View Full Version : Who wants some money making help with

06-06-2005, 06:14 PM
Tired of seeing minimal results for TGPs and banner links? Search engine traffic from places such as Google not only converts but it retains!

We've covered a lot of FREE traffic tatics but if your interested in jumping into the pay for play end of the business I can help.

We've been testing traffic to one of the GonZobucks sites for months now so I can be well informed on what works and how for affilates. Well we have opened up our program very quietly and now its time for me to turn off those paid campaigns.

So heres the deal.

Register at my new program http://www.gonzobucks.com

Send me an ICQ or email at gonzo at oprano.com with your affilaite ID and I will show how to make google work for you. I spent $30 in an hour with google and I made $100 in sign ups plus the rev share.

Once we are done you will be able to select your favorite terms and build an eye popping ad to throw directly to your favorite Extreme Hole tour using your affiliate link and let us do the work for you.

Better results than buying blindly linked traffic are to be had. Spend $30 and make $100 plus the renewal forever.

Forget pushing around this recycled TGP skim traffic.
Stop panning for gold in places that are played out.

Eddie and I understand the surfers that are looking for Extreme Insertion content and how to get them to join.

Stop worrying about 2257.... SE traffic doesnt fall under those guidelines!
Text still sells like a motherfuck.
Stop jerking off... its time to GET REAL and GET PAID.

See Sig hahaha