View Full Version : Spam! announces $50 payouts on FHG's

05-17-2005, 09:09 AM
http://www.xxxamigoz.com/spam/spam.gif thinks it is time for webmasters to Spam!

To help you make fucking money we have added the following to our program.

Free Hosted Galleries - We have added Free Hosted Galleries to our program, with more galleries added almost every single day. We have a great export tool so that you can get a text file on the galleries you are interested in. Hell, we even have descriptions for those of you that need them.

We have also upped the payout on our $1.00 trial free hosted galleries. Every sale made through these galleries will be $50.00. Yep, you heard that right, a $50 payout on a $1.00 trial. This higher payout will last until the end of May.

The fun does not stop there either! We have created an awesome linkable TGP for you to link to. Simply link to it using your affiliate code and every gallery and every link on the page will carry your code and you will be created for every sale you send through your linking code.
Check it out at http://www.xxxamigoz.com/spam/spam.gif This TGP is updated daily so all you have to do is link to it from your TGP's, websites or anywhere at all and start making some cash!

Now it is time to get sign up to http://www.xxxamigoz.com/spam/spam.gif grab those link codes and start earning some big bucks!

If you need anything, hit me allot

05-17-2005, 09:27 AM
We don't allow drive by spamming here at Oprano!

If you want to push your products feel free to contact advertising@oprano.com.

Or you can contribute to the board and see if we like you enough to let you drop the odd spam now and again!

05-17-2005, 03:19 PM
Guess all that advertsing on your bosses board aint doing to well for you. When you pay people to post how do you expect to get any business done? Good luck with your drive by spamming Ive already seen it 5 times today.

Say hello to Nick3131 for me and tell him he forgot the cheese on my last order. If your nice to him he might let you be in charge of the frosty machine as you further your career path.