View Full Version : Team Cybermed and SE Traffic

04-30-2005, 10:44 AM
Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and let all of you SE gurus know that Team Cybermed has been converting at astounding ratios with Search Engine traffic. It is definately worth the time when you can make $100 + per sale to optimize some pages for traffic that could be sent to us. Please contact me if you have any questions or special requirements and I will be glad to help out.

04-30-2005, 05:31 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Apr 30 2005, 09:45 AM
Hi everyone, I just wanted to pop in and let all of you SE gurus know that Team Cybermed has been converting at astounding ratios with Search Engine traffic. It is definately worth the time when you can make $100 + per sale to optimize some pages for traffic that could be sent to us. Please contact me if you have any questions or special requirements and I will be glad to help out.
On what keywords?

04-30-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey Gonzo,
I would say we have about a 3:1 sales ratio on our SE Traffic from pheromones to Penis Enlargement stuff. Penis Enlargement search terms are fairly obvious as far as what they are usin for the pheromones I will have to look into that and get back to you .

05-02-2005, 06:15 AM
tell me what keywords aswell and ill try and get some results aswell

05-08-2005, 06:03 PM
Sorry, forgot to check this part of Oprano again. It truly depens on what products you are promoting.

If you are promoting UltrAllure for example, the pheremones some of the common keywords woudl be

women/woman can both be used here

attract women
pickup women
single men
single man
single women
blind date

And any other keywords you can relate to a situation where someone would be using pheromones.

As for the penis enlargement products it is self explanitory.

penis surgery
bigger penis
increase penis size
small dick
grow penis
incease penis girth
increase penis length
bigger dick
bigger penis

And any other variations relative to what someone would be searching for on PE products.

My best suggestion is to not count on QUANTITY rather quality. Don't overbid outrageous amounts and hope for 300 sales in a month, rather bid low $.08 per click with great descriptions pre-selling them on the product. Yes, you will probably only get 50-100 hits a day maximum if you take some time to develop a strong campaign but it will be much more profitable.

50-100 hits a day could easily lead anywhere from $40 - $100 in profit from commisions. At $.08 per hit you are only paying $4.00 - $8.00 to get this traffic.

Another strong suggestion on top of presellign them with a well written pre-sell is to direct them to a splash page that refreshes in say 5 - 10 seconds and forces them to the url of the product you are trying to sell. On this splash page promote the product again, and talk about hwo you used it yourself and saw amazing results, etc... By this time they have been pre-sold twice are auto refreshed and are very intrigued by the product, you have a much better chance of making the sale like this rather than directing them straight to your link for the product :)

I'll try to check back more oftne in this area in case anyone has any questions.