View Full Version : Spent one whole day on it ! Check it out at least, lol ...

08-02-2005, 12:00 AM
O.K. Guys, my first ever non adult attempt... I have a shitload of similar projects lined up but I chose this one first as it was mediocre in the work it required and how difficult it would be to market ...


Not a huge market but could eventually lead to a couple thousand a month... Build 20 of those and you are talking bank :)

BTW There are a couple ways to win $25.00 - Would rather it be an Opranaut than any other schmoe ;)

08-02-2005, 12:01 AM
And yeah I know the design sucks.. LOL

If designs made $$, Serge would be broke though ;)

08-02-2005, 10:27 AM
Cool! :okthumb:

I went, I saw...I registered! :)

08-02-2005, 10:51 AM
Thanks Morgan, have some excellent ideas for it once I have some regular posting activity.. I am guessing it will be 2-3 months before that happens though with a couple hours of marketing per day and keeping it in my sig.

Next project I like more, has the potential to earn more money, but it will also require ALOT more work ... http://www.php-programs.com - Going to be a comprehensive listing of PHP scripts along with many other programming languages.. Kind of like all of Matts Archive's sites put into one :) It should be a great resource for adult and non adult webmasters both...

Then on to project number 3,4,5,6, and 7 I have lined up.. LOL

At Least I will not be bored for the next couple of months :)

08-02-2005, 01:12 PM
Looks good Ryan.

08-02-2005, 01:16 PM
I registered a few hours ago (so I can say I was there at the begining lol)

I've yet to receive a confirmation email though, and yes that address is working :p

08-02-2005, 01:31 PM
I've yet to receive a confirmation email though, and yes that address is working :p

I´m sure Ryan can get Lee to help him with the board confirmation e-mail setup ;-)))

08-02-2005, 01:40 PM
Your design sucks. Get a professional header done and leave space in the header on the right side of the header for a banner.

Make space below the header for 4-5 buttons. Shrink the tables and use something other than red/blue for the overall design - it's hard to read. Leave room at the bottom for a few button advertisers.

Use php ads new to deliver the banners and put an "advertise" link somewhere were people can see it. Buy a real BB script like vbul or invasion.

08-02-2005, 01:43 PM
I´m sure Ryan can get Lee to help him with the board confirmation e-mail setup ;-)))

Yeah, he can steal all 4 of my e-mail addresses :D

Thanks for the heads up on the registering.. I just made a post to reply to one of the people who won $25.00 for signing up and I didn't even realize I wasn't logged in so it posted as "Guest"

Probably need to change some things in the settings... Going to take a look now ...

and thanks TE... I'm hoping the PHP Resource site does much better than this ever will.. Looking back almost every script I have bought the last 5 or 6 years has been from starting at Matt's Scripts so that tells you something!

08-02-2005, 01:44 PM
I´m sure Ryan can get Lee to help him with the board confirmation e-mail setup ;-)))

08-02-2005, 01:54 PM

Nice setup!!

We should talk sometime - been wanting to do something with hostingforums.com



08-02-2005, 02:12 PM
Your design sucks. Get a professional header done and leave space in the header on the right side of the header for a banner.

Make space below the header for 4-5 buttons. Shrink the tables and use something other than red/blue for the overall design - it's hard to read. Leave room at the bottom for a few button advertisers.

Use php ads new to deliver the banners and put an "advertise" link somewhere were people can see it. Buy a real BB script like vbul or invasion.

Aeon, believe me I know the design sucks... I will probably start to fly static banners for a couple hosting companies who offer 'free hosting packages' or a littl ebit of cash to my posters as soon as I have at least 100 people or so registered. Until then not a point in flying ads really.

I am literally JUST getting back into running my own businesses and I don't have the money to spend on a designer ... Spent 6 hours yesterday trying to find a template I was happy with, as you can tell by looking I didn't have much luck at all ... I will probably spend some more time on it the next week or so that way things are at least a little bit easier on the eyes.. which is important regardless of how shitty the design is.

I will also plug in a real board script as soon as I have had it up for a couple weeks and get a feel for what I like/dislike about the board and can choose which one to go with. In the mean time, you learn on give aways and make money when you spend money :)

Todd, definately! Drop me a line any time ... I am back to busting my own balls so I've pretty much been glued to the computer lately :)

08-02-2005, 02:14 PM
aeon, my ugliest sites always made the most money. It's a good thing nearly all my sites are ugly.

Looks good, Ryan. Welcome to the other side.

08-02-2005, 02:28 PM
One thing Aeon was definately right about... Looks like I am going to be spending some money on a Message Board Script...

You don't even have a setting where you can make the user verify their e-mail address before posting with this one.. And the "Mass E-mail" it sends out looks like hell... Doens't even drop lines :(

Now, time to decide which one to buy.... <sigh>

08-02-2005, 02:51 PM
As far as I'm concerned , Ryan ,your site is only missing one thing...



08-02-2005, 02:54 PM
I don't think either one of those things is true.

If they are not part of the orginal script (and I'm pretty sure email verification is), there are mods/hacks that will enable both features.

08-02-2005, 02:57 PM
I don't think either one of those things is true.

If they are not part of the orginal script (and I'm pretty sure email verification is), there are mods/hacks that will enable both features.

You're probably right PD, I just went ahead and spent the $70 on the old Oprano script, hell I personally liked the features it had so it is worth the money :)

Nick, ain't that a bitch? Be nice if it made money without traffic wouldn't it? :D

08-02-2005, 03:04 PM
Ryan...I'm not winning money, but I like posting on your board anyway! When you make your non-adult fortune...I MUST have a coffee mug!! (I collect them!) :D

08-02-2005, 03:09 PM
Ryan...I'm not winning money, but I like posting on your board anyway! When you make your non-adult fortune...I MUST have a coffee mug!! (I collect them!) :D

One Coffee Mug with a picture of a pussy on it pre-ordered :)

Perversion is allowed here ... lol

08-02-2005, 03:14 PM
One Coffee Mug with a picture of a pussy on it pre-ordered :)

Perversion is allowed here ... lol

Actually...I think perversion is *required* here! :)

I will cherish my pussy coffee mug.:)

08-02-2005, 05:31 PM
O.K. I obviously have some cleaning up and design stuff that needs to be taken care of but if any of you that registered could pop by again and check a couple links or make a test post or two... I would appreciate it - Just finished converting it to the new program... I am yet to tweak all the settings etc, just want to make sure basic functionality is there...

Happy Aeon? :D

08-02-2005, 06:34 PM
O.K. I obviously have some cleaning up and design stuff that needs to be taken care of but if any of you that registered could pop by again and check a couple links or make a test post or two... I would appreciate it - Just finished converting it to the new program... I am yet to tweak all the settings etc, just want to make sure basic functionality is there...

Happy Aeon? :D

I forgot to sign in. *sigh* It was supposed to remember me, and it didn't.
Other than that, everything I clicked on or posted in worked fine.

08-02-2005, 10:05 PM
O.K. I obviously have some cleaning up and design stuff that needs to be taken care of but if any of you that registered could pop by again and check a couple links or make a test post or two... I would appreciate it - Just finished converting it to the new program... I am yet to tweak all the settings etc, just want to make sure basic functionality is there...

Happy Aeon? :D

It's free and the best ad server software there is. You'll need to be able to tell potential advertisers the amount of impressions they're gonna get to sell them on a CPM basis as well, be able to actually control how many impressions they do get.

Even if you start out with static banners, it's a great tool for you to see how many impressions a static banner delivers.

BTW, when you can afford it - I know a kid that would probably do the design for a couple hundred give or take. He's a good kid. Did a paysite design or two for a guy I know and some flash/banners/buttons for me. Definately a hard worker and does well above average work. He's in sweden so you need epass to pay him (I found this out after he finished and had to use WU) There's no shame in just starting out...don't take my post as a slam but if you're gonna do forums/mainstream shit - get used to ad server software. You're going to need it.

It must be the beer buzz cause I'm feeling all helpful and shit.

08-02-2005, 10:36 PM
Next project I like more, has the potential to earn more money, but it will also require ALOT more work ... http://www.php-programs.com (http://www.php-programs.com/) - Going to be a comprehensive listing of PHP scripts along with many other programming languages.. Kind of like all of Matts Archive's sites put into one :) It should be a great resource for adult and non adult webmasters both...

Ryan, just checking you know who NOT to list. :)

08-02-2005, 11:07 PM
Ryan, just checking you know who NOT to list. :)

hahaha. i forgot about that guy! funny stuff from netpond. :)

08-02-2005, 11:25 PM
hahaha. i forgot about that guy! funny stuff from netpond. :)

Wooosh ... Over My Head ... Woosh


Sleep deprivation is kicking in so I didn't quite catch that one Lisa ?

Aeon, wow dude... That has to be the damn nicest post i have seen you make here... Thanks for the link man, I have it bookmarked for once i get the layout I am happy with incorporated into the site ... Right now you can flip through different templates in the bottom left (I think you have to be logged on though). I will probably go through 50 templates before I find a temporary one I am happy with... one like the 4th now I think :hmm:

For a couple hundred dollars if he could do the design ideas I have in mind I might be able to use him next week - depends on how much my rapidly decreasing epoch wire is for, LOL ... I'll give you a holler and lyk Friday-ish... E-Pass is no problem...

Morgan, it's new software now :) That's why you had to re-login ... I also found the free software I was running was giving me all kinds of weird errors before I upgraded... Would click 'Post' or 'Reply' and it would jsut refresh me to the main baord. Same thing when I put my admin url in until about the 20th time it would finally let me in, lol ...

08-02-2005, 11:28 PM
I remeber that cunt back from the Netpond days...

I was living in Orlando then I think.

That is if its the one I think.


08-02-2005, 11:30 PM
In the interest of not rehashing it all again, I sent you a PM, Ryan. :)

Those that know...know...those that don't know, don't need to. :)

08-02-2005, 11:31 PM
Nick, I'm sure it is the one you think it is. :)

08-02-2005, 11:36 PM
As soon as I got the PM, I got one of my better laughs of the day Lisa :)

I had no idea that... well it's in the PM I wrote back ;)

Off to buy more Caffeine (Mt. Dew!)


08-02-2005, 11:37 PM

08-02-2005, 11:45 PM
I am gonna get both of you for this shit. I know you are doing it on purpose dammit !!! :headwall: :headwall:

It might take a long time, but I will study and research and snoop and stalk and one day, one day I will find your buttons. And on that day, when I have found your buttons I will joyously (sp?) just push and push and push them yet again !!!!!!!


08-02-2005, 11:47 PM
Well guess what Sare...this bit of crypticism has nothing to do with the earlier crypticism...happy hunting! :nyanya:

08-02-2005, 11:50 PM
Well guess what Sare...this bit of crypticism has nothing to do with the earlier crypticism...happy hunting! :nyanya:

That's what they all say..... :hmm:

Just cause I'm paranoid, doesn't mean you ain't out to get me. :blink:

08-03-2005, 12:01 AM
That's what they all say..... :hmm:

Just cause I'm paranoid, doesn't mean you ain't out to get me. :blink:

Woot Woot :p

08-03-2005, 03:05 PM
Wooosh ... Over My Head ... Woosh


Sleep deprivation is kicking in so I didn't quite catch that one Lisa ?

Aeon, wow dude... That has to be the damn nicest post i have seen you make here... Thanks for the link man, I have it bookmarked for once i get the layout I am happy with incorporated into the site ... Right now you can flip through different templates in the bottom left (I think you have to be logged on though). I will probably go through 50 templates before I find a temporary one I am happy with... one like the 4th now I think :hmm:

For a couple hundred dollars if he could do the design ideas I have in mind I might be able to use him next week - depends on how much my rapidly decreasing epoch wire is for, LOL ... I'll give you a holler and lyk Friday-ish... E-Pass is no problem...

Since you're starting from absolute scratch, I'd hold off on getting a design done. Spend that money on promoting the site first. Get some traffic flowing through it and then drop a few dollars on getting a pro design. I dont' think you have the budget to spend cash only to find out it's a dud. If you're gonna get any design done, get a couple buttons to use for link swaps. Other than that - just work on promoting it and waiting to see if it takes off before dumping too much cash into it.