View Full Version : Leave it to butcher.

05-28-2005, 10:32 PM
I don't want to clog the main forum with this, so I am posting it here :)

I am just starting a thread for myself to record the adventures of that wacky guy called the butcher. I am not going to rehash past antics, they are pretty well documented at this point.

So, this week on Leave it to Butcher, we see him work out a deal with 2bet.com where they will have two free poker tournaments a week and the winner will get $50.00 cash (I think that is what the dealie was, the thread has been pulled, so I am not sure) Anyway, glanced in today (don't know if the first tournament has been done already, so it was time to pay, or if it was still coming and he just wanted out early) but our wacky star has posted that his legal counsel has advised that it is illegal for :

"for US persons and legal entities to participate in online gambling."

and that "This means we are going to stay on the right side of the law and not promote or advertise any online gambling."

Things that make you go hmmmm.... He posts and emails from an ip out of Montreal, his company is registered in England and he is concerned about laws that affect just U.S. citizens ? Is this a ruse to make his sheep believe that he is a US company, or has he just revealed that he is actually a US citizen by accident and that he is hiding out in Canada and hiding his company by registering it out of Britain ?

On the light side, This week our zany character recieved a fairly friendly visit from ProZac and decided that Prozac was me, lololol. and was promptly banned :yowsa:

Isn't paranoia a wonderful thing :lol:

05-26-2005, 10:09 PM #1
June 1st sigs

Been working to get 10 guys $150 each for sigs from June 1st thru June 30th, 2005.

The deal is done. Here's the scoop, you deal directly with the broker who'll pay you, you have to do your own sig with a specific linking url. You will need to email him to get paid by money bookers only.

So post here before this sunday if you are selling. I'm going to make an exception this time and allow 600 x 70 banners because he's been very kind and put up some serious money for our members.

Start posting guys.

05-26-2005, 10:14 PM #2

Baaaaa, Baaaa, Baaaa

05-26-2005, 11:27 PM

Baaaaa, Baaaa, Baaaa

05-27-2005, 12:10 AM #4 <--------Prozac's first post

How long you got to be on the board till an offer like this applies?
Plus you aint had but a farts worth of interest in this since yesterday!

05-27-2005, 12:22 AM #5

Nice first post. I don't think this is the kind of attitude/first post that will have sig bokers juming to buy your sig. Something constructive, beneficial or of interest might have people pay for your sig.

Thank you.

[My Note: I didn't see anything wrong with that as a first post. It wasn't nasty, it asked a pertinent question dealing with the thread and it made a pertinent observation. ]

Please note that Prozac's first post was at 12:10. The following thread was started at 12:24 The thread is titled Okay Pro Zac

05-27-2005, 12:24 AM #1
Okay Pro Zac

Tell us who you are, what you do, another annonymous poster making wild/negative posts. Let's hear who you are please.

[My Note: lolol...That was a "Wild Neagtive Post" ? lolololol]

05-27-2005, 12:32 AM #2

Sounds like call out to me!

Well no one really knows who I am - not bad since I've been here for near on 7 years!
Don't like being pulled for just throwing in though! Boards are for that aint they?

05-27-2005, 12:35 AM #3

You want me to say who you are yet again with another iusername or do you want to do the honors?

Your bullshit is really wearing thin on here, it takes me a few seconds to fugure out who you are with all the multiple usernames, email addressses and Ip's you use. I'm not as dumb as you think. I know how to look up new members. I knew right off the bat who you were and let you make yet another fool of yourself here.

Now go drink your milk have your doggy biscuit and take some pills, not that they will help, you need serious mental counselling dude.

05-27-2005, 12:41 AM #4

you cant ban me I will signup again

05-27-2005, 12:43 AM #5

I just did, you can use all the IP's, email addy's and scams youi want to join but you won't get away with making bullshit posts here. Go cry on your board kiddo.


[My Note: lololololol.... Pro Zac, did you somehow rip an email addy from me? And how did you fake out my ip when I only post from either here at home (statis) or at the office (static)... lololol]

05-27-2005, 12:51 AM #6

You just can't teach old dogs new tricks, some dogs just won't realize their day has come and gone. So Pro Zac or whatever other username he/she wants to use, I'll catch it and as soon as they start making stupid posts, the rest is history. Maybe I can suggest Pro Zac goes back to a moderating position else where and forgets about here.

05-27-2005, 12:53 AM #7

Baaa Baaa Baaa [Idiot tried once again]

05-27-2005, 12:55 AM #8

He can try, I was born at night but NOT yesterday night.

05-27-2005, 03:18 AM #9

Baaa Baaa Baaa [Get him butcher lol]
05-27-2005, 04:48 AM #10

Baaa Baaa Baaa [what is wrong with people]

[] Denotes Sheep to human translation

Aside from that, I did not see our deranged hero do anything much of interest. I did notice that he has made his first intelligent post yet in a thread titled "Only thing that matters":

Yesterday, 03:23 AM #1

The only thing that matters as a program owner or affilaite is getting traffic, nothing else can make money. Really deserves a thorough discussion this thing called traffic. It's the key to making money on the net.

Let's get into this topic, it's what makes sales.


Welcome to 1999 :yowsa:

Preview to next week: Stay tuned as our paranoid star reneges on the broker paying 10 people $150 for their sigs. In a side story 3 more people will be being accused of being sarettah and Eddie and Wally get into trouble on a fishing trip.....

See you there :yowsa:

05-29-2005, 06:09 AM
Hahahahaha :lol:

I've had some screen grabs sent to me of the thread where prozac got banned... funny how the grabs have a post from Becki yet there isn't any sign of her post there...

Oh and she's been banned as well <_<

07-26-2005, 11:03 PM
Just an update...

It seems that our hero is growing up a bit and learning important life lessons.

Apparently, he has turned sigs off on his show and replaced them with his links...at least till the poster has 200 posts ...lololol...

So, finally a board where postcount really does matter...lolololol

So, hopefully our hero has learned an important lesson. He spent many a post badgering his members to put sigs in, replaced them with his sigs when they didn't comply. Now, he is reversing course (full speed ahead)...

lolololol.... Took you long enough to get the clue man...... lololololol.....

(it will probably be a while again until he forgets to block unregistered viewers, which is what he will do when he sees this...but as soon as he leaves his shields down again I will check up on our main character)

From da board:
[This is what was explained to me back in February]
02-10-2005, 07:46 AM #2


The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those.

Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board.

************************************************** *****

[This is from today]

Today, 03:47 PM

What happened last week was too many people were joining making 1 post or 2 and just sig spamming. This is a community not a spam board.
Thank you

************************************************** *****
Yesterday, 09:16 PM #2

Originally Posted by Mikel
how come im having the sig of someone else in my post?
I couldnt even change it back, I dont see the option in user CP anymore.
[End of Quote]

The reason is spammers, the message threash hold has been set to 200, meaning you have to have posted 200 times (not new threads but posts in general) to be able to:

1) Priveate Message Anyone
2) Put a sig in your sig spot
3) may be more, but I'm not sure

I see you only have posted 88 times, you need 200 post's, and it would be great if it was post either related to the thread or a "conversational" New thread, pointless threads or post's are just stupid, and so is spamming.


Yesterday, 09:48 PM #5

89 bloody posts in 7 months major contributor to things here aren't we mate.


By the way, here is what I originally offered him as "advice" back in February:

Originally Posted by TheButcher

The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those.

They also dilute the post quality as undoubtedly some folks are just posting for the cash.

Quote Originally Posted by TheButcher:
Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board.

again, it also dilutes the quality of the posts because you end up with folks just posting for sigview rather than to participate. Yes most board have sigs turned on but I only know of one other that I associate myself with that encourages the pay for sig space viewpoint. The board where the most seasoned vets hang out discourages the paying for sigspace ar carrying banners other than your own.

