View Full Version : USA and Religious Groups

05-27-2005, 04:44 PM
Leave Europe and settle in north america.

i am reading yahoo and i see that mary kay is pulling ads (not buying) from desperate housewifes because a religious group criticized them for trying to place ads on that show.

aside from the point that we are in porn industry, what the fuck is usa becoming?

ahh yes you are going to say well whatever.. i am just saying be carefull i have seen what religion does to countries and believe me the only difference with usa and thirdworld right now is that there are more people with internet.

religion kills countries if left unchecked.

05-27-2005, 05:21 PM
It's good to sit on the outside looking in.

05-27-2005, 07:02 PM
The word is Theocracy. Sad but true.

05-27-2005, 07:20 PM

05-27-2005, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by Inabon@May 27 2005, 03:45 PM
Leave Europe and settle in north america.

i am reading yahoo and i see that mary kay is pulling ads (not buying) from desperate housewifes because a religious group criticized them for trying to place ads on that show.

aside from the point that we are in porn industry, what the fuck is usa becoming?

ahh yes you are going to say whell whatever.. i am just saying be carefull i have seen what religion does to countries and believe me the only difference with usa and thirdworld right now is that there are more people with internet.

religion kills countries if left unchecked.
any room available in Panama?

05-27-2005, 11:28 PM
lots of room :)

05-29-2005, 12:47 PM
We are becoming a country that lets half its citizens tell the other half of its citizens what they can and can't say and do. Sooner or later that will have to be rectified.


05-29-2005, 12:52 PM
my 2 cents...

the thing is that there is a half of the united states citizen that just say ahh fuck it i live my life.

i have seen what that can do trust me it is not good. USA was built by people who gave a fuck and stood up against shit. I don't see that fighting spirit anymore.

that is what i liked about the USA you could actually scream and shout and shit happened now it is no different than any central or south american country where a few (elite or not) rule and everyone else takes it up the ass.

i am not being anti USA i am just mad at the fact that the only thing i missed from USA when i moved is now gone the way of the dodo.

05-29-2005, 01:29 PM
give me a fucking break this is getting ridiculous:

http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050529/ap_on_...mJmBHNlYwN1cw-- (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050529/ap_on_sp_ho_ne/hkn_devils_name_change;_ylt=AulEELGX1QB9tce7Mk3Wec Ks0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA2M2YzbmJmBHNlYwN1cw--)

TRENTON, N.J. - What chance do the New Jersey Devils give a proposal that would give the pro hockey franchise a less demonic name? Think hell freezing over.

"I can assure you the Devils name will never change, and I think there are more important things to be thinking about than something that will never happen," team CEO Lou Lamoriello said. "It's who we are and what we want to be."

State Assemblyman Craig Stanley is taking issue with a satanic symbol representing the state's National Hockey League team, which has won three Stanley Cup championships.

"This is an age where symbolism is very important," said Stanley, a Baptist deacon whose resolution to rename the team is to be introduced in the Assembly next month. A new name would be chosen in a statewide competition.

Stanley's legislative district includes parts of Newark, where the Devils are scheduled to move into a $310 million, 18,000-seat downtown arena in September 2007, from the Meadowlands sports complex in East Rutherford.

"I've always cringed when people say they're going to see the Devils," said Stanley. "The merchandise, the paraphernalia is based on the actual demonic devil. Personally, it causes a little bit of an issue with me."

The team's mascot is red, cartoonish figure with horns and a goatee.

However, the team's name, chosen in a 1982 fan contest, comes from the mythical Jersey Devil, not the Christian symbol of the antichrist, according to Weird N.J., a travel guide to the state's most offbeat attractions.

The mythical Jersey Devil — with bat-like wings, a forked tail and oversized claws — was said to terrorize Pine Barrens dwellers in the 18th-century after being born the 13th child to poor South Jerseyans and morphing into a dinosaur-like beast.

Acting Gov. Richard J. Codey agrees that the name should stay as is. Team owner Jeff Vanderbeek gave the proposal a less-than-enthusiastic reception.

"He's hellbent on keeping the Devils name," Stanley said.

05-30-2005, 03:10 PM
it is just this administration.

The silent majority here is still sane.

But you are right, now that they have figured a way to manipulate our system and take control, ( they are also in a move to make the minority voice not heard)

I mean when it was time for clinton to say the judges, Republicans did everything they could to disruopt that process for more than 6 yrs, now that they cant get it done with the religious right wingm they want to cry foul and ONCE AGAIN TRY TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION

Bush will go down as the worst president in history.

Problem is some of his " reforms" will make McCarthy era look like a kindergarten game

05-30-2005, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by JoesHO1@May 30 2005, 02:11 PM
it is just this administration.

The silent majority here is still sane.

But you are right, now that they have figured a way to manipulate our system and take control, ( they are also in a move to make the minority voice not heard)

I mean when it was time for clinton to say the judges, Republicans did everything they could to disruopt that process for more than 6 yrs, now that they cant get it done with the religious right wingm they want to cry foul and ONCE AGAIN TRY TO CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION

Bush will go down as the worst president in history.

Problem is some of his " reforms" will make McCarthy era look like a kindergarten game

I am not so sure about the sanity of the silent majority.

The silent majority, after all, is responsible for the likes of Nixon and Reagan.

To give credit where credit is due - Rove is not just a marketing genius, he's a master at recycling. Making homa-seckshuals the niggers of 2004 (along with the fellow travellers who further their well know agenda, Mr. biasedlibleramedia and Ms. liberalactivistjudges) enabled him to kindle fear in the hearts of a great many of that silent majority, and by changing just a few words enabled the reuse of political rhetoric very close to their hearts.

This rhetoric that will take a decidedly uglier turn if and when they get themselves enough judges to overturn Rowe, Brown, Miranda, et. al; find the Voting Rights Act of '64, the Clean Air Act, the Water Protection Act, OSHA etc., unconstitutional; keep the newest niggers (homa-sexshuals) in the closet where they belong ('cause I doubt the bedroom will be safe for long); and spare a few efforts for uppity women and African Americans, even if the cost of doing so means working with the spics. The first shot at women in uniform was fired recently in the House Armed Services Committee, where changes they enacted without negotiation, consultation (except maybe with Jezuz), or forethought would have negatively impact our ability to support the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, had they not backed down at the last minute.

The 180 degree turn that the Pharasevenangelicals have done on judges is by no means alone. Compare the speeches of the bobble-heads regarding intervention in the Balkans to what they said about intervention in Iraq. Think back on the ridicule that they have heaped on the likes of Jimmy Carter when he suggested that democracy might be as good for residents of the 3rd world as it was for them. Think how loudly and hysterically they screamed about minority rights when they were in the minority.

You can put your trust in the silent majority if you want to. Me? I've been to more gun shows in the past year than I have in the 25 that preceded it.

05-30-2005, 04:22 PM
Quit mincing words, tell us how exactly do you feel about the situation, PD? :P

Just prodding you, I'm much in agreement.