View Full Version : Serge why do you troll me onto GFY

05-26-2005, 08:55 PM
to piss with Brand0n.

He is a thrice convicted drug dealer.

Once to a minor!!!

I mean the guy took money from his daughters education fund to buy weed!!!

And he is such a moron he is reduced to living with his grandmother...

Why piss with him ?

When he looks in the face of his family somewhere in his mind he knows what he is...

I needn't keep reminding him


05-27-2005, 04:54 AM
I dragged you there to read one of the best posts I've seen in a while:

Firstly , Serge fuck you for getting me over here and reading GFY.

Secondly , fuck you , for making me and gonzo pay through the nose on buying "The old folks Home"

And thirdly...well just fuck you

I had to post as I find it fucking hilarious reading peoples comments on slavik and aga who aren't fit to breath the air from their asses LOL

Aga and slavik could not be classed as friends of mine ( Aga did in fact sue me a few tiomes) ;-))

however I respect both of them as good businessmen and "players" in this business unlike the non event effluent that criticises them on this board.

they shit more knowledge of this business than most of the people here.

Fletch , sincere congrats on the non drinking.

Now can I go back to the comfort of the "old folks home"?

On Thursday we have rice pudding....

care to guess who wrote it?