View Full Version : Do you run an Adult Membership Based Site?

05-22-2005, 09:49 PM
Profit Margins on adult membership based sites are so slim nowadays, a 1% boost in your gross revenues without any extra expenses can lead to a profit margin increase of 3% easily. It is the little things in this business we do that maximize your gross and net revenues. You are always looking for a way to get that little edge, one little idea that boost your profit margins by a couple percent leads to an extra hosue payment for some of you, some of you it can go towards the house payment :) Some of you more !

Between adding Upsells in the membership based sections to adding exit consoles to your tours, you have to consistently monitor your figures to make sure you are maintaining a profitable company. It is only logical to consider every possible opportunity to make your company more profitable...

I have come up with an idea that could be the next big thing increasing your profit margins by as much as 2-3% potentially depending on how well you utilize what we are offering. The reason I say increase your profit margins is there is no extra expenses to add, and you only have to do a VERY MINOR amount of work, which would require little/no time what so ever.

At the moment we are looking for a group of adult membership based sites, any company who wishes to know more please feel free to write me at ryan1978@insightbb.com - Please do not expect an immediate reply, as some things have to be put in order prior to me telling anyone anything. However this is something I would like to have in beta testing phase within 7-10 days at the longest. Note : "BETA TESTING"

You have absolutely NOTHING to lose as a paysite, and only extra revenue to generate. If you are interested, please send the following information by e-mail. I assure you I'm not looking for free passes :)

1) Your Name & Company Name
2) Your Webmaster's Program URL
3) The url to every site you have in your program
4) A user name and password for each of the membership sections

In a day where increasing your gross revenues by 1% without any additional expenses could lead to a 3% + increase in net revenues you can't afford to not at least check out anything which can increase your bottom line. Drop me a line and I will write back to each of you, some of you could get a reply in 2 hours... some of you may be 7 days. It all depends on what your program is offering.

We had exit consoles, we had upsells in membership sections, we had reduced trial prices memberships offered to the site your member just cancelled to - This is the next logical step !!! B)

05-22-2005, 09:54 PM
Members area link trades?

05-22-2005, 09:57 PM
Nope ...

No good in offering a member who is a part of your site access to another network.. Chances are he is still going to cancel.

Hell Puppy
05-22-2005, 10:26 PM
If it's something regarding pharm, best be sure you aren't risking your processing to play. The iPSP's have become very paranoid of late....no casino upsells allowed. Makes me suspect they would also have an issue with pharm.

05-22-2005, 10:38 PM
No pharms/no casinos ...

No risks will be taken legally speaking, period...

Everything can remain on U.S. servers, in fact you will have no reason to even so much as do anything to your server :)

05-22-2005, 10:49 PM
Intriquing Ryan .. The very best of luck with this mate :)

05-23-2005, 11:29 AM
I sent you an email. Let's at least talk and see what it is you have going on:)