View Full Version : Looking for Advice from Oprano re: Website Dev

05-22-2005, 10:31 AM
Hi there, I just have a quick question to put out there to the Oprano community in regards to a website I have, as I'm looking for some ideas or suggestions on what to do with it.

I run a small adult webmaster comic called YugSTAR.com (http://www.yugstar.com). It was a project I started up because I felt the 6 years experience I had in the adult internet industry afforded me a great perspective into the ridiculousness of many aspects of the business. I also had alot of great stories and humorous situations from other people in the industry which I was planning on using. I had also been wanting to start some sort of web cartoon, to improve my skills and drawing style in that respect.

Unfortunately, time got in the way, and only 6 comics were successfully drawn. Although the comic is featured on alot of other webmaster resource sites, as well as the oprano sexine, it didn't really take off the way I had hoped, and for a project that took alot of time for no money, I just couldn't justify continuing the cartoons.

I have since practically moved out of the adult industry and am running a few of my own businesses as well as becoming a successful commercial web graphic designer. I also run another web comic now, which is sponsored, which means the effort and time pays off (its AustralianGamer.com (http://www.australiangamer.com) if you’re interested)

My question to the Oprano community is in regards to the Yugstar.com website. Should I just forget about the website and the comics, are they not really that appropriate or funny? Should I try to seek out adult affiliate programs to see if they would want to feature or sponsor the site? Should the content be more relevant to modern webmaster going-ons, instead of following a story of a non-specific adult internet company with stereo-typical characters?

I had hoped down the track to incorporate industry 'celebrities' in the comics, refer to current events in the industry (once the initial characters had been setup), and hopefully make it viable and make it worth my while to keep running.

Anyway, any suggestions would be appreciated, cheers :)

05-22-2005, 10:55 AM
yes to all of the above if you meet this criteria

do you have time to spend on it
is it worth $$$
will it take away of your other businesses

common sense man.

just ask yourslef personal questions then go in to the technical

does it have traffic
will it make money
will it get traffic

etc etc

:) hope it helps

05-22-2005, 12:09 PM
Before you do anything workout how much of your time this is going to take. If you have that time to spare then look for a sponsor to bring in some revenue.

05-22-2005, 01:06 PM
The comics are spot on and could well be either corporate or adult, especially knowing the discussions I have had with upper management :)

There is nothing wrong with seeking out additional sponsors, such as contacting mediaplazza, who may well syndicate your cartoons for the mobile market. Hit me up if you want a contact, if Disney can go down this route you certainly can.

There is nothing wrong with fingers in pies and you have skills man. Keep the site open and when you have time, then go back and revisit it, possibly even open it up for others to submit their cartoons as well, turn it into a site like shockrave.com or a resource site for cartoonists when time permits?

There are a lot of ideas that you could potentially tie into such as merchandising, hell you could even get a graphic artist to run it for a share of the profits once it starts earning and thats their job to make it happen.

It them leaves it free for you to concentrate on other ventures, whilst still having this available, even email Pud from www.fuckedcompany.com and see if you can tie a deal in with him?

Its all worth a go man and you know where i am if you need anything ;)