View Full Version : Just one more Butcher thread.

05-14-2005, 08:15 PM
When I first went over to scope out Butcher's board, I posted this as my first post in a thread by it's self:

Originally posted by sarettah on the butchers board+--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (sarettah on the butchers board)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
02-10-2005, 02:41 PM #1

So, the key to success in the adult web is...


getting paid to post and getting paid for your sig ?

Or at least that is what I am seeing as I go through the threads.

Sorry to sound neg on my first post here, but I have been lurking for quite a while, so my opinion is not based on any one particular post/thread or poster.

So, where are the business threads ? Where are the seasoned veterans helping out the noobs (other than the worship...err..I mean ask FM room) ?

Anybody want to buy my sig ??

The Butcher answered me and I answered him back.

Originally posted by The Butcher@

02-10-2005, 02:46 PM #2

Welcome Sarettah, the key to succes in any business is to listen, learn and be positive.

We have a lot of seasoned and not so seasoned members here, that's one of the more interesting aspects of the board.

The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those.
Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board.

Have fun and get involved. This is a participatory board.


02-10-2005, 03:01 PM #4

Originally Posted by TheButcher
Welcome Sarettah, the key to succes in any business is to listen, learn and be positive. "

No, the key to success in any business is to work it. Listening and learning are good things but at some point you have to take what you learn and put it into action.

We have a lot of seasoned and not so seasoned members here, that's one of the more interesting aspects of the board. "

Not seeing much seasoning actually. See names that I haven't seen on any other boards posting.

The promo's and pay per post make the place more lively. I hardly think anyone is here just for those. "

They also dilute the post quality as undoubtedly some folks are just posting for the cash. For future reference, in case I stay here. Do not ever write me a check for posting, period. If I wanted to be a boardwhore I would charge a shit load more than a dime a post.

Selling sigs, I've always encouraged that, it's another way to increase the revenue for those who do sell them and great exposure for the advertisers who get seen. I think a board without sigs is doomed to failure. Sigs are on just about every successfull board. "

again, it also dilutes the quality of the posts because you end up with folks just posting for sigview rather than to participate. Yes most board have sigs turned on but I only know of one other that I associate myself with that encourages the pay for sig space viewpoint. The board where the most seasoned vets hang out discourages the paying for sigspace ar carrying banners other than your own.

Have fun and get involved. This is a participatory board. "

Then why all the closed threads that were closed because they were "about the board". If it is going to be participatory then you should be encouraging discussion of the board and how it can be made better. IMHO of course.

02-10-2005, 03:58 PM #6

Sarettah you said, "..Then why all the closed threads that were closed because they were "about the board". If it is going to be participatory then you should be encouraging discussion of the board and how it can be made better. IMHO of course..."

Because we got tired of discussing the board, the board is not a self centered entity where all we talk about is the board. We have to talk about other things.

I hope that makes sense.

I bolded those lines in because of this, on his board currently:

<!--QuoteBegin-the butcher

Please stop crying for a few pennies, I have 3 more to do today of the 5 I had problems with paypal. I really get tired of people crying for money. Especially after they whore like pricks, get blasted, so I ban them like yourself they join in another username, cry like little kids to get the old user name back. Get a life please. I have work to do, I said I would fix the last 3 or so and will. The day is not over dude. My main goal is not to worry about post whores who spammed like idiots but taking care of serious business.

Okay, never seen supposedly "grown ups" whimper like dogs for a few pennies they never earned but were given to act like whores on a board. it's people like you that convinced me to stop running contests, paying for posts and referrals.

Grow up for christ sakes, the day is not over. And when you get your few cents, try not to spend them all at once and do me a favor get lost, because your contribution to this board ( or any other serious board) is 100% ZERO, I've met homeless people I felt sorry for and helped out that are more proud than you.

So, it turns out that I even gave him some pretty good advice there. I called it, so to speak.

But, he insists I am a troublemaker because I tracked an image and posted the results that showed that his treadviews were inflated.

go figger :blink:

05-14-2005, 08:19 PM
So he inflates member numbers and posts.

Can we also have a screencap of when he confirms Ron Levy is his partner.

Or has that been retracted now?

05-14-2005, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Nickatilynx@May 14 2005, 07:20 PM
So he inflates member numbers and posts.

Can we also have a screencap of when he confirms Ron Levy is his partner.

Or has that been retracted now?
:( I don't have it.

He took down the "Ask Fantasyman" forum. I am not sure if that is where it was or not.