View Full Version : What a nice guy ....

07-18-2005, 12:49 PM
London bomber Mohammed Sidique Khan was hard-working, passionate and dedicated to his work with children, his former head teacher has said.
Khan, 30, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire was a learning mentor at Hillside Primary School in Leeds.

Sarah Balfour said she was shocked to find out about his part in the attacks that killed more than 50 people.

The local education authority revealed on Monday that Khan had passed police checks before his work at the school.

Education Leeds, the body which runs the city's schools, said Khan was employed at the primary school in Hunslet between March 2001 and December 2004.

While he was with us, he accomplished a great deal in bringing people from different local communities together

Sarah Balfour, head teacher

Head teacher Mrs Balfour assured parents his conduct had given her no cause for concern during his time at the school.

In a statement released through the authority, she said: "All of us at Hillside are utterly shocked to hear that one of our staff had been responsible for such an horrific act.

"While he was with us, he accomplished a great deal in bringing people from different local communities together.

"He was also respected by many parents, who welcomed the contribution he made to their children's learning and development.

"It is difficult to understand how such passion and energy could be corrupted. We are all working hard with parents and pupils to deal with this."

Pupils counselled

Last week it emerged Khan, a married father-of-one, had visited the Houses of Parliament as a guest of Mrs Balfour's husband - Labour MP Jon Trickett.

It has also been revealed he was investigated by MI5 last year but was deemed not to be a threat.

He had been subject to a routine assessment by the security service because of an indirect connection to an alleged terror plot.

Khan killed himself and six other passengers in the Edgware Road bombing on the London underground.

Education Leeds said it was currently providing Hillside Primary and its pupils with extra support and counselling.