View Full Version : I don't take a ride with anyone that I do not know.

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 05:25 PM
Dorothy Harris: Are you coming along?
Young Forrest Gump: Mama said not to be taking rides from strangers.
Dorothy Harris: This is the bus to school.
Young Forrest Gump: I'm Forrest, Forrest Gump.
Dorothy Harris: I'm Dorothy Harris.
Young Forrest Gump: Well, now we ain't strangers anymore.

So, lets get to know each other better. Lets everyone answer the following questions. Keep them in format. I will do mine shortly as well. Hopefully the mods will layoff eliminating program blurbs, as it is part of the process.

Here is a template so you don't have to retype the quotes bbcode. Click here (http://gomidgetarmy.com/interview/interview.doc)

-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

-How old are you?

-Are you married? Significant other?

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

-Where does your handle come from?

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

If you provide a service, what can you offer people?

What are you good at?

08-03-2005, 05:47 PM
OK, I'll play your silly little game ;)

-Where are you from? Where have you lived?
Even though my brother and I were both born in the midwest (me - Ohio, he - Illinois) we were born of Southern born and raised parents and I've lived in the South since I was 4.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?
Webmaster support, few free sites

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?
Pretty much everything. It's taught me what I do and don't want to do when I grow up :)

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
Honestly, I'd probably still interact with everyone I interact with now except for the noob who just signed up from his dormroom on his AOL account and wants to start making selling porn through WEG :) Oh, and Gabe. I only deal with him because I'm forced to :(

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?
Not so much "getting credit" but there are a lot of people in stealth mode who make a ton of money in this biz. I give them credit for being humble :)

-How old are you?

-Are you married? Significant other?
No - unless you include the dogs.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?
I make Cory do the dirty work :)

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?
Incredibly well converting sites with even better support.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.
List is too long :(

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?
In 1 year, yes. In 5? Doubtful.

-Where does your handle come from?
My first domain was southernsluts (let it lapse a couple of years ago) and I wanted something "southern". Peaches was the best I could do.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?
I worked for CE when I started back in 96/97 for 18 months. Worked only for myself until last spring when I started with WEG.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?
Get crazy with 10%, put 20% in a low risk account and buy property with the remaining 70%

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?
No - it doesn't cover my monthly mortgage :(

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?
Exclusive content

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?
Never really delved into it enough to give an educated answer.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?
1/2 price on my free anal!

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?
Webmaster support and going back to school. Have pretty much ignored my freesites until 2257 gets decided on.

What are you good at?
Meeting people and getting along with different "kinds" of people.

Good idea, Cory! And, SEE SIG!! :)

08-03-2005, 06:06 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

All over the world pretty much

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

This and that.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Trained in business

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
Anthony ,Serge , Dravyk , Trev , Bishop ,Morgan… tons and tons more people which thinking about it was rather suprising.As the majority of webmasters I consider tosspots 

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

Don’t really care , no one really effects me

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?


-How old are you?


-Are you married? Significant other?


-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

Advisors in all fields

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

People know what I can do and they also know where to find me 

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

All Oprano sponsors

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

In the internet business , yes. In adult. I suppose I’m pretty muich out of adult now.

-Where does your handle come from?

My first website ilynx.com and my brothers name lol.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

Part owner traffic inc..
And a couple that no one knows I have an involvement in 

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I was known in 97 for having a huge phone bill because in chatrooms I’d say “Send my yr number or I’ll give you mine , my typing sucks”

Back then it threw a few people lol

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Buy more property

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Its relative , but no , I don’t.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

The shaving

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

I have often said the real gold in traffic comes from SEO and mail.TGPers merely are shifting through the shit for dust.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?

Yeah mention you read this and get a discount on advertising on Oprano from The Enforcer

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

Buying property

What are you good at?

Making money

08-03-2005, 06:20 PM
I'll take a shot at this.

-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

Born in Hartford, CT. Lived in Colorado, Kentucky and for the past 17 years, California.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

I'm primarily a writer of erotic stories, but I also build freesites.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

The longest job I ever held was a volunteer for the PTA while my children were in school.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

It has been my sad experience that leaving the adult industry ceases interaction with those still in it.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

I choose not to have thoughts like that. They're counter productive.

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?


-How old are you?

51. .

-Are you married? Significant other?

I've been very happily married for 26 years.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

Content and payout promotions.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

I write erotic stories and text. I do it well.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

The only "services" I choose to have my name associated with are Written Temptations and the Oprano Lounge.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

As I didn't see myself back in this industry a mere two months ago, I can't answer that question.

