View Full Version : What Do You Guys Think About The North Korea Development?

07-23-2005, 10:11 PM
About them wanting to enter 'peace' talks or something with the U.S?

Personally im thinking its just another stall tatic so they can finish up their nuclear program.

07-23-2005, 11:18 PM
why do they need to stall when they already have nuclear weapons? what they want is food, cash and oil. nothing else. there was no other reason to develop a nuclear bomb to begin with.

07-24-2005, 12:02 AM
why do they need to stall when they already have nuclear weapons? what they want is food, cash and oil. nothing else. there was no other reason to develop a nuclear bomb to begin with.
I kinda have to disagree with you about not being another reason to develop a nuke device.

The U.S has developed working nuke devices and im pretty sure we dont need cash, food, and oil.. Okay scrap the last one LOL

Personally, i dont mind that other countries develop nukes, they have as much of a right to defend themselves as we do, as such, they can develop whatever weapons they want, just as we do as a country.

What im not to keen on are those weapons being in the hands of complete nutjobs, bush, jong il, etc.

07-24-2005, 12:38 AM
The US developed nukes under the Manhatten Project for the sole purpose of bombing Germany and/or Japan and ending WWII. It continued to develop its nuclear arsenal as Russia did the same.

However, that all has nothing to do with why N Korea developed nukes so its not even remotely related to the issues at hand.

what "Peace Talks"? I think you are skipping over a lot of recent history with N Korea. Since 94' they have been developing nukes in violation of international treaties and agreements and in exchange for their agreed abondonement of its nuclear ambitions, they were supplied with considerable aid, particularly oil and food. when it was discovered that they continued to pursue the development of a nuclear weapon and were lying to the IAEA/UN, US and its neighbors, they promptly kicked out IAEA inspectors and went full steam ahead on its nuclear program while threatening that if the US stopped its aid, it would be considered an act of war.

Now they have nukes. They have no need to stall. What are they stalling for? They are broke. They are starving. They are weak.

What they do need to do is the same thing they have been trying to do for years and that is to bring the US BACK to the negotiating table, which the US has refused to do while insisting that the nuclear issue involves Russia, China, South Korea and Japan which are all within striking distance (the US is not).

So... they have been trying to get the US to deal with them for a few years now and nothing meaningful has happened and for the most part the US has ignored them while continuing to insist it is a regional issue/dispute.

And your logic is flawed. You support everyones right to have nuclear weapons... but the problem is that you can guarantee who will be in control of those weapons in the worlds weakest and most brutal regimes. If you support N Koreas right to have nuclear weapons, then you support a desperate and failing Stalinist states right to launch a full scale nuclear war in the region.

Nuclear weapons attached to ICBM's are not defensive weapons.