View Full Version : Those who know their medical shit

05-10-2005, 10:22 AM
O.K. After months of treating as Carpyl Tunnel I went to a "shock doctor" - atleast that's what I call him - at some physical rehab place called IPMR. Anyways he puts gell and positive/negative elctrodes all over my body and hookes up this hand held shocker and through my skin shocks me with it in different areas to make my nerves twitch and my hand and other areas of the body jump as a reaction.

He then poked me with a need I don't know what the hell it did but I got poked about 20 times or so should down to wrist and in my palm ... and did some kind of electric crap too... He was also using measuring tape for some reason.

Anyways, the good news - He tells me I do not have carpyl tunnel. Bad news was if he had to guess it was tendonitis (tennis elbow) which is screwed up cause I don't play tennis, LOL

So this morning I get a call from my doctor (actually her nurse) and she tells me they now want to send me to a damn neurologists for further testing?

What in the hell does my brain have to do with this crap, kind of freaks me the hell out.. Any of you (Grimm I would love to hear from you on this subject) who have ANY idea about this tpe of stuff make a post and let me know.. As I am clueless and sort of worried... Nothing about neurology ws mentioned before and I'll die before I let someone operate on my damn brain - I'm already stupid enough :D

05-10-2005, 10:26 AM
Well shit you neednt have gone through all that i could have told you what it was...

Wankers cramp.. stop looking at porn ;)

05-10-2005, 10:30 AM
Tell my old lady to put out more... HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA

05-10-2005, 10:43 AM
Don't be concerned Ryan...They probably want to check and see is you have

a pinch nerve. Which could be causing the problem.

05-10-2005, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by Steady@May 10 2005, 06:44 AM
Don't be concerned Ryan...They probably want to check and see is you have

a pinch nerve. Which could be causing the problem.

Problem is that's what that test was for... They ran nerve test from my shoulder to the tip of my fingers. The way the nurse explained it nerves come directly from your spinal cord and go wherever from there. So the only nerves they wouldn't have tested while I was there yesterday would be from my spinal cord to my shoulder on the right side where the pain is...

If it is a pinched nerve I think something weird would of showed up on that test as well since he was checking how all my nerves on my right side reacted to electical impulses. If it was oinched even from my back to my right shoulder you would think the nerves in my arm would be affected somewhat slightly.

That again, maybe they were as I couldn't understand half of what the doctor said. All I know is he told me I have no nerve damage, he thought it was probably tendonitis and I should just take an anti-inflammatory.

Next morning my doctor calls and tells me time to setup an appointment with a neurologists... Freaks me the hell out to tell you the truth.

05-10-2005, 01:06 PM
No worries Ryan honey, at least not yet, so don't stress yourself out...
It appears that you are describing a nerve conduction study.. (those can be very painful) the results of that test are/or will be sent to a neurologist.
It's really a shame the way our medical professionals send us from one to another... you'd think one doctor could do it all... however, after the nerve conduction study, that doctor will look at the results and send it on... the neurologist will then call you in and go over the results with you... If it is a pinched nerve, or other problem with the spine or nerves, it is only (professionally) a neruologist who can actually diagnosis that issue... (at least that has been my experience)

If there is any type of surgery done associated with these problems, it is always a neurologist who preforms such proceedures... they don't just operate on ya brain ;)

ps: I can't spell ;)

05-10-2005, 01:35 PM
The spinal column is the heart of your nerve system. If it's out of wack you could have a problem on your foot, your shoulder your neck, arm you name it.

Take it easy with the extra curricular activities. :P

05-10-2005, 02:00 PM
Just stay away from the chiropractor.

05-10-2005, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by Steady@May 10 2005, 09:36 AM
The spinal column is the heart of your nerve system. If it's out of wack you could have a problem on your foot, your shoulder your neck, arm you name it.

Take it easy with the extra curricular activities. :P

So that's what's causing these problems? ;)

Patty, I had no ideas... I seriously thought neurologists only performed surgery on your brain and studied MRI's etc of your head... That makes me feel a little better.

My brother still has to see a chripopractor, over his 4 years of high school football he tore all the ligaments in his right shoulder first... Then he played on while the chiropractor was working on that shoulder and destroyed his left shoulder. From what i hear he will never be able to do much in the field of heavy lifting, good thing he is going to Western to be a sports journalist - That boy amazes me the stats he has remember... players names by numbers on eve pro team... etc. And that was when he was a Junior in high school!

05-10-2005, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@May 10 2005, 06:23 AM
O.K. After months of treating as Carpyl Tunnel I went to a "shock doctor" - atleast that's what I call him - at some physical rehab place called IPMR. Anyways he puts gell and positive/negative elctrodes all over my body and hookes up this hand held shocker and through my skin shocks me with it in different areas to make my nerves twitch and my hand and other areas of the body jump as a reaction.