-Where does your handle come from?

The name was given to me by my employer in a phone sex company. It makes a good pen name, as I write both straight and gay erotica and it's an ambisextrous name.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

Oh, my yes. List available on request.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I prefer the telephone.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Enjoy the expression on my husband's face for a long time.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

The answer to that has been different at different times in my life. At the moment, I have two children who need to move to a bigger apartment and need a hand...a larger hand than that.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?


-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

That is really too vague a question, considering the number of TGPs out there and "TGP People."

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?


What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

Writing more erotic stories, building freesites and wondering where I'll get time to go back to my novel.

What are you good at?

Writing. Remaining cheerful when no one in their right mind would remain cheerful. Making people laugh. Writing sentence fragments when necessary.

08-03-2005, 06:23 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?
I’m from Sunderland in the UK, I’ve lived in Northern Ireland and Canada.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?
Currently living off ever decreasing recurring cheques made with lots of free sites and used to run a few now defunct paysites of my own.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?
I’m a time served and fully qualified Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, but I’ve spent time in telesales that was machinery related. Working 7 days a week and getting dirty sucks, when I can work 7 days a week and stay clean.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
I’ve too many people on my “quality” list to name only 5.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?
This is a very long list!

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

-How old are you?

-Are you married? Significant other?
I’ve been married for 9 years, but we’ve been together for 16.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?
Quality content used to be the main thing.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?
I currently offer no services.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.
Whoa, I could turn this post alone into a 15 page thread just answering that, so I’ll pass.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

-Where does your handle come from?
It’s my name.
-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?
I work from home, I welcome both – just after 9pm GMT please be aware my son is asleep and the phone is a son-uva-bitch for being loud

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?
Invest… well enjoy 25k - 50k, then invest.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?
No, it’s only £500. That’s 2 nights out on the town if I’m lucky.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?
I’ll pass again.

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?
I’ve generated some good tgp traffic in my time, it didn’t all suck.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?
Hi other people in this thread and sorry but no. :)

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?
I’m pushing into mainstream as an owner. It just takes time to finish theses things.

What are you good at?
Everything but being right.

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 06:25 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

I was born in Louisiana, the northern part to be precise. I lived there 13 years. I lived briefly in Oklahoma before spending my highschool and college years in Kansas. I attended the University of Kansas as a Journalism / English major. I dropped out and do not have a degree.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

I am the Director of Marketing for WegCash.com (http://www.wegcash.com). I used to run sites ranging from AVS to TGP, but have since given them up in the wake of moving in new, more mainstream directions.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Waiting tables on the Sunset Strip really opened me up to interacting with a diversity of people. Adult is a diverse group.

I also worked for a dot com venture during the boom. It was based around traffic analysis on major freeways. My job was to call the DOT and ask where construction is going on. They hated us, plus the info was so inaccurate. Needless to say, the site went under.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Poppy of Jupiter Hosting

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?


-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

Poppy is a damn good sale’s guy. He really knows his stuff. I think he would serve any program or business well.

-How old are you?

I am 29, turning 30 in September.

-Are you married? Significant other?

I have a girlfriend.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?
WegCash as a program seeks out all services. Our hosting is settled, however, I always like to see deals / portfolios from designers.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

Wegcash. We are an affiliate program that provides over 60 paysites with free trials and email collection sites on over 16 niches.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

I personally use dickmansdesign, candid hosting and some off shore programmers.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

1 year yes. 5 years? Only by a percentage.

-Where does your handle come from?


-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

Adult Check. I owned adult-clips.com for a long time, along with a list of AVS / MGP sites.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I like the phone. I am a fast typist, but my hands just get tired and I am wordy by nature.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?


-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Yes, I consider it a lot of money.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

Content is king.

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

I think many TGP people together combine for a lot of sales but I think many sales are not from a lot of TGPers. Haha.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?

Contact Peaches for J4F. We are always looking to trade deals for traffic.

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

Weg is working on new tours and a lot of new paysites.

I personally am working on humor sites, cultivating traffic in “out of the box” methods.

What are you good at?


08-03-2005, 06:28 PM
Keep the program info non spammy and only on relevant questions and this thread shouldn't be a problem at all though my say isn't final.

