driving
1991 Shite Muslims release British hostage John McCarthy