View Full Version : Let's Crank it up.

05-25-2005, 03:04 AM
Ok, we are 5 days into the contest. The contest has received 7450 hits of the 40,000 that will be delivered, so each team has had around 2000 hits to play with.

I know, I know, you think my math sucks because 7450/4<2000 but what you may or may not be aware of is that one team does not have their site up yet so we took them out of the rotation a bit past the end of the 1st day of the contest.

Anyway, so far this has been pretty much of a yawn for those not directly involved. That was NOT supposed to be the case.

So, what can we do get this cranked up a bit. A show isn't any good if it doesn't engage it's audience. So, what is it that you guys want to see ?? (No, I am not giving out naked pics of my wife.......again)

I think 1 problem is, as some of you are aware, that if you hit the link I provided to view the contest with, you could get into some pretty aggresive pop action. Nick is using pops pretty aggresively on all his pages. I have pops that pop forward within the site and then I have a pop to the trade script. When I pop to the trade script, you get passed to either Nick or Trev (did I mention he has some pops too :)) All of us seem to have found some version of an XPSP2 popup that works (although mine seems to have limitations but that could be the fault of me and not the code) So, you can get twirled around there some.

So, I went out there a couple of minutes ago and using the good old "Total Control Search and Replace" (shameless plug) wiped all my script code out, then I pulled out my geoip script and created a "safe" version of the site. This is so you all can look at my wonderful creation and give me your ooohhhs and ahhhs as you view it's magnificance. (yeah, I know. Why am I going to subject myself to this :headwall: :headwall: .... For the cause, ya know)

But you could also tell me what to change ("everything" is not a constructive criticism unless followed up by concrete suggestions other than go apply at McDonalds...)

I will look through whatever comments I get, ask whatever questions I need to and on Thursday night I will go through and start implementing changes.

Anyway, I went with the theme that ugly sells.

The only thing I ask is that you not turn this thread into a discussion of my 2257 compliance or lack thereof. I have the necessary paperwork to be compliant, I am not carrying the proper statement either for the new regs or the current regs. If I keep the site up after the contest I will make it fully compliant. If I take it down, it won't matter. Also, I know it is very text link deficient at the moment, there is a reason for that and it is being addressed. It was not text deficient yesterday but I pulled some stuff off last night and just have my program defaults on some niches right now instead of pulling in the right text.

Anyway, here it is in all it's missing sales text, oogly glory. Before you click, please remove any drinking material from the immediate area surrounding yourself and your keyboard. If you are in the process of taking a drink or eating something, please take a moment to swallow fully prior to clicking this link. You can't say I didn't warn you. http://www.partyafterdark.com/electricporn/safe/default.php

05-25-2005, 01:01 PM
gimme a T


gimme an E


gimme an A


gimma an M


Whats that Spell


Whats that Spell


Whats that Spell



:gbounce: :bdance: :bjump: :redance: :cdance: :purpdance: :butt:


05-25-2005, 01:06 PM
Thats one hell of a way to bump a thread :D

I'm still not posting though...

...well cept for this :P

05-25-2005, 01:06 PM
If you start wearing short skirts with no underwear and start jumping up and down, Sare, I'm leaving.


05-25-2005, 01:35 PM
Originally posted by Dravyk@May 25 2005, 09:07 AM
If you start wearing short skirts with no underwear and start jumping up and down, Sare, I'm leaving.


Glad his not in Texas...Some idot state representative wanted to band cheerleading cheers...He said they were to sexy. :angry:

That bill flew out the window! :biglaugh:

Did not mean to stray from the subject...but I do agree with you, if Sara
did that...I'm out of here! :biglaugh:

05-25-2005, 01:39 PM
That's not a site! It's a console!

I think you've found your calling. (programmer) :D

But, seriously, the conversion figures that NickP is giving me in bits and pieces lead me to believe that the traffic falling upon the creations is Gay Chinese Pachinko traffic.

You'd do better to trade it out for Straight Chinese Pachinko traffic at the very least.

05-25-2005, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by BillPMB@May 25 2005, 12:40 PM
That's not a site! It's a console!
Flattery will get you nowhere :yowsa: