View Full Version : What are our "community standards"?

08-02-2005, 01:14 PM
The threads on data bases and spam caused my mind to take a little hop.
Many webmasters contain the sentence "You are responsible for knowing the standards in your community" in the warning pages for their free sites.

We are a community. What are "our standards"? All communities, i.e. groups of people engaged in a common endeavor, have standards, whether they are written down or not, or even spoken aloud or not. We all have things that we as individuals feel are the right - or wrong - way to go about conducting business.

What do we as a community believe? Is our community so diverse that there can't be a consensus of what we consider right and wrong?

I would appreciate any webmaster who choses to do so contribute to this thread with their ideas on "our community standards" or state their belief that there can be no such thing.

I tried to think of something small to start out.

Most webmaster boards have seperate forums for different purposes. Posts have to be put in the correct forum or the post is moved and the poster labeled a "spammer." A post on a new traffic source, for example, would not be announced in the Oprano Lounge. There is a forum for Traffic Discussions and it should be put there.

A small example of an "industry standard."

What are the others?

08-02-2005, 01:21 PM
I fear we may be opening Pandora’s box here.

08-02-2005, 01:25 PM
rule number 1 of being an adult webmaster.

--- pretend to be an outstanding individual right up until the moment you get caught.

08-02-2005, 01:27 PM
rule number 1 of being an adult webmaster.

--- pretend to be an outstanding individual right up until the moment you get caught.

OK. Then what do you pretend to be?

08-02-2005, 01:27 PM
There is no community or industry standards, not in the adult on line entertainment industry

The overwhelming majority of people still in this industry couldn't sell a cure to cancer and are hanging on to earning a pittance

There are very few in this industry (and most are here at Oprano) that I would work with or admit to knowing of

There may be some community guidelines here at Oprano that are not crossed mostly due to respect and common sense

Don't agree, ask yourself this
How many people from this industry would you invite to your home?
Think about the great unwashed masses at the outhouse

Fucking idiots killed the golden goose by their lack of insight and nonexistence sales ability and still hang on to a few pennies a day
Ah ha ha ha ha ha

08-02-2005, 01:27 PM
I dunno what they are , but I sure as hell know when someone breaks them

08-02-2005, 01:28 PM
rule number 1 of being an adult webmaster.

--- pretend to be an outstanding individual right up until the moment you get caught.

ahahahahahahaha ..

I've always approached it from the EXACT opposite angle ;-))

08-02-2005, 01:30 PM
Vick...to you...would *having* community standards have made a difference?

Nick...to you...you just paraphrased the famous definition of "pornography." :)

08-02-2005, 01:31 PM
There may be some community guidelines here at Oprano that are not crossed mostly due to respect and common sense


08-02-2005, 01:34 PM
Vick...to you...would *having* community standards have made a difference?

No, the standards would be for idiots. Any sensible, reasonable individual would know what lines not to cross

Example - Lee's harvesting of the O-Database

08-02-2005, 01:35 PM
There is no community or industry standards, not in the adult on line entertainment industry

The overwhelming majority of people still in this industry couldn't sell a cure to cancer and are hanging on to earning a pittance

There are very few in this industry (and most are here at Oprano) that I would work with or admit to knowing of

There may be some community guidelines here at Oprano that are not crossed mostly due to respect and common sense

Don't agree, ask yourself this
How many people from this industry would you invite to your home?
Think about the great unwashed masses at the outhouse

Fucking idiots killed the golden goose by their lack of insight and nonexistence sales ability and still hang on to a few pennies a day
Ah ha ha ha ha ha

I do love you you know...

08-02-2005, 01:37 PM
I do love you you know...
It's mutual

Re: community standards, think of it this way
If you invite someone to your home do you expect to have to tell them how to act while there?

08-02-2005, 01:39 PM
There may be some community guidelines here at Oprano that are not crossed mostly due to respect and common sense

Do we have a second on this nomination?

If so I'll get it into the pearls section :)

08-02-2005, 01:44 PM
Also while spouting off and pointing I'll admit to being the biggest idiot in the business
I had the same opportunities as everyone else and didn't fully capitalize on them

Those with outstanding business acumen retired years ago with millions and all the trappings
I did ok but not that well .... and have no one to blame but myself

08-02-2005, 01:48 PM
Trev...you have a second. :okthumb:

Vick...I've been reading you for years.
Someday you might be wrong about something. Not so far, but it's a distant, vague, I-really-doubt-it possibility. :)

08-02-2005, 01:54 PM
Morgan - much thanks ...