-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

I'm from Wisconsin and have lived here almost all my life. Brief stops down south (TN) and in the military.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

Advertising director for both Oprano and AllOfEm. A bit of my own stuff.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Let's see... Casino dealer, floorperson, Pit Boss, lifegaurd, Marine (electrical equipment repaimen), per sale salesman (DirecTV), sales clerk at a bookstore, and customer support are a few to mention. All have played a part in someway to get me where I am today.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Hmmmm... I was out of adult for a number of years working mainstream but still hung around cause I've met a good number of great people in this business. The people I talk to regularly regardless of that have been Sykkboy, Timbo, and Dravyk and would still talk to them regardless of whether I stayed around the biz/boards or not.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

nah.. people like that tend to do it to themselves.

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

hmmmm.. I'll have to get back to you on that one.

-How old are you?


-Are you married? Significant other?

Hehehehe.. well yes I stil am married though my wife and I sperated 4-5 years ago. It's complicated but suffice to say I am still legally married but single! LOL :blink: :huh: :unsure:

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

Haven't really been lokking lately.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

Oprano and AllOfEm both provide a great place and a good deal for programs to advertise at! I do everything I can to ensure our advertisers are happy and want to stay here and make the experience a win-win situation for both parties.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

Oprano and AllOfEm of course. :) Any sposnor at either place is a good bet too. Old standby programs that have been around forever and programs like Adult Paymaster run by a great guy like Timbo.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?
1 year yes, 5 years very doubtful but who knows.

-Where does your handle come from?

Funny story. When I first came on i used the moniker Nature Boy because me favorite professional wrestler was "Nature Boy Ric Flair but people kept getting me confused with Vick so after Snoops confused me for him one time in a chat in the old YNOT days I decided to change it to The Enforcer after The Enforcer Arn Anderson who is my second favorite wrestler of all time and was Flair's best friend in the biz on camera.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

Yes I have worked for programs before (one that failed and one that's going strong today) and was looking to start one when my mariage blew up and that ended that.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I can do it either way that they are comnfortable but as a salesman I prefer talking on the phone if possible.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Invest, invest, invest!

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Parents always taught me the value of money and that's hard to forget so, yeah, I would. My dad was a doctor and busted his assworking and made sure to drill that every dollar you earn is important. Forgot for a while in my early 20's when I spent money like water.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

Exclusive content and an orginal idea behind that excusive content.

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

Oh yeah, almost everybody in this business lies about their numbers at some point!! Kinda like poker that way! ;) It's somewhere in between. You won't make the money the top tier programs make with it but you can certainly make a nice living off of it if you know what you are doing.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?

Anyone interested in advertising hit me up here (enforcer@oprano.com) and put Oprano Ride Thread in the title and I'll give you a deal on the advertising price for any package you take.

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

Adertising, advertising, advertising. Also have been doing research on some non-adult stuff and started doing some free site/tgp stuff again but keep getting sidetracked. :hmm:

What are you good at?

Sales, writing text links, getting along with people, and many other things. :)

08-03-2005, 06:31 PM
When I started no one had replied yet!! LOL :p

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 06:38 PM
Enforcer you were a pitt boss?

This is why I like these type of threads.

08-03-2005, 06:41 PM
Enforcer you were a pitt boss?
Pit boss with ONE "t", Mr. Writer :nyanya:

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 06:45 PM
I am the worst speller on earth.

08-03-2005, 07:02 PM
I am the worst speller on earth.
I used to be really good at spelling until spellcheck came along. Now I can't spell worth a shit unless I use it :unsure:

08-03-2005, 07:02 PM
OK, what hot info did Trev delete??!! ;)

08-03-2005, 07:03 PM
Excellent idea and thread Cory :okthumb:

-Where are you from? Where have you lived?
UK originally .. Resided in Spain, Germany, Luxembourg, Toronto, Boston

-What do you do in the Adult industry?
Oprano driver, Design, Video, 3D, Graphics, Project Management, Sales, Marketing, Sexines magazine

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?
Sales and Marketing, Project Management, Consultant, Door Management, Laborer, Designer, Video Editor, 3d Designer, Trainee Bookie, Photo Retoucher, Business Analyst

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
Trev, Nick, Joe, Morgan, Red and quite a few more, they are genuinely interesting people

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?
No, an eclectic mix helps

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?
The teams working hard on the backend of any program/resource

-How old are you?
Depends on the woman I am feeling at the time

-Are you married? Significant other?
My significant other is a latina in Spain, but it’s a close tie between her and the ping golf clubs.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?
Depends on the project, normally I have an idea of whom to use for any given project beforehand.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?
Professionalism and excellent customer service

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.
Blue Wire Design, Remote Thumbs, Wire Runner, Yanks Cash, Elite Hosters, Silicon Canal, Exclusive Content, Written Temptations, allofem

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?
Mixing both mainstream and adult so don’t see this stopping any time soon, but hindsight is always 20/20

-Where does your handle come from?
Sir Isaac Newton - Truth is ever to be found in the simplicity, and not in the multiplicity and confusion of things.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?
In person is always preferable, but any medium is acceptable

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?
There is nothing I need, well maybe another round of golf and more properties

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?
For a pair of shoes yes, for a watch no.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?
The distinct lack of plausible deniability

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?
It has been known, why would anyone be interested in buying into something that is advertised as making no money ;)

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?
No, The Sexines staff are on a paid holiday for 2 months after the next release soon ..

