View Full Version : Lensman where did you run off too?

06-14-2005, 08:32 PM

You got up and left the seminar when I got the mic. I wanted to ask you since everyone in the room was panning the .xxx TLD if you could explain your post over on the Zoo saying how you supported it and how it was a good thing?

I noticed you got yourself a XXX registrar advertiser...is there more than meets the eye on our position?

Id rather have asked you in person during the seminar but you left.
You had so much enthusiasm at the legal briefting on 2257 ... I was sure you could explain to all of us what .XXX domains are a good thing.

Do you have something to hide?

06-14-2005, 09:11 PM
Lensman is busy, he got invitation:


06-14-2005, 10:50 PM
Since I first read that article, I've thought "someone is getting paid."

Theyre charging $60/year which is 4-6X the going rate of .com for what reason? For the kids.. .yeah right. Everyone, including the FSC who protects the rights of the industry says this is bad, then you have the owner of the biggest adult WM board praising it, and hey, banners all over the place. If I owned xxxregistry.org, you know what I would be doing.. I would be lobbying to make it law that all adult wembasters have to use .xxx - it makes perfect business sense, and is frankly quite scary. This has never been about kids or protection, its been about $, and I can say that confidently when I look at a $60/yr charge. Someone, please rationalize why a PRIVATE company is behind this, and not open for all registrars, and why pre-registration is done thru one private company.

I don't meddle in others business, but it definitely does seem suspicious on his part, obviously if theyre an advertiser, he has some sort of contact with them, and it is quite interesting how he is "pushing" it, i rarely see him do that for anything except things he owns.

Simply put, the only people who benefit from this are xxxregistry.org.

06-15-2005, 02:21 AM
Lens I know your reading. Even your sheep are revolting. Are you on the phone consulting with your bidness partners?

Tell helmy it wasn't nice to throw his girl joan under the train.

I know your other buddy is busy trying to convince everyone that he's got far l and the homies on the ropes.