View Full Version : New board...

07-24-2005, 01:42 PM
I still miss the long assed , non threaded porn webmaster boards of my frivilous youth :(

Can't beat the 25 convo's at once taking place on porn webmaster boards of the past :)

07-24-2005, 03:46 PM
yeah, the flat boards were better, IMHO...or maybe I'm just all nostalgic...

07-24-2005, 04:03 PM
TNB still uses a flat board, as does VNWR personally i think you are just being nostalgic ;)

IMHO, not having any experience with forums, the flat board technique is outdated, threaded is definately the way to go or, offer both options like they do on adultwebmasters.co.uk let the end user choose what they want to use.

The only thing that a flat board has going for it is that it makes a board 'appear' more heavily trafficked than in actually is.

07-24-2005, 07:07 PM
I still miss the long assed , non threaded porn webmaster boards of my frivilous youth :(

Can't beat the 25 convo's at once taking place on porn webmaster boards of the past :)

I miss them, too. Admittedly, I *am* being nostalgic.

07-24-2005, 07:12 PM
I miss all the traffic from those days too. Hahaha

07-24-2005, 07:24 PM
this board has a few problems...

where are navigation buttons?

where are the sigs?

07-24-2005, 07:41 PM

where are the avatars?

where is the "who is reading now" feature? (maybe not a feature in vBulletin?)

where are the "sub" thread titles? (maybe not a feature in vBulletin?)

plus more... ;-)

07-24-2005, 08:09 PM

where are the avatars?

where is the "who is reading now" feature? (maybe not a feature in vBulletin?)

where are the "sub" thread titles? (maybe not a feature in vBulletin?)

plus more... ;-)
If you want your avatar to display at the top like mine then use the "Edit Profile Picture" option and not the avatar option :)

07-24-2005, 08:12 PM
You need to check through your User CP to set sigs and a whole lot more, you can even change how the board displays as to your preference ;) User CP >> Edit Options

To obtain the smilies and more in your posts change the message editor from basic editor to either standard or enhanced.

07-24-2005, 08:22 PM
If you want your avatar to display at the top like mine then use the "Edit Profile Picture" option and not the avatar option :)
I should add that if you've chosen an avatar then you need to change it to "Do not use an avatar" or you'll get a double image in your side bar. :)

07-24-2005, 08:26 PM
ok - I can some avatars, and all sigs now (those who are using images in their sigs should probably update them, since I only see the url to the images)....

However that leaves a question - why is avatars, and sigs only option-in? Why not setup as default for everyone + none members?

07-24-2005, 08:29 PM

07-24-2005, 08:35 PM
ok - I can some avatars, and all sigs now (those who are using images in their sigs should probably update them, since I only see the url to the images)....

However that leaves a question - why is avatars, and sigs only option-in? Why not setup as default for everyone + none members?

In your User CP >> Edit Options >>

scroll down and tick "Show Images (including attached images and images in [IMG] code)" ON ... that will show sigs and not html code.

All sigs and avatars/images are on by default in the admin, it is up the user to choose what they they wish to see or not. It gives you guys the freedom to view the board as you prefer ;)

07-24-2005, 08:41 PM
Ok - can see the images now...

All sigs and avatars/images are on by default in the admin, it is up the user to choose what they they wish to see or not. It gives you guys the freedom to view the board as you prefer ;)

Hmmm... I think option-out is much better than option-in...

Sigs/Avatars/Images is a part of a board experience!

07-24-2005, 09:14 PM
It is indeed and a great heritage, will try and set these on as default again, as the board is reporting they are on as standard.

According to vbulletin "This is done by design and vB has always worked this way. I know of no plans to change this."

So until any coding changes go ahead, you guys still get a choice as to how you view the board ;)

Evil Chris
07-25-2005, 10:21 AM
looks as though a lot of work went into this new version of Oprano.

At face value I'm not too crazy about it, but I will get used to it.

07-25-2005, 10:24 AM
looks as though a lot of work went into this new version of Oprano.

At face value I'm not too crazy about it, but I will get used to it.

I'd appreciate any feedback you're willing to offer :)

Evil Chris
07-25-2005, 10:35 AM
Trev, some folks avatars appear to be in the wrong position?

07-25-2005, 10:38 AM
Trev, some folks avatars appear to be in the wrong position?
That's because with this build of vBulletin the avatars show at the side of all the text, for it to show at the top of the user panel it needs to be added as a photo, by using the edit profile picture link in the usercp :)

Evil Chris
07-25-2005, 10:52 AM
That's because with this build of vBulletin the avatars show at the side of all the text, for it to show at the top of the user panel it needs to be added as a photo, by using the edit profile picture link in the usercp :)ah, understood.

The only other thing I would suggest right now is to give more of a difference between the first and second alternating table background colours. It would make it easier to read and seperate posts/threads.

07-25-2005, 02:44 PM
I have to agree... I miss the old flat boards too... but vBulletin has a lot of cool features too. Always moving forward - and vBulletin is the wave of the future...

Congrats on the new board guys - looks great! :)

07-25-2005, 02:50 PM
ah, understood.

The only other thing I would suggest right now is to give more of a difference between the first and second alternating table background colours. It would make it easier to read and seperate posts/threads.
Actually I agree with that Chris.

It seems to me to be a little more difficult than the old board to tell the threads apart.

07-26-2005, 09:20 AM
Actually I agree with that Chris.

It seems to me to be a little more difficult than the old board to tell the threads apart.
We've got a temp skin in place now and a blind man on a galloping horse can tell the threads apart now :p

The tweaking will continue :)