View Full Version : Podcasting

07-15-2005, 11:16 AM
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- The runaway popularity of blogging, which has turned everyday people into online news outlets, caught the media establishment off guard. The industry is trying not to make the same mistake with podcasting -- which lets nearly anyone "broadcast" on the Internet.

Everyone from Disney to Newsweek to National Public Radio is now offering podcasts, and Apple Computer, Inc. last month made it a whole lot easier to find them and download them to iPods.

While profits remain elusive, there's a bigger prize out there -- the company that manages to become the go-to Web site for podcasts could gain enough leverage to strike favorable deals with proven content providers, and generate cash by charging for subscriptions and advertising.

http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/TechNews/Inter...15/1133242.html (http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/TechNews/Internet/2005/07/15/1133242.html)

read and discuss... worthwhile venture? or eventual bust?