View Full Version : Looking for Fetish/Bondage Traffic

07-02-2005, 02:30 PM
Im in charge of bondage.com affiliate program Penguin Cash .. we offer 50/50 pay out and our members stay anywhere on the average of 5-8 months so the potential to make alot of money per member is great.

we are looking for people who have this type of traffic.. bondage.com is a huge community site so its not your normal just erotic image/video site.

we have personals, forums, chats, resources and of course images and video.

If you have some traffic let me know I would be happy to work out something with you.. or you can sign up to http://www.penguincash.com and start promoting us.

We have some very unique geo targeted banners for anyone that wants to push personal/dating type of traffic.

you can also hit me up at gateway@bondage.com
