View Full Version : any hardware gurus around?

07-09-2005, 10:44 AM
first a little background. I had the need to buy a new hard drive for one of my computers... the one i do all my video work on, because i am going to be authoring some DVDs for a friend of mine.
So I went out and got a new 120GB HD and installed it in my box.
Everything was fine for the first couple of days.... but as I was using it more and more, I started getting stupid errors. Like when i tried to save a captured video to it that was like 2GBs in size... it would give me an error saying it couldnt save because the disc was full.
So now I have a total of 22 folders and like 224 files that take up a total amount of space of 23.96GB on the drive
it shows the drive as having a total amount of space as 111GB and the freespace is only 63GB
63 + 24 = 87
111 - 87 = 24
so there is 24GB of space that just isnt accounted for anywhere! how can this happen? any ideas? or any ideas on how to get that extra 24GB back so i can use it?
any help would be terrifically appreciated :)


07-09-2005, 11:07 AM
couple of questions first:

what operating system are you using?

how did you setup jumpers on the harddrive when you set it up?

some harddrives have jumper setups where they use half of the size. (basically for old operating systems that can not hold big drives).

how did you format the harddrive after installed?

What kind of harddrive?

07-09-2005, 11:23 AM
thanks for the reply inabon
1)WinXP (home)
2-4)followed instructions on the box... this was afew weeks ago and once it was installed and showing up in my damn 'my computer' area i didnt give it much thought
threw the box away heh heh but it was an inexspensive drive from best buy >$100