***addendum this morning (July 27)

It appears the sheep may be getting restless.....

Today, 04:04 AM #11
Greg Gaskell

Not even an announcement about sigs being turned off
Funny how all our sigs are turned off, but you can promote the sigs you want.
Sorry I feel short changed and even more so with serious partners banners in place of my sig.

Let me know when sigs are back on and i'll start posting again - typical we all get punished cos of some other spammer.

Funny how other boards seem to deal with it.

Today, 09:22 AM #1

What happened to my banner spot in my sig?

out of no where, my banner had changed from this

to whatever is below. Was there a glitch or hack?


Join Date: Jun 2005

you should be able to modify it, as your post number is greater than 200


Today, 10:06 AM #3

It was changed even though my post number was great than 200. I dont see a signature spot.. where exact do I make this change now? and why didnt anyone see this in the first place or did you just do it to all accounts?

I changed a picture spot with a 150x150 max size allowed and it hasnt made a diference here at all !!!

Can somone kindly get ahold of me on icq so I dont have to explode on the board?


All I can do is lololololololololololololololol................... ..

07-27-2005, 10:30 AM
For the purposes of this thread, I will be wearing a starched shirtwaist dress, half a can of hair spray and a pearl necklace. Oh...and heels. :rolleyes:

07-27-2005, 11:34 AM
I thought his name was never to be mentioned again?

a la voldemort.... "he who must not be named"

07-27-2005, 12:11 PM
I thought his name was never to be mentioned again?

a la voldemort.... "he who must not be named"

20 points to your house for that one.

07-27-2005, 12:12 PM
I thought his name was never to be mentioned again?


Ok, I won't mention his name again..... But first I have to think up a suitable nom de plume for him............. :yowsa:

07-27-2005, 12:14 PM

Ok, I won't mention his name again..... But first I have to think up a suitable nom de plume for him............. :yowsa:
I'd go with "scamming cocksucking cunt" but thats just me :)

07-27-2005, 12:16 PM
Please keep us informed of this continuing saga. It's so enjoyable to watch his idiocy.

07-27-2005, 01:03 PM
granted it is a good read....

07-27-2005, 05:43 PM
Just an update...

It seems that our hero is growing up a bit and learning important life lessons.

Apparently, he has turned sigs off on his show and replaced them with his links...at least till the poster has 200 posts ...lololol...

So, finally a board where postcount really does matter...lolololol

So, hopefully our hero has learned an important lesson. He spent many a post badgering his members to put sigs in, replaced them with his sigs when they didn't comply. Now, he is reversing course (full speed ahead)...

lolololol.... Took you long enough to get the clue man...... lololololol.....

(it will probably be a while again until he forgets to block unregistered viewers, which is what he will do when he sees this...but as soon as he leaves his shields down again I will check up on our main character)

From da board:
[This is what was explained to me back in February]
02-10-2005, 07:46 AM #2


The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those.

Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board.

************************************************** *****

[This is from today]

Today, 03:47 PM

What happened last week was too many people were joining making 1 post or 2 and just sig spamming. This is a community not a spam board.
Thank you

************************************************** *****
Yesterday, 09:16 PM #2

Originally Posted by Mikel
how come im having the sig of someone else in my post?
I couldnt even change it back, I dont see the option in user CP anymore.
[End of Quote]

The reason is spammers, the message threash hold has been set to 200, meaning you have to have posted 200 times (not new threads but posts in general) to be able to:

1) Priveate Message Anyone
2) Put a sig in your sig spot
3) may be more, but I'm not sure

I see you only have posted 88 times, you need 200 post's, and it would be great if it was post either related to the thread or a "conversational" New thread, pointless threads or post's are just stupid, and so is spamming.


Yesterday, 09:48 PM #5

89 bloody posts in 7 months major contributor to things here aren't we mate.


By the way, here is what I originally offered him as "advice" back in February:

Originally Posted by TheButcher

The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those.

They also dilute the post quality as undoubtedly some folks are just posting for the cash.

Quote Originally Posted by TheButcher:
Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board.

again, it also dilutes the quality of the posts because you end up with folks just posting for sigview rather than to participate. Yes most board have sigs turned on but I only know of one other that I associate myself with that encourages the pay for sig space viewpoint. The board where the most seasoned vets hang out discourages the paying for sigspace ar carrying banners other than your own.

***addendum this morning (July 27)

It appears the sheep may be getting restless.....

Today, 04:04 AM #11
Greg Gaskell

Not even an announcement about sigs being turned off
Funny how all our sigs are turned off, but you can promote the sigs you want.
Sorry I feel short changed and even more so with serious partners banners in place of my sig.

Let me know when sigs are back on and i'll start posting again - typical we all get punished cos of some other spammer.

Funny how other boards seem to deal with it.

Today, 09:22 AM #1

What happened to my banner spot in my sig?

out of no where, my banner had changed from this

to whatever is below. Was there a glitch or hack?


Join Date: Jun 2005

you should be able to modify it, as your post number is greater than 200


Today, 10:06 AM #3

It was changed even though my post number was great than 200. I dont see a signature spot.. where exact do I make this change now? and why didnt anyone see this in the first place or did you just do it to all accounts?

I changed a picture spot with a 150x150 max size allowed and it hasnt made a diference here at all !!!

Can somone kindly get ahold of me on icq so I dont have to explode on the board?


All I can do is lololololololololololololololol................... ..

The whiner that makes press releases that hes in GREAT demand.... nothing but a fucking SIGWHORE!

07-28-2005, 09:45 PM
In numbers I trust...



07-29-2005, 03:46 PM
Our little nefarious hooligan is backtracking (yet again);


Today, 10:59 AM #1
Okay the banners idea

The minimum 200 post banner idea was very unpopular. So lets just scrap it and let everyone use a banner.


08-01-2005, 12:05 AM
Oh what mischief is this that our felonious friend is up to....

Last week I had noticed that recently a poster named "The Kink" had shown up over there and was doing a lot of "Cover the back" posting for our precoscious little passant. Now, at first I though that this guy might be an alterego for our little antihero and so I poked around a touch here and there and decided that they probably were not the same person. The Kink owns the program "Werekinky.com" and carries it in his sig...

So tonight I am over slumming a bit and I see this post:

Today, 01:40 PM #1
Inside Info: Rumor has it there's a deal to be had

I hear from the grape wine that someone can pick up http://www.werekinky.com the domain, site, store for dirt cheap. If anyone has the desire or ability to run an online adult store this is one of the big sleepers of the net. It's all setup and seriously got potential for a person who has the time to rack in the cash.

Hate stirring shit but this one is a no brainer, a few bucks for a webmaster program page and it's a cash machine to be had.


So, I go hmmmm... what's the deal here. The Kink has been covering his back, licking his asshole with every post and then here he comes with a glowing endorsement (if any of his endorsements could be considered glowing) of buying the program.

Now, most of his posters seem to be pretty noobie, so I wonder what kind of shit he is trying to pull on his sheep....

Could be totally innocent............

lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol
lololololololollololololololollololololololollolol ololololollololololololollololololololollololol

damn, I knew I couldn't say that without losing it...... :yowsa:

addendum: http://www.alexa.com/data/details/traffic_details?&range=3m&size=medium&compare_sites=&y=r&url=www.werekinky.com#top Yep, this place gets monster traffic...for sure... NOT

Just for comparison, this is the traffic ranking for www.xxxac.com a dead domain of mine that I have never had a site on... http://www.alexa.com/data/details/?url=www.xxxac.com

If a dead, never existed site does better in traffic, how is that a "cash machine to be had." ?

So, Butcher sheep, noobies... I warn you yet again, this guy is not on the up and up. I would go over thare and post it to you on his home turf, but you all want to play his game, so fuck you if it takes you getting burned to learn something.