View Full Version : Re : Lee's spamming of Oprano's DB

08-02-2005, 12:12 PM
Could anyone that received it please report it as spam.

LBBV at NationalNet is also investigating

And then some other stuff is happening too.

Us Ex-experts in spam also know how to complain.

It surprises me that a resident of Florida would contravene spam laws so badly.

Also please take the time to forward a copy to

08-02-2005, 12:14 PM
Could anyone that received it please report it as spam.

LBBV at NationalNet is also investigating

And then some other stuff is happening too.

Us Ex-experts in spam also know how to complain.

It surprises me that a resident of Florida would contravene spam laws so badly.
This is gonna sound dorky but I've never reported spam before. I usually check it out to see what hot/new sponsors there are...the marketing techniques they're using or just deleted it.

Tell me how and I'll gladly do it.

08-02-2005, 12:17 PM
This is gonna sound dorky but I've never reported spam before. I usually check it out to see what hot/new sponsors there are...the marketing techniques they're using or just deleted it.

Tell me how and I'll gladly do it.

Thks aeon.

Fwd a copy to webmaster@oprano.com

And we will take care of it. :)

08-02-2005, 12:20 PM
Thks aeon.

Fwd a copy to webmaster@oprano.com

And we will take care of it. :)
sent from webmaster@handi-xxx-xxxxx.com

Nail his faggot ass.

08-02-2005, 12:30 PM
Is using spamcop still effective?

08-02-2005, 12:31 PM
Is using spamcop still effective?

Yup :)

08-02-2005, 12:35 PM
Yup :)
Weird my username still works after all this time :yowsa:

08-02-2005, 12:36 PM
Just forwarded to you all three I received.

08-02-2005, 12:37 PM
Thks everyone.

By all accounts he has done the same thing to ARS and Voltars board.

08-02-2005, 12:47 PM
I just delete stuff that comes through straight away without looking at it. What was it?

08-02-2005, 12:50 PM
Nevermind, found out in another thread. I got it but deleted it without looking at it.

08-02-2005, 01:00 PM
Thks everyone.

By all accounts he has done the same thing to ARS and Voltars board.

BTW- so, he apparently did this elsewhere as well? I got the e-mail at the same address I used for his board if my memory serves me correctly but that is a rather big red flag there. :hmm:

08-02-2005, 01:01 PM
i got 2 emails from him

08-02-2005, 01:05 PM
Saw the thread sare started... sigh.. guess I'm WAY behind on info in this area!! :(

08-02-2005, 01:05 PM
My ICQ has been lit up all morning about this. Apparently this isnt the first 2nd or third time Lee has tried to pass off some jive ass excuse from a harvest and spam operation.

Lee... out of anyone in the world.... NickatIlynx would be the last person in the world I would steal and spam his members list.

Apparently silly little spam games are the tip of the iceburg.
Ive had to go get a pink big bag just for all the shit thats coming down the pipe on you.... questions of Webair.... Blue Studio Designs....Eroticacash.....Stud Money .....Cybersockets etc etc seems like you pissed of a lot of people.

This community allowed you a place to do business and you chose not only to steal and spam our members but to insult our intelligence with jive assed explinations of how the database was spidered, how your server at natnet was hacked, they added all the addresses to your newsletter and then sent it.

Maybe that old mystic techie bullshit worked on others in the past but Nick and I know better.

Its amazing to me how you are buying up straight resource sites to bridge the communication between straights and gays and then you pull this shit.

You apparently decided to blow up the bridge for a one time mailing.
I hope "the juice was worth the squeeze".

08-02-2005, 01:10 PM
I'll zap the 15 or so I have at home to you this evening. I am zapping one to you from here at the office.

08-02-2005, 01:14 PM
I've forwarded mine and Toni's, even though I've reported them.

08-02-2005, 02:31 PM
I deleted mine yesterday when I got it. Sorry

Evil Chris
08-02-2005, 03:59 PM
I don't think I received anything??

What was sent out?

08-02-2005, 04:21 PM
I automatically deleted mine before I saw the threads yesterday as well.

08-02-2005, 04:36 PM
Post it on GFY as well.

08-03-2005, 12:34 AM
You can count on mine ( I will check it and forwad it to you )

08-03-2005, 12:36 AM
You know I must comment something here .

I never mind someone trying to stab me, and I expect some to only be able to try to do it in the back...

But nothing is worst than someone you allow to be on the inside and then they try to fuck you the hardest. That is unforgivable and really pathetic!

By you extending your trust in Lee and him to pull this on you personally, and Oprano as a wole is just a fucking crime.


08-03-2005, 02:42 AM
for all the headache nick is going to make him go thru, im curious how much lee made from the lists.

my guess is... next to nothing since he hit a mainstream board up with gay content.
congrats lee, you fucked yourself over for nothing.

shows as much business sense as letting a designer ruin your reputation over $400.

08-03-2005, 02:59 AM
for all the headache nick is going to make him go thru, im curious how much lee made from the lists.

my guess is... next to nothing since he hit a mainstream board up with gay content.
congrats lee, you fucked yourself over for nothing.

shows as much business sense as letting a designer ruin your reputation over $400.

The other night on the TV show "Las Vegas" the crew switch jobs for a day, and the one guy gets 'the floor'. The woman he's taking over for says, you know what I hate the most about what you did today? He said that I let the guy win a million dollars? She said no, that you comped a local!!

Same thing. Stole a database? Criminal, deplorable! But spammed a niche to a general list?!?!?! Un-fucking-forgivable!!!!

08-03-2005, 11:27 AM
for all the headache nick is going to make him go thru, im curious how much lee made from the lists.

my guess is... next to nothing since he hit a mainstream board up with gay content.
congrats lee, you fucked yourself over for nothing.

shows as much business sense as letting a designer ruin your reputation over $400.


08-03-2005, 11:29 AM
According to GFY , Lee says Nationalnet will cleaer his name.

And then of course he will explain that he ran "makelist" on July 17th for some real reason..

Note!!! Wwe haven't sent the Oprano newsletter for a month or two....

Just like his excuse why he shouldn't pay the designer $400......bullshit.