.....but if you speak with my fiancée you find I am occasionally wrong

08-02-2005, 05:44 PM
Trev...you have a second. :okthumb:

Vick...I've been reading you for years.
Someday you might be wrong about something. Not so far, but it's a distant, vague, I-really-doubt-it possibility. :)You must have missed his puffy shirt, plaid zipper pants and flaming shoes outfit then... :lol:

All I ever needed to know about Vick was when I stepped in his house and saw Casablanca sitting by the TV... that and the 3 foot dildo in closet of course...

Come to Internext Vick! Will buy you purple hooters all night long... ;)

08-02-2005, 05:54 PM
Ok... on the community standards question. There is no answer because community is an undefined, intentionally vague variable that can encompass the entire globe with equal ease as it does a single neighborhood block. It's dentured fangs in a toothless statute, continually gumming at unpopular speech; a grandma gnawing after a chocolate coated peanut.

08-02-2005, 06:23 PM
:lol: Well, XXXPhoto, I was referring to his thoughts, not his wardrobe choices. (What were you doing in his closet?) :D

Ok... on the community standards question. There is no answer because community is an undefined, intentionally vague variable that can encompass the entire globe with equal ease as it does a single neighborhood block. It's dentured fangs in a toothless statute, continually gumming at unpopular speech; a grandma gnawing after a chocolate coated peanut.

I got quite distracted by your metaphors...and I thank you. :okthumb:

Yes, community is vague. "All adult webmasters" is too large a group. However, this is a *business* and all businesses should have some kind of standards that everyone is expected to abide by. We do not have a "law enforcement" equivelent, per se, but we do have the marvelous "word of mouth" for those that break the "rules." (See various threads on "don't steal things from people who have given you their trust" threads on what happens if you do.) Despite the uproar over what happened, I do know without even knowing who the individuals are or will be, the accused will continue doing business. He may be dented, he may even suffer great loss...but there are those out there aware of these threads muttering "so? It's a cut throat world and you take what you can get whatever you can get it."

Perhaps I should redefine "community" to "most webmasters."

I guess I'm also hoping that somebody, somewhere, will come up with something to post as a "standard."

I live in a beautiful little world and I dream a lot.

08-02-2005, 08:20 PM
How about "Don't shit where you sleep"?

08-02-2005, 08:52 PM
How about "Don't shit where you sleep"?

I was gonna say that you don't fuck over your family, but that works too PD...

I think the community standards we should worry about are just the standards here within Oprano and not try to define what the adult webmasters standards would/should be. If we set our standards high enough to carry the head up and sleep well at night, then what do we care about whatever else everybody else does?

08-03-2005, 11:45 AM
The overwhelming majority of people still in this industry couldn't sell a cure to cancer and are hanging on to earning a pittance

TORONTO (CP) - Two Canadians were charged Tuesday by the federal Competition Bureau for allegedly peddling the benefits of a phoney cancer therapy and bilking millions of dollars from patients worldwide.

Through seminars, brochures and telemarketing, the suspects told cancer victims and their families that their treatment - known as cell-specific cancer therapy or zoetron therapy - could selectively kill cancer cells without harming healthy ones, the bureau alleges.


Decidedly NOT a community standard

08-03-2005, 12:11 PM
OK. Then what do you pretend to be?

i am in the fortuneate position where i dont have to like people and they don't have to like me... so i dont have to pretend that i am not really a cynical wise-ass. :)

08-03-2005, 12:19 PM
The community standards of any community can never be standard as the community standard moves rapidly dependent upon the standard of the community and the community standards.

Thank you...


08-03-2005, 12:28 PM
The problem with standards based on common sense is that few people will understand the rules. :scans:

08-03-2005, 12:43 PM
The community standards of any community can never be standard as the community standard moves rapidly dependent upon the standard of the community and the community standards.

Thank you...


What I read.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. blah blah. Thank you..."

08-03-2005, 12:49 PM
Nickatilynx...thanks for playing. You've won a copy of our home game and a lifetime supply of Cheeze Whiz. :)

Bhelliom...that *is* what he said. :)

Dravyk...sadly, true. And fewer still will implement them. :)

JR...if it weren't for the cynical wise-asses, this lousy job would be worse than it is already. :)

08-03-2005, 12:50 PM
What I read.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. blah blah. Thank you..."

Then you read it correctly. :)

08-03-2005, 03:01 PM
For the geriatric fucks here:
Bring your own Depends and don't touch another old scammer’s Metamucil - pretty much covers it.