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?
Mobile, Mobile, Mobile

What are you good at?
Finding the G spot

08-03-2005, 07:08 PM
OK, what hot info did Trev delete??!! ;)
I get shy :D

08-03-2005, 07:26 PM
I get shy :D


Sure. And I'm only 26. :p

08-03-2005, 07:33 PM

Sure. And I'm only 26. :p

Uh huh...and I'm a virgin. :p

08-03-2005, 07:35 PM
Gosh, I have a lot in common with both Morgan and Lisa - I'm also a 26 year old virgin!

08-03-2005, 07:51 PM
Gosh, I have a lot in common with both Morgan and Lisa - I'm also a 26 year old virgin!
Hmm, I'd make it one to many for a threesome :(

08-03-2005, 08:23 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Bay Ridge to be exact. After 28 years I moved to Pennsylvania. Five years later I found myself in Atlanta.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?
I work for NationalNet. Just passed my six year anniversary. :okthumb:

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?
Hmm... I've had a few, but I don't see Accountant or Cabinet Maker really grooming me for the adult industry.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
That's a short list, and they should know who they are... :rolleyes:

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?
I don't wish anything on anybody.

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?
Some people, like myself, enjoy being behind the scenes. I think people who want credit seek it out, and those who don't, don't. There are probably a ton of good people nobody knows about... :)

-How old are you?
Turned 39 a while back.

-Are you married? Significant other?
No and No

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?
I think everyone here knows who we are and what we do, so I'm not gonna spam. ;)

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years? That's a good question. Who knows where the next five years will take me...

-Where does your handle come from?
hahaha I had a girlfriend in high school who had a rather strong Brooklyn accent. When she said my name it sounded more like Anj-vrew, and one of my friends ran with it. Anj-vrew became Anj-voo, which became shortened to Voo. One day he said "Hey VooMan..." and it stuck...

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?
It all depends. Sometimes I prefer email when I want to think something through, but most of the time I pick up the phone.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?
Buy property

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?
It's all relative. $1000 used to be like a million to me. I just spent that on a weed eater and a leaf blower. They're both STIHL... :okthumb: {/Tim Allen Grunt}

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?
I made a good living off TGP's, but that was back in 99. I don't know the status today, other than the fact that they all burn a shitpile of bandwidth and we like that. :D

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?
I leave the wheeling and dealing to LBBV and Sweet T. But I would like a Lionel Train, a GI Joe with Kung Fu Grip, a pony... and...

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?
I just shut down the last of my free sites and don't have any projects on the burner these days. Been keeping busy with my job and projects around the house.

What are you good at?
I've been told that I'm an excellent project manager. Apparently it's difficult to find someone who will see a project through to completion, dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's. I dunno, I just figure if you've got something to do you can either do it, or spend more time worrying about the fact that it isn't done and you're gonna get your ass chewed out soon. hahaha

08-03-2005, 08:23 PM
Hmm, I'd make it one to many for a threesome :(

*dramatic sigh*
Since you can't manage to count to "gangbang," I daresay Lisa, Peaches and I will have to carry on without you. :nyanya:

What else are three young virgins to do? :lol:

08-03-2005, 08:34 PM
*dramatic sigh*
Since you can't manage to count to "gangbang,"

Hahahahahhah Morgan...that made me laugh out loud!:bustingup

08-03-2005, 08:45 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

Brisbane, Australia...lived here all my life other than 9 months in Sydney when I was 7 and 10 months in England when I was 14.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

Affiliate Services Manager for PornMegaBucks...which is a rather fancy title meaning I do whatever I'm told. ;)

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Nanny, electrical apprentice...mother.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Hmm...CJ obviously. Opti...some of the other Aussies. And I would hope some of the other foreigners too but who knows...life moves on I guess.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

Only one person...and he's on the periphery anyway. :D

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

Plenty of people...mainly those quietly behind the scenes garnering plenty of traffic and with it plenty of money.

-How old are you?


-Are you married? Significant other?

No and No...but still optimistic!

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

Whatever daBoss tells me he needs right now!

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

Recurring model affiliate program...cos we've been around forever and know what we're doing.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

Hmm too many to name here.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

Yes...and I hope so.

-Where does your handle come from?

It's my name...my other sometimes used handle is my initials, LJ, spelt El-Jai...chosen cos it was unisex enough to throw the HNG's on IRC off my trail. :)

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?


-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

Depends on the nature...text is easier if there are long urls etc involved, but I love the opportunity to get away from the desk and talk on the phone...cordless is a marvellous thing.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Live it up a little, then invest for the kids future.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Yes...cos I'm a single parent and kids are expensive!

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

Hmm...daBoss can answer that one. :) I'm unlikely to ever start an affiliate program, as an entrepreneur I make a great employee. :D

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

Possibly...and depends on how you work it.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?


What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

The usual stuff that makes up my day...some of it good and interesting, some of it so deadly boring it puts me to sleep. :)

What are you good at?

Multi-tasking...both on a work level, and on the combining motherhood WITH work level.

Hell Puppy
08-03-2005, 08:53 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

Pedigree Georgia boy. They have papers on me.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

Everything. We've been 90%+ self contained dating back to 1997, which means over time I've done just about everything. The exception is pose for pics, be thankful for that.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

I.T. senior management.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

I wouldn't intentionally NOT talk to anyone just because I left the industry. At the bare minimum I suspect I'd keep up with most of the locals. I still talk to people I went to college with, held previous jobs with, etc, adult would be no different.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

Although I hate anyone who pisses in the well, I'm a firm believer in leaving regulation and intervention out of it and letting a free market work itself out. Shorter answer: no.

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

The recruiters who keep the talent pool of young hotties stocked. Anyone can learn to take pics, produce a site, buy traffic, etc. But go try to find yourself a few young hotties who'll agree in writing to have their naked ass plastered all over the net, and you'll quickly find it aint easy even in the most target rich of environments.

-How old are you?


-Are you married? Significant other?

No, regardless of what Peaches says about me and Richard N. Bush.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

Always looking for traffic like anyone else. Beyond that, our designers are constantly overworked these days. I'd consider outsourcing some bulk deals on banners and galleries if the price were right.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

We pretty much do our own thing and only do private deals with people we really know. We may open our doors a little wider soon though. I keep threatening.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

I aint touching this one with a 10 foot pole, I'll leave out someone and offend them.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

1 year, probably. 5 year, maybe.

-Where does your handle come from?

I used it in college in the "online communities" that were on the campus computer systems. When I started using the adult boards, I tried to use simple stuff like my initials, but seems my initials are the same as some rather large players in the biz and caused confusion. So I tried several others on for size, and changed handles over and over. I had been after "hellpuppy.com" for years and when I finally secured it, I decided that was once again also going to be my handle.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

I once tried my hand at working for a bunch of mainstreamers who had a brilliant idea for an alternative billing mechanism. My advice to anyone who gets startup and IPO fever, understand the financing thoroughly and verify it all before you commit your time and energy to it. They still owe me money. Also took away alot of momentum and energy from my own stuff while fucking around with them. Very costly experience, but it paid massive dividends in lessons learned.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

Email first and foremost. Email is how I organize everything, if you email me about something I will deal with it and get back to you as soon as I can. ICQ is second, but I generally only turn it on after I'm pretty much done working for the day. Phone is last. I'll use the phone when a quick conversation will save two days of back and forth, but phone people generally suck the hours right out of the day if you let 'em.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Blow a small percentage of it just for shits and giggles. Invest the rest in property, a few stocks and bonds, and maybe buy another small business purely as an investment.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Depends on context. If I found it in the seat cushions, yeah. If it was the size of a dinner check for two people, yeah. As part of my personal wealth? No. Consider it this way, if I lose $1000 in the market on a given day, does it bother me? Not at all.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

Exclusive content. No cookie cutter sites.

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

To steal one from serge, the soup needs water too, TGP's provide ALOT of water.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?

I can recommend a good steakhouse in almost any large city in the U.S.

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. Ask me again in a month.

What are you good at?

I am creative. I'm an idea man.

08-03-2005, 09:08 PM
Couldn't you have done this multiple guess ? Or true false ? Or even a matching, ya know, two lists and you connect them with the lines (I like to make my lines look like arrows). No, you have to go with a version that I can't even tell whether it's short answer or essay !!!! (<----please note over usage of punctuation for added emphasis)

Before I answer any of this, I need every one in the thread to sign, scan and return to me a lifetime non disclosure agreement. :blink:

08-03-2005, 09:30 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

I was born in Hollis, NY (but I don't remember it very well because we moved before I was 1). Lived the first 17 years of my life in the "W" of Wantagh, NY (which is actually kind of part of Levittown, Levitt houses, Levitt Schools, Levitt pools, Levitt people). Went to a year of school in upstate NY and then joined the Navy. Went to boot camp in Great Lakes, IL. School in Key West, Fl. Stationed in Bermuda, Ferndale Ca. and Cape Hatteras, NC.

Came out to KC, MO when I got out of the Navy. Transferred with a company to Odessa, TX for a year or so. Then back here to KC and have been here ever since.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

Hardly anything :) I hawk my programming services skills predominantly while trying to come up with the next big thing.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Uh. That's a long list. I babysat. I was a lifeguard for several years. I have been a camp counselor. I washed dishes, waited tables, did landscaping, had a paper route or two. In the Navy I was a super secret Ocean systems technician. I have done sign painting, photography, graphic design, been an office manager, been a warehouse manager, made kids clothes and, um , oh yeah. I have operated computer systems and programmed computers for a whole long time.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Serge, well because he's Serge.
Nick, pretty much for the same reason (not that he's Serge, because he's Nick) How can you quantify these things.
MrYum (VNWR reg) He and I get along pretty well, I have met him and spoken to him many times.
Harry (Dravyk) I would miss his calls too much.
CJ - I always like yakking with CJ, I would miss it

There are many more that I would love to think I would stay in touch with too :(

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

Lololololol. Everyone that is after any market share I want a piece of :) Seriously :blink:

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

I'll pass on this one for now, please.

-How old are you?

I will be 50 (oh my god) in November

-Are you married? Significant other?

Yes, I have been married for 5 years and yes she is my significant other :yowsa:

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

I am sometimes looking for content and design stuff. If I would build more stuff I would be looking for affiliate programs. I also sometimes purchace activeX controls and scripts/components for various projects.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

I do custom programming predominantly. If you want a program to do what YOU want it to, you should go custom instead of trying to modify a "One size fits all" solution to your needs. You should always use me because my programs don't break and I develop programs and systems quickly in a real time development environment. I haven't seen a problem yet that couldn't be solved in TWO WEEKS.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

I am going to pass for now on this.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

In 1 year, maybe. In 5 years, who knows.

-Where does your handle come from?

I needed a handle when I first got on the net and I didn't want to be something like rus9999. So, I took the first name of my company and turned it around backwards :)

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

I worked for a large hosting center from 1999-2001.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I would rather do phone over any other medium.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?


-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't. 10 years ago 1k was a lot of money to me to have in my pocket. Now I find I won't drive down the street without at least 1k. I don't know why, lololol... For the same reason I no longer have to eat macaroni and cheese :)

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?

Not answering that one...lol..

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

Some lie, some don't. Some TGP traffic is worthless, some can be good.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?

I always offer deals. No price is ever set in stone and a trade is sometimes better than cash.

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

I work a full time job doing marketing database systems. I also help my wife with http://www.weekend-jewelry.com, http://www.weekendjewelry.com and http://www.paperjewels.com by doing backend programming, scripts and database stuff for her. I am working on what to do with http://www.fuckingprogrammers.com at the moment while also starting cut 2 of a very cool client access front end at the day job.

What are you good at?

I am good at system design, database design, program design and coding. I paint and have been in a number of art shows. I'm a damn good swimmer. I am pretty good with words when I need to be.

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 09:35 PM
No, you have to go with a version that I can't even tell whether it's short answer or essay !!!! (<----please note over usage of punctuation for added emphasis)

The answer itself has varying degrees of interpretation. The first is in stone, the second is in compassion. That is the great thing about forced answers, the "no comments" are just as meaningful as the essay replies, they are just as telling :)

08-03-2005, 09:59 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

I am eternal.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

I believe Internet God was once used to describe me.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Sales, sales, sales.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Nickatilynx, Serge, Bishop, Dravyk, countless afiliates.

I'd still talk to them because they can make more money in mainstream!

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?


-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?

Who cares?

-How old are you?


-Are you married? Significant other?

Yah, 3 years yesterday. Best damn 2 months of my life.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?

All of the above.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?

I've got some good points about me.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.

Blue Design Studio, Sharky, Todd, Nick Papageorgio, Dravyk, ah shit, this list can get huge.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

As long as we can make a buck, yep.

-Where does your handle come from?

When I gave up my nickname back in Netpond circa 1999.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?


-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

All mediums, must be versatile in this day and age.

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Buy Property.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

I spent that on Italian shoes, belt, and some socks.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?


-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

Embelish, yes. A goldmine? With enough numbers.

If you provide a service, what can you offer people?

Reach arounds.

What are you good at?

Making people laugh.

08-03-2005, 11:21 PM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?
Haven't moved that much. I don't like giving out personal information on a general basis. There are some people who know who and where I am. The only bridge in this business I consider truly burned was by someone who took it upon themself to spout off what personal info they thought they knew about me. That's a big no no and ruined me ever doing business with the program they represent. When people tell me personal things in confidence, it stays that way to the end no matter how brutal the pissing gets. That's just a basic human courtesy and I won't break it. I refuse to deal with someone who will blabber what personal info they think they have about someone for whatever reason. There's no way you can trust those people at all. I can't stand ass kissers and those that would try and use other people's private lives as a means to garnishing some brownie points deserve nothing but a slow and torturous death.

Let me add, the dorks from pro adult decided to accuse me of some sort of spamming when they first started out years ago. I never figured out how they came up with that since I never even built a site for them to spam so I wrote it off to a bunch of fags looking to get pageviews. Their an avs to avoid at all costs. Patrick is a prick and without voeyurweb/redclouds - they'd be flipping burgers at Mcdonalds in moscow. It's no surprise they brought the owner of adult2k (another avs that went tits) on board. Never trust an AVS run by russians. That's the only other bridge burned.

-What do you do in the Adult industry?
I dabble in traffic, free/entertainment sites & have a handful of AVS sites left. As well, I have some mainstream projects I've been working on.

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?
Spent many years as a philosophy student under the influence of assorted illicit chemicals. My main areas of interest were ethics & metaphysics. Worked a shitload of different jobs to pay rent during that period. From construction to bookstores.

Philosophy is a great primer for any business related occupation. The ability to analyze a position or proposal on the fly and see both the strengths and weaknesses is invaluable in any setting. It's funny seeing people do pre law/political science for law school when I was solicited by several law schools after I decided to go to grad school even tho I had no intention on law as a career. Law schools love philo grads and actively seek them out for that very reason. That was a bit shocking to experience.

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?
A few people. You know a couple of them but I don't mention names.

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?
Most all of you.

-Who in the industry do you believe does not get enough credit for what they do?
Again, no names - one guy is the nicest person there is and more successful than anyone on this board can dream of being. He's helped more than a few people become successful and never takes any credit for it. One of the very few people from this cesspool of a business that I would call an actual friend and do anything I could for.

-How old are you?
Thirty fucking one.

-Are you married? Significant other?
I may be borderline anti social in the clinical sense but I'm not stupid - no.

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?
Designers and programmers (reliable) are always needed. As of lately, printers are becoming more important as well.

-What services do you provide and why are your services something everyone should use?
None. They shouldn't seek me out. I deal with a handful of people and prefer to keep it that way. It's easier to get better deals and a better working relationship with people if you work closely with a select few over dealing with numerous people/programs.

What services / programs / host / designers / etc., do you recommend? People / services you use.
There are a few designers I recommend. If people want to know them, they should hit me up privately - I've always had good luck with reyko content and programmers are just a fuckin' hit or miss situation. Unless you speak klingon and understand that when the next dork con comes up they'll be AWOL for a while...it's hard to vouch for any of them. Hosting - nat net is the best - there's just no comparison. I also like protgp. They're small but very easy to deal with. I wouldn't put critical projects with them just because I'm neurotic about downtime but I've I've had smaller shit with them for years and can't say anything negative. I've had mebbe 3 hours of downtime in 4-5 years. Their mail servers are tricky to deal with but other than that, they're great.

-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?
I fucking hope not. In 5 years I hope to have everything moved over to some of the mainstream projects I'm working on but I'll probably be stuck dealing with these degenerates forever.

-Where does your handle come from?
In geology "aeon" means the logest section of measurable time comprising two eras. In philosophy/other disciplines it means a particular period of time dominated by a perspective (which can be universal or relative) - the "aeon of capitalism", the "aeon of subjectivism" etc., I use it as it relates to the latter.

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?
No thankfully.

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?
I pay no more than 2.99 per minute and you'd better sound awfully feminine

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?
Real estate.

