View Full Version : Plane crashed in Toronto..

08-02-2005, 06:01 PM
Check CNN

08-02-2005, 06:06 PM
I was just reading an article about that. It said the plane "skidded off the runway" and burst into flames.

Unconfirmed reports are that most of the 252 people on board were safe, although there were reported "casualties."

08-02-2005, 06:10 PM
The article I read wasn't even close. :(

There were 309 people on the plane.
According to MSNBC, there were only 14 minor injuries.

Apparently, the Canadian rescue folks rule beyond belief. :okthumb:

08-02-2005, 06:10 PM
heres the story....

TORONTO, Canada (CNN) -- Firefighters are battling a blaze on board an international passenger jet that overran a runway at Tornoto's Pearson International Airport.

"This plane came off the runway. It slid off the runway and into this gully," said Toronto radio reporter Leah Walker, who witnessed the crash. "It's come off with probably a great amount of force into trees and the creek."

She said a fireball engulfed the plane. The Associated Press reported 200 passengers were on board the Airbus 340.

A fire department spokesman said there were reports that some people were taken to hospitals, but he could not confirm information on casualties. Canada's Global Television network said the pilot and co-pilot survived.

One passenger, Olivier Dubos told reporters: "We had absolutely no insight or hint that the landing would be difficult. Power went out just before we landed...we thought it had to do with the rain."

Flight 358 was scheduled to arrive from Paris's Charles de Gaulle International Airport at 3:35 p.m. ET. Severe thunderstorms had occurred in the area beforehand.

Another witness, Corey Marx, said, "Everything looked good, sounded good. It hit the runway nice, then all of a sudden we heard the engines backing up."

Marx said he initially didn't think anything was wrong. But then, "The guy I was with piped up, 'You know, he's getting pretty close to the end.' Immediately afterward, right off he went."

The plane fell into a valley at the end of the runway and cracked in half, Marx said.

Vito Porto, a freelance photographer, told Global television that an explosion occurred after the crash, throwing debris for several hundred feet.

Smoke billowed from the site, as scores of emergency workers sought to put out the fire with foam.

08-02-2005, 06:16 PM
Oh for fuckssake...

The NTSB guy that MSNBC has on says it is the hand of God.

He's saying 'I am a man of God and I have no doubt God saved those people'

08-02-2005, 06:17 PM
its the hand of man, man built it, man fucked up, plane came down

08-02-2005, 06:18 PM
It was an Airfrance flight from Paris!!

I mean any God fearing Republican American knows that God wouldn't help a bunch of Frenchies and Canadians!!!

he might have save the mericans...but not them foriegners..


08-02-2005, 06:26 PM
Oh for fuckssake...

The NTSB guy that MSNBC has on says it is the hand of God.

He's saying 'I am a man of God and I have no doubt God saved those people'

Translation: "We don't know what the fuck just happened, but I'm bucking for promotion during a Republican administration where the President violates the Constitution on a regular basis by calling on the 'Almighty,' who - of course - just loves us US folk. I mean, we put His name on our money, for heaven's sake!"

08-03-2005, 02:26 AM
If it's the "hand of God" who saved them, then who's hand is it pushed them into the gully?!


08-03-2005, 07:17 AM
There are seriously lucky people today..time to play the lottery.

08-03-2005, 07:42 AM
If it's the "hand of God" who saved them, then who's hand is it pushed them into the gully?!

That would have been the hand of the British God ;)

08-03-2005, 09:11 AM
>The NTSB guy that MSNBC has on says it is the hand of God.

Why is the NTSB guy even commenting on this?

I'm serious, we need to get a good attorney and serve papers on that 25% of the US. Let them call it Jesusville or whatever the hell they want to call it, but just cut the rug and leave them by themselves. We'd have to slide all of them into one state...maybe a non-existent one like Delaware. They won't mind since they're into that suffering stuff.

Good for the plane in Toronto. I'd suggest their survival is more the case of a good pilot, a sound plane, and a whole lotta luck.

08-03-2005, 11:41 AM
The plane came down 20 minutes before I left the office yesterday... The entire westbound 401 ( busiest highway in canada, and this was during rush hour) was closed down. Makes it a huge pain in the ass when that is the way you go to get home.

Everyone was fine. the Emergency crews were still there on our way past this morning but looked like they were getting into the cleanup phase.

There was a huge storm here yesterday and it looks like the wind probably shifted suddenly from a 30 knot head wind to a 40 know tail wind. which mean that the plane effectively got a 70 knot push from behind just as it was about to land.

08-03-2005, 11:47 AM
And people wonder why I drive evereywhere.

I'm not mad , ya know!!!

Ever looked at a plane close up?

Dangerous fucking things...not meant to fly.

( Yes , this crash has put the "nickatilynx must use planes" campaign back 6 mths)


08-03-2005, 12:13 PM
where the President violates the Constitution on a regular basis by calling on the 'Almighty,' who - of course - just loves us US folk.

I never actually thought of this before... but wouldn't that be a GREAT frivolous lawsuit? One of you Americans should file a suit against the presidency and GW for violating the separation of church and state every time he opens his uneducated trap.

you could say you're an atheist and are offended by his blatant disregard for the constitution and make millions.

08-03-2005, 12:18 PM
Oh for fuckssake...

The NTSB guy that MSNBC has on says it is the hand of God.

He's saying 'I am a man of God and I have no doubt God saved those people'

interesting. did he mention by chance why God decided to send the plane off the runway and make it burst into flames?

08-03-2005, 12:22 PM
interesting. did he mention by chance why God decided to send the plane off the runway and make it burst into flames?

Yeah , it seems he missed the El Al flight.


08-03-2005, 12:55 PM
mel...these silly people wouldn't *fit* in Delaware. They'd need a much bigger state.

Althought we could have a pilot program *and* solve that little Canadian/Danish tiff over the island all in one move.

08-03-2005, 02:16 PM
I'm serious, we need to get a good attorney and serve papers on that 25% of the US. Let them call it Jesusville or whatever the hell they want to call it, but just cut the rug and leave them by themselves. We'd have to slide all of them into one state...maybe a non-existent one like Delaware. They won't mind since they're into that suffering stuff.

Delaware? We did that Yearrrrsssss ago!!

It's called "UTAH"

08-03-2005, 02:40 PM

And always in his "Barney caught an armadillah" Texas accent which he got by rights in being born and raised in freakin' Connecticut.

Morgan, my theory is the space density in Delaware is WAY underutilized. There's only about 70 million of these freaks versus 800,000 sane Delawarians (if they actually exist) who could all be safely relocated. We'd have to stack them, but I'm pretty sure we could get the door closed.

Ryan, Utah is too pretty for them. We need a big Jesusland reservation, with their Mullah Falwell at the helm.

Nick, airplanes are terrifying things. It makes no sense that they fly...I agree with Adrian Monk on that one.

At least the plane wasn't a 747. My dad helped design those. Those people would have all been chipped beef on toast by now.