He then poked me with a need I don't know what the hell it did but I got poked about 20 times or so should down to wrist and in my palm ... and did some kind of electric crap too... He was also using measuring tape for some reason.

Anyways, the good news - He tells me I do not have carpyl tunnel. Bad news was if he had to guess it was tendonitis (tennis elbow) which is screwed up cause I don't play tennis, LOL

So this morning I get a call from my doctor (actually her nurse) and she tells me they now want to send me to a damn neurologists for further testing?

What in the hell does my brain have to do with this crap, kind of freaks me the hell out.. Any of you (Grimm I would love to hear from you on this subject) who have ANY idea about this tpe of stuff make a post and let me know.. As I am clueless and sort of worried... Nothing about neurology ws mentioned before and I'll die before I let someone operate on my damn brain - I'm already stupid enough :D
Ryan.. Tennis elbow is just a stretching of the tendon around your ulna, it can also mess with your ulnar nerve, which would create a numbness/tingling, especially in the last two fingers of the hand on the afflicted arm. you can treat it through physical therapy, by strenghtening the arm muscles that run around the joint, so as to take pressure off of the tendon and allow it to heal. the onyl way it will feel better is if the tendon goes back to its normal form and can perform its duties without being overexerted. It is called tennis elbow, because tenis players get it through the repeaated motion , pretty much every arm movement in tennis stresses the area in which the tendon is located, if the proper musculature is not there, then the tendon ends up supporting weight and force, something tendons are not supposed to do, they are connective tissue, not load bearing.

the electronic pads your doctor was using are stim pads, they stimulate specific muscles and groups to see how this effects the pain, and also to time the response. if the doctor can figure out which stabilizing and load bering muscles are not doing there job, a physical therapist can isolate and strengthen the muscle, without using the afflicted tendon. The needles are for the nerves, pretty much a pain/response test to test for any nerve damage. if it hurt, thats a good thing, damaged or unattached nerves dont carry pain signals properly to your brain:)

Tendonitis is a much better diagnosis than Carpal Tunnel.. its generally not necessary to have it scoped, unless it is torn of course, and it will feel immediately better once the therapy starts, as opposes to Carpal Tunnel, where the immobolization itself would cause your wrist to atrophy to a degree where it would be useless.

upside is you might get some pain killers out of it;)

05-10-2005, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by *KK*@May 10 2005, 10:01 AM
Just stay away from the chiropractor.

get yourself a good orthopedist with a good, tough PT and you can get through any joint injury:)

05-10-2005, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane+May 10 2005, 08:55 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (RyanLanane @ May 10 2005, 08:55 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Steady@May 10 2005, 06:44 AM
Don't be concerned Ryan...They probably want to check and see is you have

a pinch nerve. Which could be causing the problem.

Problem is that's what that test was for... They ran nerve test from my shoulder to the tip of my fingers. The way the nurse explained it nerves come directly from your spinal cord and go wherever from there. So the only nerves they wouldn't have tested while I was there yesterday would be from my spinal cord to my shoulder on the right side where the pain is...

If it is a pinched nerve I think something weird would of showed up on that test as well since he was checking how all my nerves on my right side reacted to electical impulses. If it was oinched even from my back to my right shoulder you would think the nerves in my arm would be affected somewhat slightly.

That again, maybe they were as I couldn't understand half of what the doctor said. All I know is he told me I have no nerve damage, he thought it was probably tendonitis and I should just take an anti-inflammatory.

Next morning my doctor calls and tells me time to setup an appointment with a neurologists... Freaks me the hell out to tell you the truth. [/b][/quote]
any nerve could tigger anything, Ryan. they go up your spinal column to your brain. if there is any misfiring of signals anywhere in your body it could apear as "phantom pain" anywhere else. Its a big electrical network, one short anywhere can create havoc anywhere else.

a friend of mine had horrible leg pain, problem ended up being a bulging disc that cause a muscle spasm in her deltoid muscle, which triggered a reaction that pinched her ciatic nerve, causing her to not be able to walk without pain. a few weeks of light weight therapy on her deltoids and the leg pain went away.

In high school I had terrible knee pain, after running the gamut of knee tests, it turned out to be a fracture in my hip sustained during a game some 3 months before. no leg problems at all. it just manifested itself there.

the body works in weird ways.

05-10-2005, 03:40 PM
Grimm, that might explain why my two knees will sometimes get like that asleep feeling or just plain uncomfortable to the point where I toss and turn for HOURS before I fall asleep - If I'm lucky enough to sleep that night.. Usually when I get that I get 1-2 hours of sleep. I took Vicodin about 10 days ago when it happened (5/500) and was able to pretty much fall asleep comfortably within 30-45 minutes of taking it.

