View Full Version : Redirect GEO traffic, what you doing with it?

Greg Gaskell
05-23-2005, 07:45 AM
The GEO redirection is becoming much more popular as it works for sure, but has anyone found a sponsor that takes Chinese traffic on a PPC or that actually converts Chinese traffic, what other countries are you guys directing to and why?

05-23-2005, 10:57 AM
Chinese people aren't just interested in buying porn would be my answer. Then again, I am no expert and there may be someone else with a better suggestion.

05-23-2005, 03:52 PM
They eat a lot of Chinese food in China...except they just call it food there.

I can't help you with the Chinese traffic, but our system has a real cool set-up that probably makes it the best for converting most international traffic.

When a user lands on one of our sites, we first look at the browser language and serve them a page written in their native language.

When they hit the join page, we look at their ip address and only offer payment options that are available and legal to their geographic location.

For example, there are many Spanish speaking people here in Miami. They may have their browser language set to Spanish. They will see a page written in Spanish. If they are in Miami, they will be offered the typical USA payment options when they reach the join page. If they are in Spain, they will be given the normal options there.

One last thing about how SEXMoney.com can help webmasters make $$ from their traffic is by using our script to automatically redirect certain country ips to our sites. This is available to you if you are unable to geo-sort your own traffic.

(Forest told me to say that since he isn't online this afternoon.)

05-23-2005, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by KevinG@May 23 2005, 08:53 PM
They eat a lot of Chinese food in China...except they just call it food there.
:lol: :lol:

Now thats funny :okthumb: