View Full Version : NO FTP Acesss, trying to backup files

05-26-2005, 07:18 PM
Ever since SSH was introduced and became common use I have had a bitch of times with things... My user/pass works on SFTP/FTP with SSH settings but not on SecureCRT .... And vice versa.. if it works on Secure CRT it will not work on FTP or even SFTP for that matter.

If anyone has an article on this shit, please point me towards it ....

I have used SSH to Telnet in and am tarring up my files Iw ant to backup, I then logged in through ssh to another server and tried to ftp into the remote server.. Was going to use mget to transfer the file over... untar.. download from that location as I have all the info I need to ...

However Telnet connection is refused, so ...

I tried sftp remotehostname.com

Doesn't ask for a user, just password - denies 3 times in a row then it ask for password for UserIamLoggedOnWithAtCurentServer@HostnameIamMakin gTheRemoteConnectionTo.Com

of course no passes work there... Anyone with any ideas here.. Calling tech support isn't an option.

05-26-2005, 07:32 PM
Finding Host wwwx.xxxxxxxx.com ...
Connecting to xx.xx.xx.x:xx
Connected to xx.xx.xx.x:xx in 0.015625 seconds, Waiting for Server Response
Initializing SSL Session ...
Error reading response from server.
Connection closed by remote host.

Is the typical response, this is using SFTP on a login that is working fine on SecureCRT - arghhh


05-26-2005, 07:44 PM
if ssh works, can you create a tarball and download the tarball via the web?

tar czf whatever.tgz *

its possible that sftp is failing because of a message being printed in the .profile/.bashrc -- I know rsync has a problem with that at times.

if ssh works from the remote server, you could do something like:

rsync user@firstserver:public_html/ localdir/


ssh user@firstserver "cd directorytogoto;tar cf - *" | tar xf -

or if you can put the tarball in a web accessible place, from remote server:

wget http://firstserver.com/tarball.tgz

You might have a version mismatch which is causing sftp & securecrt to conflict, i.e. maybe the server is older and doesn't support ssh2 and one or the other refuses to use ssh2.

Many different possible problems that I can think of -- one of the above should get you working.

05-26-2005, 07:46 PM
I'm sending traffic to you :blink:

LOL :awinky:

05-26-2005, 08:01 PM
Originally posted by Trev@May 26 2005, 03:47 PM
I'm sending traffic to you :blink:

LOL :awinky:

HEHE Don't worrk this doesn't affect any TCM stuff :)

Hell Puppy
05-27-2005, 02:11 AM
SSH, regardless of client, typically needs the following:

1) Whatever IP you're using to hit the server must be authorized for SSH access. Some hosts leave it wide open so you can get in from any IP, but more and more often I'm seeing they open FTP/SFTP to any IP, but require your IP be "blessed" for shell access.

2) You need to know what port SSH is on, this varies from host to host.