View Full Version : Welcome Assaf to the PussyCash / ImLive Team!

07-06-2005, 11:52 AM
PussyCash (http://www.pussycash.com) / ImLive (http://affiliate.imlive.com) are delighted to introduce Assaf (Ace), who has just joined the PussyCash/ImLive family. Give him a big welcome. :)

Assaf has 3 years of experience in marketing and will be the affiliate representative for Affiliate.ImLive.com (http://affiliate.imlive.com). He's here to help you make the most of your traffic, recommend the marketing tools most suited for your websites and answer any questions or needs you may have. ;)

Affiliate.ImLive.com (http://affiliate.imlive.com) is the affiliation program for ImLive.com. Unlike PussyCash, which caters mostly to webmasters of the adult industry, Affiliate.ImLive.com (http://affiliate.imlive.com) caters to both adult and mainstream webmasters alike.

In order to celebrate Assaf's arrival, we're giving an iPod Shuffle to the first 10 webmasters who join Affiliate.ImLive.com and send us at least 1 signup!

Please give Assaf a nice warm welcome - his first post will be in this thread. :P

If you need anything his contact info is:
Assaf (Ace)
Email - Assaf@imlive.com
ICQ# 283823426
MSN : Ace-imlive@hotmail.com
AIM : aceimlive
YAHOO: aceimlive

Many thanks,
The PussyCash.com team! :bdance:

07-06-2005, 12:16 PM
Congratulations to the Pussycash team and Assaf :) Welcome aboard Assaf

07-06-2005, 12:24 PM
Congrats to you guys and Assaf. You've joined a great program to help promote. I'm sure you will enjoy your employment there.

07-09-2005, 02:26 PM
congrats Ace and goodluck to the new position :)

07-10-2005, 04:21 PM
thx a lot guys

will be looking to meet all of u :rokk:

07-15-2005, 10:14 AM
Due to the massive response

10 more IPOD shuffle will be handed out!!!

for new webmasters who join Affiliate.ImLive.com and send at least 1 signup!

CHECK the SIG :cdance: