View Full Version : Osama for Lance

07-31-2005, 09:21 AM
Watched it. I liked it, BUT I liked Baran better (same premise and in fact, I had to go back in my history after I read the info on Osama because I thought I'd watched it before). But it was still quite enjoyable - thanks for the recommedation :)

Watched Million Dollar Baby last night - loved it. I have The Devils Backbone and A Very Long Engagement here - trying to decide if I need to watch them or clean the house - I'll probably be reporting on them later today :okthumb:

07-31-2005, 09:08 PM
I loved Osama
have seen it 4 or 5 times now and have shown it to quite a few people

I'll have to check out Baran

I found Million Dollar baby a little overrated but still good

The Devil's Backbone is a really good, underrated movie from the guy who did HellBoy and Mimic

I haven't seen A Very Long Engagement yet, but finally watched "Control Room" last night...I've had it from NetFlix for about 2 months now...really good movie that gives some insite from reporters on the Al jazeera network.

07-31-2005, 09:46 PM
Have anybody seen
What a BEAUTIFUL movie!

07-31-2005, 10:41 PM
OK, adding Control Room!

Kurosawa's Dreams - Serge, is the full title Akira Kurosawa's Dreams and it's short stories? If so, I see it and will add it also.

Did watch Devil's Backbone. I kept thinking the whole way through "I bet Lance really enjoyed this one" ;) I liked it but it was a wee predictible for me.

07-31-2005, 10:58 PM
yes, it is,
8 short dreams, mastepiece from the Master. Solid 8 1/2 on 10 scale.

07-31-2005, 11:03 PM
I loved Kurosawa's Dreams
as much as I love b-horror flicks, bad teen sex comedies and blow 'em up action movies, I also have a special place in my heart for film as art and no one does it better than Kurosawa...