She already has given me 5/500 vicodin but is pretty careful with the dosage and how many she gives me. Right now I get 40 a month of 5/500 - with permission to take two at a time if it is really acting up. Weird thing is for some reason these 5/500's are working better than the 10/325's I used to take.. and i woudl take two of those at a time. No idea why, but I'll take it happily.

The reason the doctor had initially ruled out tendonitis or said it was a secondary problem was due to the fact it is my thumb and next two fingers on the right hand where I feel the most pain, also right around my wrist (top and bottom of it).

There are three places that show the most pain

1) If you hold your palm open and look at your right thumb you will see between your wrist and thumb a muscle of some sort, this area is very painful alot of the time and does go numb occasionally.. Usually more pain though.

2) My wrist and all around my wrist... Like a circular piercing pain, not shooting.

3) Where your funny bone is, right there on my elbow that will hurt so bad I can't desribe the pain sometimes... It also sends a shooting pain towards my wrist all the way down the backside of my arm.

There are other things, like my fingers now feel like I have arthritis in them.. etc. But the doctor also said since I experience more pain then numbness he thinks it is tendonitis as you will experience more of a numb feeling from carpyl tunnel... Probably of course had something to do with the results of the tests he had just completed.

05-10-2005, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@May 10 2005, 11:41 AM
Grimm, that might explain why my two knees will sometimes get like that asleep feeling or just plain uncomfortable to the point where I toss and turn for HOURS before I fall asleep - If I'm lucky enough to sleep that night.. Usually when I get that I get 1-2 hours of sleep. I took Vicodin about 10 days ago when it happened (5/500) and was able to pretty much fall asleep comfortably within 30-45 minutes of taking it.

She already has given me 5/500 vicodin but is pretty careful with the dosage and how many she gives me. Right now I get 40 a month of 5/500 - with permission to take two at a time if it is really acting up. Weird thing is for some reason these 5/500's are working better than the 10/325's I used to take.. and i woudl take two of those at a time. No idea why, but I'll take it happily.

--the / number is Acetominphen, Tylenol. a higher dose of tylenol working with a lower dose of vicodin is good for minor pain. vicodin is one of those CNS pain killers that dont work much better when stacked. more than a double dose is just wasted, as your body dispenses the medicine at a certain rate. the APAP works directly on the source of pain simultaneously. chances are the Tylenol is working better than the Voicodin, IMO.


The reason the doctor had initially ruled out tendonitis or said it was a secondary problem was due to the fact it is my thumb and next two fingers on the right hand where I feel the most pain, also right around my wrist (top and bottom of it).

--Could be more than one thing.

There are three places that show the most pain

1) If you hold your palm open and look at your right thumb you will see between your wrist and thumb a muscle of some sort, this area is very painful alot of the time and does go numb occasionally.. Usually more pain though.

--http://moon.ouhsc.edu/dthompso/namics/thumm1.htm are the primary muscles acting in this area, not necessary the carpal muscles. its still a repeated stress-type injury. if these muscles are spasming they are interlaced with the nerves, which would explain the sensations.


2) My wrist and all around my wrist... Like a circular piercing pain, not shooting.

3) Where your funny bone is, right there on my elbow that will hurt so bad I can't desribe the pain sometimes... It also sends a shooting pain towards my wrist all the way down the backside of my arm.

--funny bone is your ulnar nerve. it runs all the way down your radius to your hand, branches off at the wrist into several specific nerves on your hand.


There are other things, like my fingers now feel like I have arthritis in them.. etc. But the doctor also said since I experience more pain then numbness he thinks it is tendonitis as you will experience more of a numb feeling from carpyl tunnel... Probably of course had something to do with the results of the tests he had just completed.

--yeah thus the reason for the shocks and pricks:) he isolated the pain and its source. tendonitis sounds like a winner. strenghtening those muscles through light weight excercises can bring a lot of relief. id be surprised if he didnt recommend a PT.

what kind of diet do you exist on. do you get enough water and potassium. do you eat potassium rich foods (banannas, etc). if you are lacking in hydration, electrolytes and absorbable potassium, your muscles will atrophy a bit, and cramp and spasm.. any time a muscle that is interlaced with a nerve, or a case where the nerve "forks" over a spasming muscle, youll end up with chronic pain, but its easily remedied with the right foods, liquids, supplements. since you are a skinny bastard a good mix of gatorade might work:)


05-10-2005, 04:31 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

05-10-2005, 05:10 PM
I agree as the acetominphen (had to copy and paste that one heh) is basically supposed to stop the inflammation, right? When i was taking the 10/325's I was also taking 2-3 200 mg Ibuprofen with them as well which is why I am more confused... might just be psychological, who knows...

By the way... no shit about it ... my great grandfather worked in the lab.. headed it up.. something I dunno where they invented acetominphen... All i know is he was rich as all hell and 100 years old living in Ft Wayne, IN last I heard. That side of my family doesn't like me so we don't really talk.. supposedly I have a trust fund setup I lost when my step-dad adopted me.. Oh well, they were truly assholes anyways.

