View Full Version : Great post by Cory from WEG on GFY

08-02-2005, 01:50 PM
So I had to do a bit of a lukefraud and C&P it... :)

"""I don't have Nick money, but I will comment anyhow.

If you want to be truly successful, whether that be in a financial or achievement based way, you will most likely need to be resourceful and trust people. Getting ripped off is par for the course and it is a likely bet that this is a very small drop in the bucket for Nick.

It would be impractical to believe that you can safeguard everything, no different than it would be wasteful to apply vengeance in every isolated case whereas someone put a painful notch in your belt of trust. Knowing that is moving forward.

I don’t think the situation is embarrassing for Nick per se, I would say it is par for the course and my guess is he will just move forward the same as he always does. At the very least, it helps raise a level of awareness, no different than Blue Design Studios did.""""

I think this post is spot on.

I put trust in someone and they let me down.Ah well.

Ah well.I shall put a few hours into fucking with him. And of course spread the word that he is not to be trusted.

Have I been scammed before?


Will I be scammed again?
Of course?

Are there people who claim I scammed them? Yup , a handful , over 9 years , that ain't bad. ;-))

However this business and life itself is based on trust.

I have made millions in this business trusting people.

I have trusted Serge ,Scottpb, and Ant and many others ( most post here) and to this day $100,000s per month change hands as a result of that mutual trust.

So , "Wipe your mouth and move on" is what an old "showman" used to say :)

I'm sure as hell not gonna post "Scamming Cunt" whenever I see Lee post.

Everyone knows he is.

The way I look at it , he took the short money. :)

08-02-2005, 01:52 PM
Excellent post, exquisite commentary. :okthumb:

08-02-2005, 01:55 PM
So I had to do a bit of a lukefraud and C&P it... :)

"""I don't have Nick money, but I will comment anyhow.

If you want to be truly successful, whether that be in a financial or achievement based way, you will most likely need to be resourceful and trust people. Getting ripped off is par for the course and it is a likely bet that this is a very small drop in the bucket for Nick.

It would be impractical to believe that you can safeguard everything, no different than it would be wasteful to apply vengeance in every isolated case whereas someone put a painful notch in your belt of trust. Knowing that is moving forward.

I don’t think the situation is embarrassing for Nick per se, I would say it is par for the course and my guess is he will just move forward the same as he always does. At the very least, it helps raise a level of awareness, no different than Blue Design Studios did.""""

I think this post is spot on.

I put trust in someone and they let me down.Ah well.

Ah well.I shall put a few hours into fucking with him. And of course spread the word that he is not to be trusted.

Have I been scammed before?


Will I be scammed again?
Of course?

Are there people who claim I scammed them? Yup , a handful , over 9 years , that ain't bad. ;-))

However this business and life itself is based on trust.

I have made millions in this business trusting people.

I have trusted Serge ,Scottpb, and Ant and many others ( most post here) and to this day $100,000s per month change hands as a result of that mutual trust.

So , "Wipe your mouth and move on" is what an old "showman" used to say :)

I'm sure as hell not gonna post "Scamming Cunt" whenever I see Lee post.

Everyone knows he is.

The way I look at it , he took the short money. :)
Both posts are top shelf and worthy of a hall of fame somewhere. :okthumb:

Another lesson learned.

08-02-2005, 02:03 PM
Both posts are top shelf and worthy of a hall of fame somewhere. :okthumb:

Another lesson learned.
Cory's top shelf in the most absolute terms...you asswipes did your best to chase him off.

You should apologize to him and do so honestly in the hope he comes back here. He's not a program rep like the whores and ass kissers you're used to. He will tell you the straight up facts. Why in the fuck you scammers try and fuck with good people makes no sense to me.

If you want a board full of sigwhores and ass kissers - he doesn't belong. You want someone who will tell you like it is (although more diplomatically than I will), you'd best get people like cory here.

I'd pick him over anyone of you anyday.

08-02-2005, 02:07 PM
Excellent post. There's a good education in being screwed over, too.

I was scammed by a master and I didn't hop from board to board proclaiming her name and calling her on the carpet about it (even though I should have done). I told everybody so they wouldn't get burned, but invariably, we set ourselves up for it. I know I did. Trust is good, being gullible is another thing altogether. I learned a very hard lesson about being played and the fact that not everyone has a conscience. Tweet learned the same lesson.

I always trust people who make a point of telling everyone what scammers they are. lol Nick, Serge, Dravyk, etc, have never screwed me over even though they had opportunities. People who set themselves up to be angels, well, that's another matter.

It's 100 degrees here today and there's no way I'm doing my morning walk, so I'm waxing philosophic instead. lol

08-02-2005, 02:09 PM
ummm...as far as I know , I have no problem with Cory , aeon.

