View Full Version : Is It To Early To Start Planning For Vegas?

07-15-2005, 12:24 AM
Ive already started making my initial contact with people in Vegas about next years Gay Webmaster Bash events which, may be changing its name to a more 'generic' title.

Is it to early to start doing this type of stuff or is it good to plan ahead and give ourselves plenty of premium marketing time whilst others start planning for the Vegas show a couple of months prior to it starting?

Hell Puppy
07-15-2005, 01:00 AM
little early only because i dont think the dates have been officially announced yet.

whether the show is separated from CES by more than a day will be one big indication of whether AVN has any intention of truly listening to feedback or not.

new years is on sunday, ces starts on the 5th, so it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.

if you try to squeeze it in between those dates, the hotel rooms on sunday will cost a small fortune and you're paying for labor for show setup on both sunday and holiday rates.

07-15-2005, 02:01 AM
HP, this year will be a defining moment for InterNext and AVN, IMHO.

Already major sponsors are starting to eliminate the need for affiliate webmasters, or are becoming selective. And, really, I do not blame them.

The affiliate webmaster is on the endangered species list -- which has been long predicted, and is finally becoming true.

Let me among the first to say it pubicly: Vegas may be the very last big show we'll see!! And for many in this industry, well ... this "time" will be remembered in the same way BBS's now are: as a short period of time that seemed magical once but which went the way of the dodo.

And yes, that means webmaster resources and conventions (among other things) will soon pass as well.

07-15-2005, 02:28 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@Jul 14 2005, 10:02 PM
HP, this year will be a defining moment for InterNext and AVN, IMHO.

Already major sponsors are starting to eliminate the need for affiliate webmasters, or are becoming selective. And, really, I do not blame them.

The affiliate webmaster is on the endangered species list -- which has been long predicted, and is finally becoming true.

Let me among the first to say it pubicly: Vegas may be the very last big show we'll see!! And for many in this industry, well ... this "time" will be remembered in the same way BBS's now are: as a short period of time that seemed magical once but which went the way of the dodo.

And yes, that means webmaster resources and conventions (among other things) will soon pass as well.
I agree in part. (And I co-own this place) LOL

Resources for adult webmasters...dying...unless they change and adapt.
Look at gfy...that is really in part a "surfers" forum....

Frankly I'd go further...

Most of the people I know in this business are earning fractions of what they once did from adult.(the fortunate few have covered that lose with nonadult income...but those people are very very few)

Thank fuck I've never considered myself an adultwebmaster :)

Soon all that will be left is:

1.) The big mega corps
2.) The people that aren't really in this biz for the money
3.) College kids (glorified surfers really) trying to get laid and earn beer money (75% of Gfy)
4.) Unfortunates who through mental problems yada yada can't really do anything else (15% of gfy)

Personally ,adult as a percentage of my Income is under 5%.

Catching up on Oprano in my absence makes me realise that something like 95% of the threads here are not Adult net related...

I thought that interesting....

Neither good , nor bad...merely interesting :)