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?
Depends on how many hours she stays and if she swallows/does anal.

-If you were to submit a business proposal regarding the infrastructure of a new affiliate program, what is one portion of that proposal that would stand out? In other words, what would you consider the single most important feature that would make or break your program?
I wouldn't. Starting an affiliate program is putting the carriage before the horse. Starting a program should include the basic foundation of a viable product and a sufficient amount of in house traffic to sustain that product before even considering affiliate based marketing. Launching a program and basing it's success on the performance of others opens the door to far too many potentially negative variables that are beyond your control.

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?
All traffic has value (there are obvious exceptions). Aside from a few, most people do lie about traffic. Alexa is a fantastic tool and while not completely accurate, it's the best guideline available to judge the traffic a site is getting. People that say it's worthless usually do so in order to protect their inflated numbers.

If you provide a service, can you offer people in this thread a deal?
No. My traffic costs me and people have to pay to get it.

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?
You've seen a couple of them that I've been dragging my ass on but I rarely, if ever show my sites/projects to people I don't know or trust. It's far too easy to discover how I get my traffic and I'm pathological about protecting that.

What are you good at?
Maintaining the facade of sanity while I secretly dream of becoming a serial killer. Porn has only fueled my desire to see the majority of humanity eradicated rather violently.

08-04-2005, 10:24 AM
-Where are you from? Where have you lived?

I am in Michigan, and have been my entire life...

-What do you do in the Adult industry?

I really dont do much in adult anymore... basically only WM support for 123Bill.com

-What other jobs have you done outside of Adult? Which of those jobs (if any or all) molded you for what you do now?

Retired from the Phone Company where I managed a customer support office...
Owned a retail Archery Store... sold it when I made enough in this biz to stay home ;)

-Name 5 people (if you can) that you would still interact with and why if you were to leave the Adult industry completely?

Most of you would not know them ;-)

-Is there anyone you wish were eliminated from the industry?

no comment

-How old are you?

I'm 52

-Are you married? Significant other?

Yep, 30 years

-What services do you seek out? In other words, are you always looking for content, designers, payout promotions?


-Do you see yourself in this industry in 1 year? 5 years?

I'm really out now, but involved in mainstream quite a bit, and will be for a while...

-Where does your handle come from?

thats a long story ;-)

-Have you ever worked for / owned another adult program / service?

Owned personal Paysites for a while
Owned/ran an affiliate program for a while

-Do you enjoy talking business on the phone, or would you rather keep things limited to icq / email?

I do a lot on ICQ, but for important stuff, I prefer the phone

-If you were given 1 million dollars tax-free today, what would you do with it?

Buy more property

-Do you consider $1000 a lot of money? Why or why not?

It's relative, $1000 is nice money, but not really a lot. It's a nice stake at the craps table tho! ;-)

-Do you think TGP people lie about the numbers? Is TGP traffic a goldmine, or is it worthless?

I've never done much with TGP, and what I did was dismall

What are you working on now personally, both adult, non-adult, as an employee or owner?

I'm working my mainstream/gambling stuff about 90%.... got rid of 95% of my adult stuff earlier this year

What are you good at?

nothing! ;-)

08-04-2005, 01:03 PM
Enforcer you were a pitt boss?

This is why I like these type of threads.

Yes sir. Enjoyed it quite a bit. :) Also, my wife is a pit boss now.

08-04-2005, 01:12 PM
Spent many years as a philosophy student under the influence of assorted illicit chemicals. My main areas of interest were ethics & metaphysics. Worked a shitload of different jobs to pay rent during that period. From construction to bookstores.

Philosophy is a great primer for any business related occupation. The ability to analyze a position or proposal on the fly and see both the strengths and weaknesses is invaluable in any setting. It's funny seeing people do pre law/political science for law school when I was solicited by several law schools after I decided to go to grad school even tho I had no intention on law as a career. Law schools love philo grads and actively seek them out for that very reason. That was a bit shocking to experience.

Nice to see someone else who loved Philosophy in college! :)

08-04-2005, 01:59 PM
Nice to see someone else who loved Philosophy in college! :)
Cool - another philo dork. We should get hammered and hash around.

Coming from 6 years basically eating/sleeping and breathing philo is what makes this board shit crack me up. People getting worked up over the fracas’ on these things have no idea how wickedly vicious a crusty old philo prof can be.

There's nothing like spending a few months working on a thesis to have it returned with only one comment that says:
This is the absolute worst piece of garbage any unfortunate tree has ever had to die for.

That one was a kick in the teeth.