Diet? What's that? Pork & Beans, medium-rare steaks, mashed taters covered in butter... etc is a pretty good diet right? :) Oh yeah fast food at least 3 times a week ... Seriously, my diet is shit.

05-10-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by grimm@May 10 2005, 09:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)
Erm... because we're web designers :lol:

05-10-2005, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@May 10 2005, 01:11 PM
I agree as the acetominphen (had to copy and paste that one heh) is basically supposed to stop the inflammation, right? When i was taking the 10/325's I was also taking 2-3 200 mg Ibuprofen with them as well which is why I am more confused... might just be psychological, who knows...

The Acetominophen is just a milder pain reliever. they are mixed together for greater effect on immediate relief of pain. Ibuprofin is an anti-inflammatory to alleviate swelling, and often pain, as muscles and joints swell when hurt, and hurt when swollen.. also without the / mixture, hydrocodone is a schedule II drug. when mixed with APAP or Aspirin or whatever, it drops to a schedule 3, as it is diluted.

as far as diet goes, if you can eat whatever you want, go for it, i was just suggesting some things might be missing from your diet. a multivitamin and 120 ozs of water a day might alleviate all sorts of issues:)

05-10-2005, 06:19 PM
Grimm I have another month and a half of eating what I want... When I turn 27 I am starting up some sort of damn siet/excercise program or else I will have a heart attack at 30..

Used to be one of those kids that ate 2 1/4 pounders for lunch with a super size fry and large milkshake.. couldn't put on a pound..

Was 5 10 .. 130 pounds now.... 5 10 ... 165 pounds..

Gotta get to about 150-155 and more lean

05-10-2005, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

High lite the sentence, copy and paste to your reply message and then high lite the sentence again and click "quote" above on the message tool bar.

See ya!

05-10-2005, 06:33 PM
Originally posted by Steady+May 10 2005, 02:31 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Steady @ May 10 2005, 02:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

High lite the sentence, copy and paste to your reply message and then high lite the sentence again and click "quote" above on the message tool bar.

See ya! [/b][/quote]
god bless you:) its the little things that drive me nuts.

05-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Steady+May 10 2005, 11:31 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Steady @ May 10 2005, 11:31 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>Originally posted by grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)
Originally posted by grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

Originally posted by grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

<!--QuoteBegin-grimm@May 10 2005, 12:32 PM
ok my response is inside the quote. how the hell you people separate a quote into blocks is beyond me. i give up:)

High lite the sentence, copy and paste to your reply message and then high lite the sentence again and click "quote" above on the message tool bar.

See ya![/b][/quote]
You can also add who and when, as well :)

05-10-2005, 08:08 PM
We need one of those posts that where there are 100 quotes making it look like on of those psychadelic images from The wall with everyone copying multiple quotes in each box...

Tripppppy ... hehe

Hell Puppy
05-11-2005, 03:06 AM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@May 10 2005, 09:23 AM

Anyways, the good news - He tells me I do not have carpyl tunnel. Bad news was if he had to guess it was tendonitis (tennis elbow) which is screwed up cause I don't play tennis, LOL

Tennis isn't the only cause of tennis elbow. The second leading cause is excessive masturbation. B)

05-11-2005, 03:12 AM
Yo Ryan, can't find the thread you asked for it, but I did leave you the PM you asked for a couple days ago. :)

05-11-2005, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Dravyk@May 10 2005, 11:13 PM
Yo Ryan, can't find the thread you asked for it, but I did leave you the PM you asked for a couple days ago. :)

Got that Dravyk, been meaning to reply but it's been a busy couple days and I get tied up in one thing or another and lose track of time non stop it seems... I'll holler back your way tomorrows...

And all you bastards.. I'm not a whack a maniac.. lmfao !!!

Porn doesn't do jackshit for me nowadays.... The only thing that does it for me is the real deal, and she better be decent looking or it ain't staying up.. LOL

Well..... Unless it's ben a while, then... <ahem>

Fuck off!


05-11-2005, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane+May 11 2005, 03:37 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (RyanLanane @ May 11 2005, 03:37 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Dravyk@May 10 2005, 11:13 PM
Yo Ryan, can't find the thread you asked for it, but I did leave you the PM you asked for a couple days ago. :)

Got that Dravyk, been meaning to reply but it's been a busy couple days and I get tied up in one thing or another and lose track of time non stop it seems... I'll holler back your way tomorrows... [/b][/quote]
No problemo! One of the problems with all boards everywhere is it's very easy to miss when one has a PM. Not every body clicks the email notify and popups are usually blocked. They should make a script with a blinking warning light and a buzzer sounds, I've always thought. :)