08-02-2005, 02:13 PM
ummm...as far as I know , I have no problem with Cory , aeon.

Aeon as a non-sexual crush on Cory...


08-02-2005, 02:15 PM
ummm...as far as I know , I have no problem with Cory , aeon.
When that old commie ran this board I had to jump in here to stand up for him - it was absolutely stupid to even think of standing up for him...he doesn't need it. rest assured of one thing...if the dude decides to post here again after that board frackas, I'll have his back and you should be thankful that he even posts here.

08-02-2005, 02:17 PM
Aeon as a non-sexual crush on Cory...

No - I just wouldn't smile at him while i slit his throat like I would yours. I'd laugh while watching the razor sever your arteries.

08-02-2005, 02:17 PM
When that old commie ran this board I had to jump in here to stand up for him - it was absolutely stupid to even think of standing up for him...he doesn't need it. rest assured of one thing...if the dude decides to post here again after that board frackas, I'll have his back and you should be thankful that he even posts here.

You love him , don't you...

deep deep down...you love him...


08-02-2005, 02:26 PM
You love him , don't you...

deep deep down...you love him...

He's an old school AVS guy...you want your board to grow - apologize for your predecessors wino idiocy and hope you have people intelligent, insightful enough to post shit that means something beyond stroking it to the glory days.

It’s your money. I could care less. If he does post, anyone of you fossils fuck with him, I'll go wild pissing.

08-02-2005, 02:29 PM
I think he can't post as I'm told he is a mod elsewhere. ;-)))

But aeon , the thing is , Oprano is growing , a little everyday.

Eventually people will realise its a decent place to post and mingle on. :)

And should you wish to piss ,thats cool :)

08-02-2005, 02:31 PM
Old School AVS?

Your "old school" ain't mine... ;-))

In 1998 I think it was I had 10% of the links on Adultcheck.

Cory joined adultcheck in what 2000? 2001?

08-02-2005, 02:34 PM
I think he can't post as I'm told he is a mod elsewhere. ;-)))

But aeon , the thing is , Oprano is growing , a little everyday.

Eventually people will realise its a decent place to post and mingle on. :)

And should you wish to piss ,thats cool :)
I like this board. I can piss here freely. Chasing off sigwhores is one thing. Chasing off people that have some insight and are cool is another and Cory is cool. You and I will piss if that happens.

Otherwise...just dont' spam me too much. ;)

08-02-2005, 02:38 PM
I like this board. I can piss here freely. Chasing off sigwhores is one thing. Chasing off people that have some insight and are cool is another and Cory is cool. You and I will piss if that happens.

Otherwise...just dont' spam me too much. ;)

Like it or not , I LIKE having you here.


And rest assured ,as for total morons,like wildgirl from fetishhits,they will never be welcome here

08-02-2005, 03:08 PM
No - I just wouldn't smile at him while i slit his throat like I would yours. I'd laugh while watching the razor sever your arteries.

ahahah, oh man, that's priceless...

08-02-2005, 03:17 PM

Like it or not , I LIKE having you here.

Shhhhh.... you might scare him off......... :blink:

08-02-2005, 03:19 PM
Cory's top shelf in the most absolute terms...you asswipes did your best to chase him off.

You should apologize to him and do so honestly in the hope he comes back here. He's not a program rep like the whores and ass kissers you're used to. He will tell you the straight up facts. Why in the fuck you scammers try and fuck with good people makes no sense to me.

If you want a board full of sigwhores and ass kissers - he doesn't belong. You want someone who will tell you like it is (although more diplomatically than I will), you'd best get people like cory here.

I'd pick him over anyone of you anyday.
I don't believe I've ever had a problem with Cory, I'm checking way back through the threads just to make sure, but I've always thought he was one of the good guys.

08-02-2005, 03:59 PM
I was one of those that slammed Cory back in the day.

Getting to know him better has changed my outlook on him.

I like Cory, and let's face it, he's just as verboise as the rest of us. Credit him for taking the lumps, and moving on. Because that's just what he did.

08-02-2005, 04:56 PM
Cory is good in my book and I have absolutely no issues with him or his program whatsoever, and should Cory decide to post here, he is most welcome.

08-02-2005, 05:29 PM
I was one of those that slammed Cory back in the day.




08-02-2005, 05:51 PM



It was good too!


08-02-2005, 05:57 PM
Cory wants to have my baby...

Weg Cory
08-02-2005, 06:55 PM
I don’t dislike Oprano, nor do I hold grudges against anyone who said anything aggressive towards me. Chat forums in essence are small rooms housing a diversity of guest / ideologies; turbulence and feuds are bound to occur. The only ones whom lose are those that can’t look past the occurrences. In a sense, they are self-righteous.

That said my distaste regarding the past situation was traced directly to the abuse of personal information, whether that was in the way of threats or direct publication. Gonzo was the driver on that and when I look up at the design of the board, I am reminded that he has vested interest in the board.

You don’t sit down with a known GFY loudmouth and tell them anything of significance, because if you do, you risk having your words, thoughts, ideas and personal life compromised. It is the same concept. Boards need fuel to run and I understand who holds the pump.

Please do not interpret the prior two paragraphs as rehashing, rather, just me being candid where it seemed relevant.

I am not a moderator on JBM, contrary to popular belief. I like Brad; he has always been nice to me. I have lunch with Chris at least once a month. I post there because I am comfortable and because I enjoy the daily threads on the board. I offer assistance if they ever need it, mostly with text. I chime in on V-Bulletine at times as well via icq. But I am not an employee.

I don’t monitor all the boards, between Gabe, Peaches and Ruth; they have it covered and know more people than I do.

Nick, sorry to hear about the database being compromised; par for the course, yet discouraging all the same. There is no lesson to learn here, you will always need people to help and people will always need opportunities from you. You run a webmaster resource, the reward of helping everyone out is at times the lavishing in the spotlight while other times it is the unpropitious. You can’t expect one without the other, but you would not have the money that you do if I had to tell you that, I am just making my point.

I think Oprano is a great, resourceful board with a host of informed members. If you allowed things like what Lee did hinder your philosophies, it would not be of much value. Some things speak for themselves. The most important points are often proven by what is not said.

"Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings."
-Arthur Rubinstein

Hope Everyone is well and the kind words are appreciated.


08-02-2005, 07:02 PM
I don’t dislike Oprano, nor do I hold grudges against anyone who said anything aggressive towards me. Chat forums in essence are small rooms housing a diversity of guest / ideologies; turbulence and feuds are bound to occur. The only ones whom lose are those that can’t look past the occurrences. In a sense, they are self-righteous.

That said my distaste regarding the past situation was traced directly to the abuse of personal information, whether that was in the way of threats or direct publication. Gonzo was the driver on that and when I look up at the design of the board, I am reminded that he has vested interest in the board.

You don’t sit down with a known GFY loudmouth and tell them anything of significance, because if you do, you risk having your words, thoughts, ideas and personal life compromised. It is the same concept. Boards need fuel to run and I understand who holds the pump.

Please do not interpret the prior two paragraphs as rehashing, rather, just me being candid where it seemed relevant.

I am not a moderator on JBM, contrary to popular belief. I like Brad; he has always been nice to me. I have lunch with Chris at least once a month. I post there because I am comfortable and because I enjoy the daily threads on the board. I offer assistance if they ever need it, mostly with text. I chime in on V-Bulletine at times as well via icq. But I am not an employee.

I don’t monitor all the boards, between Gabe, Peaches and Ruth; they have it covered and know more people than I do.

Nick, sorry to hear about the database being compromised; par for the course, yet discouraging all the same. There is no lesson to learn here, you will always need people to help and people will always need opportunities from you. You run a webmaster resource, the reward of helping everyone out is at times the lavishing in the spotlight while other times it is the unpropitious. You can’t expect one without the other, but you would not have the money that you do if I had to tell you that, I am just making my point.

I think Oprano is a great, resourceful board with a host of informed members. If you allowed things like what Lee did hinder your philosophies, it would not be of much value. Some things speak for themselves. The most important points are often proven by what is not said.

"Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings."
-Arthur Rubinstein

Hope Everyone is well and the kind words are appreciated.



Please make this man come back. The writer is begging.
(That "whom" should have been "who," but even so....)
He uses semi-colons and metaphors.


08-02-2005, 07:49 PM
When Cory and I met, we were both in our cups and we had a huge fight. I truly detested him and liked him immensely in a schizoid kind of way.

I no longer detest Cory and I still like him immensely.

He is a rarity. He has wit and intelligence, common sense and a sense of humour. He knows who his friends are and keeps it real.

08-02-2005, 08:14 PM
Sometimes I think I'd marry Cory if he weren't gay!

08-02-2005, 08:34 PM
Sometimes I think I'd marry Cory if he weren't gay!

i was about to say , only gay people can write that well...

08-02-2005, 09:22 PM
I don’t dislike Oprano, nor do I hold grudges against anyone who said anything aggressive towards me. Chat forums in essence are small rooms housing a diversity of guest / ideologies; turbulence and feuds are bound to occur. The only ones whom lose are those that can’t look past the occurrences. In a sense, they are self-righteous.

That said my distaste regarding the past situation was traced directly to the abuse of personal information, whether that was in the way of threats or direct publication. Gonzo was the driver on that and when I look up at the design of the board, I am reminded that he has vested interest in the board.

You don’t sit down with a known GFY loudmouth and tell them anything of significance, because if you do, you risk having your words, thoughts, ideas and personal life compromised. It is the same concept. Boards need fuel to run and I understand who holds the pump.

Please do not interpret the prior two paragraphs as rehashing, rather, just me being candid where it seemed relevant.

I am not a moderator on JBM, contrary to popular belief. I like Brad; he has always been nice to me. I have lunch with Chris at least once a month. I post there because I am comfortable and because I enjoy the daily threads on the board. I offer assistance if they ever need it, mostly with text. I chime in on V-Bulletine at times as well via icq. But I am not an employee.

I don’t monitor all the boards, between Gabe, Peaches and Ruth; they have it covered and know more people than I do.

Nick, sorry to hear about the database being compromised; par for the course, yet discouraging all the same. There is no lesson to learn here, you will always need people to help and people will always need opportunities from you. You run a webmaster resource, the reward of helping everyone out is at times the lavishing in the spotlight while other times it is the unpropitious. You can’t expect one without the other, but you would not have the money that you do if I had to tell you that, I am just making my point.

I think Oprano is a great, resourceful board with a host of informed members. If you allowed things like what Lee did hinder your philosophies, it would not be of much value. Some things speak for themselves. The most important points are often proven by what is not said.

"Of course there is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings."
-Arthur Rubinstein

Hope Everyone is well and the kind words are appreciated.


We still gonna swap spit in a couple of days or what?

Tell Gabe he's not safe either.

08-02-2005, 10:13 PM
We still gonna swap spit in a couple of days or what?

Tell Gabe he's not safe either.
Times like this I wish I had a penis so the boys would like me :(

08-02-2005, 10:41 PM
I don't know Cory, but after reading his post, I would very much like to. He needs to stick around here. :)

08-02-2005, 10:51 PM
I never knew proper grammar on a message board could get pussy. I've been doing this all wrong.

08-02-2005, 11:00 PM
I never knew proper grammar on a message board could get pussy. I've been doing this all wrong.



08-03-2005, 12:29 AM
Cory's top shelf in the most absolute terms...you asswipes did your best to chase him off.

You should apologize to him and do so honestly in the hope he comes back here. He's not a program rep like the whores and ass kissers you're used to. He will tell you the straight up facts. Why in the fuck you scammers try and fuck with good people makes no sense to me.

If you want a board full of sigwhores and ass kissers - he doesn't belong. You want someone who will tell you like it is (although more diplomatically than I will), you'd best get people like cory here.

I'd pick him over anyone of you anyday.

You are right, Cory is a good guy I agree,

( you are still a dickhead though)

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 11:32 AM
When Cory and I met, we were both in our cups and we had a huge fight. I truly detested him and liked him immensely in a schizoid kind of way.

I no longer detest Cory and I still like him immensely.

He is a rarity. He has wit and intelligence, common sense and a sense of humour. He knows who his friends are and keeps it real.

Thanks for the kind words. It is always nice having a conversation with you.

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 11:33 AM
We still gonna swap spit in a couple of days or what?

Tell Gabe he's not safe either.

Gabe's largest concern is the heat. He hired a couple of models to follow him around with a mist bottle.

I think he is paying the guys $20 / hour. That is a steal if you ask me.

08-03-2005, 01:42 PM
Thanks for the kind words. It is always nice having a conversation with you.

Ok, Cory. That was way too nice. What's wrong with you? LOL

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 01:44 PM
Ok, Cory. That was way too nice. What's wrong with you? LOL

I found God.

08-03-2005, 01:44 PM
I found God.

In your pants?

Weg Cory
08-03-2005, 01:48 PM
In yours. The boxed wine helped though, it was a nice touch, thanks :)

08-03-2005, 02:12 PM
By all I hold dear...the man is *funny,* too!!!!!

Somebody get Anthony a thong and a mist bottle!!!!! :yowsa:

Cory absolutely *has* to post here!!! :thumbup:

08-03-2005, 02:13 PM
'Penis, Dickheads, God, and boxed wine'

My boardtracker went off.'

08-03-2005, 02:16 PM
'Penis, Dickheads, God, and boxed wine'

My boardtracker went off.'

And another keeper enters the thread.... :okthumb:

08-03-2005, 05:35 PM
'Penis, Dickheads, God, and boxed wine'

My boardtracker went off.'


08-03-2005, 05:50 PM
'Penis, Dickheads, God, and boxed wine'

My boardtracker went off.'
Sadly, he's dead serious :blink: