View Full Version : Nick, I am suing you.....

07-28-2005, 07:05 PM
For stealing my "earning powers".... (You too Serge). Don't even try to deny it, you know you swiped those powers from me back when I was just a little kid..

So, be expecting papers... Bucko :yowsa:

(Hey, if this guy can do it http://www.startribune.com/stories/462/5455405.html Then I figure, what the hey, can't hurt... :blink: )

(Check him out here too... http://www.mytrumanshow.com/ especially his dealings with the mob http://www.objectforce.com/php/MyTrumanShow/DCMobAgents.html and his presidential bid with Bill Gates http://freakandgeek.com/ )

07-28-2005, 08:22 PM

07-28-2005, 08:25 PM

Don't you start now. I happen to know that in your life you have earned money too, dammit. If you earned money then it is obvious that you stole the power that allowed you to earn the money from me.

You would be on the list if I could figure out how to say "I want to sue Inabon's ass" in spanish :blink:

07-28-2005, 10:32 PM
I see you reading the thread Nick.

Don't even start to think that this is gonna go away my friend.

Sheez, you're too scared to post even. (edited in cause I forgot it, but did mean to do it...) So fucking owned man :p

So, just send me, let's say 10% of your past earnings and then we can do a contract for some "to be named" percentage of all future earnings. Make it easy on yourself here, take the deal.

I'll have my girl call your girl. We can do lunch :yowsa:

07-28-2005, 11:13 PM
This answer covers 95% of everyone that trys to sue me...

""Bring it bitch!! I'm in Canada"


07-29-2005, 07:45 AM
"Quiero demandar al cabrón de Inabon" in spanish ther is no suing your ass because it sounds gay so i substituted it with an insult "cabrón" which can be translated in to motherfucker depending on the way you say it.

However just like Nick said

Bring it Bitch!!!! I am in Panamá!!!
