View Full Version : Somedays just suck....

05-29-2005, 10:18 AM
I've been awake and about for about a half hour this morning.

Went to do my morning check on the pool. Somehow we lost an inch and a half of water last night. Looked all around the pool for signs of a leak not finding any. There is a small leak at the pump that has been that way for a long time and it does not look any worse. So, I end up baffled by losing water like, Where the hell did all the water go ? Might be evaporation as I am running the heater, but an inch and a half in a 16X32 pool is a bunch of water. a quarter inch evaporation I'm used to. So I end up with "who knows" and put more water in and hope to catch whatever is happening when it happens again.

So, done with that, I walk back into the house and promptly slam my shin into a coffee table that just jumped out at me.

So, hopping through the living room, I go to turn on the light in the corner so I can examine my wounds and "pop" light burns out.

So, at that point I head down here to the basement to see if everybody is having a bad first half hour of the day. Stupid me goes and checks my contest stats. Very depressing there. No one is clicking, noone is buying. They are just burning bandwidth.

So, I am going to find a safe corner to hide out in while whatever black cloud this is goes and finds someone else to screw with. I was supposed to be repairing the pool fince today, but I don't know, that involves power tools :yowsa:

05-29-2005, 10:37 AM
Thats one hell of a start to the day :biglaugh:

wrap yourself up in bubble wrap and just chill out I say :)

05-29-2005, 11:09 AM
hahahaha go back to bed mate .. it might be safer :)

05-29-2005, 11:36 AM
today and tomorrow and yesterday are going to be shitty i learned that a long time ago. memorial weekend is to not do crap or go to the beach and be drunk

trust me stats are going to suck. as far as home stuff yeah it is a good day to do some house work and fix all shit. if you had a chance to buy whatever you needed to replace :)

05-29-2005, 03:38 PM
Well made it through 2 sections of fence and playing with electricity and still haave all my limbs and didn't get shocked (badly).

But, the mystery of the disappearing water is still baffling me. I filled it back up this morning (takes about an hour an inch) and then let the kids play in it (even though ph was high and chlorine was low) and 3-4 hours later I haven't lost hardly any (most of the loss during the day is usually splashed out)

Was just getting ready to go get a new pump and filter (about $600) that I held off on at the end of last summer, so now I don't know if I need to spend that right now. I do know however that I cannot lose an inch and a half of water every night for long without doing something about it.

Oh well, back to work work work so I can sit and veg tomorrow :)

05-29-2005, 04:00 PM
if you have the $$ and the time do it. it will not only save you water it will save you electricity bill.

trust me my dad's pool had a very old pump and he was always saying yeah later yeah later untill he changed it it saved him about 100 per month on electric bill then i had to listen to him bitching why didn't i do it earlier you see soon you have to bla bla bla...

i only told him. told you so then ran to the fridge and get him a beer before he smacke me silly jajaja

05-29-2005, 04:39 PM
I'm kinda sad I don't have a pool but so glad I don't have one to maintain, so the balance is reset :blink: :huh: