View Full Version : A Sales Pearl

04-19-2005, 01:23 PM
There are a few marketing pearls in this thread that relate directly to selling website memberships.


Of all places, bimbos with brains are scary. But, if you read that thread and the lightbulb starts glowing, you get it.

04-19-2005, 01:29 PM
I've been reading the Stripper board occasionally too now and see some parallels and some interesting sales concepts

Just have to sort through the nonsense for the pearls

04-19-2005, 01:33 PM
Ok.. this is a dnagerous day for me cause I don't think I could see an elephant in front of me if I tried right now bit i'll check it out to see if I can see the good advice........

04-19-2005, 05:29 PM
Great one Bill,
I think that may be one of the very best examples of "Sell the sizzle, not the steak" that I have seen. Thanks Bill :)

>>>>Winners "WIN" because they "NEVER GIVE UP!"<<<<

04-19-2005, 05:29 PM
someone call me

my board tracker went off


P.s. I love the stripper boards

I may even post there someday


04-19-2005, 09:04 PM
I love strippers. They are the most openly mercenary women on earth.

The Other Steve
04-19-2005, 09:23 PM
I love it when people describe strippers - and hookers too - as bimbos. Some of the most creative and talented marketers are strippers and hookers.

They were selling illusions and fantasy long before Bill had his first wet dream.

04-19-2005, 09:42 PM
Damn $210.00..... Sheez at Dirty Sallys in San Antonio it was only $20.00 (of course they gave you Andre Cold Duck...lol) and hell with the VIP room... They'd grind their ass into your lap right there in the main room (or at least that's what my friends tell me :blink: )

On a serious note. That is the sales technique that I have always preferred, lead em on into it subtle like.....

Of course, as usual instead of going with what I thought was best I went with what others told me :headwall: :headwall: :headwall:

Could be why I don't sell shit :(

Urban Legends Video
04-19-2005, 10:37 PM
A ) I would take anything I read on stripperweb with a grain of salt because the majority of the posters there just plain don't tell the truth about what the do and do not do.

B ) If you could have chargebacks with anywhere near the ease which you can on the web in a stripclub, almost all of these places would be out of business. Remember this when you decide to use them as a model for your marketing concepts.

04-19-2005, 11:30 PM
"once in a while you get shown the light, in the strangest of places if you look at it right" (God Jerry)


04-20-2005, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by The Other Steve@Apr 19 2005, 05:24 PM
I love it when people describe strippers - and hookers too - as bimbos. Some of the most creative and talented marketers are strippers and hookers.

They were selling illusions and fantasy long before Bill had his first wet dream.


A ) I would take anything I read on stripperweb with a grain of salt because the majority of the posters there just plain don't tell the truth about what the do and do not do.

B ) If you could have chargebacks with anywhere near the ease which you can on the web in a stripclub, almost all of these places would be out of business. Remember this when you decide to use them as a model for your marketing concepts.
If they were, they're pretty old bimbos and whores by now. The marketing aspect didn't actually get remotely scientific until global communications media (such as the web) was available for said bimbos, whores, tramps, etc to use.

(of course with computers bought by dumb asses who thought they were going to get laid)

If the bitches were rocket scientists I doubt they'd be leaving snail tracks on linoleum stages for dollar bills.


Women are pretty open for the most part with each other and it seems they're all about their reputations on that forum. I doubt they'd toss bad info out only to be publically humiliated by their peer (bimbos) for doing so.

On the chargeback notion, that's true if you sit there and eat the chargeback. Have you ever joined Ifriends to gather clickcash content?



When you use your iFriends membership login and password to enter into premium, fee-based areas, you are always clearly notified of the price and have the chance to confirm the price before entering the area. If you later contest or "charge back" such a charge, without first contacting iFriends' customer service department (1-800-iFriends; also, 1-800-437-4363 -- overseas customers call 001-561-656-0500) and giving us an opportunity to resolve your concern (we will be happy to discuss a complete or partial refund with you if you had a negative experience), iFriends will follow these seven steps:

Classify the contested transaction as one of two forms of credit-card fraud: "identify theft", or "true-knowledge fraud" (true knowledge fraud is when a cardholder agrees to a product or service and then later falsely denies having done so). If we conclude that the fraud is "true person fraud", you lose the protection of iFriends' Privacy Policy (since you deny being the person protected by the policy), and iFriends will take the following additional steps:

Add your credit-card and contact information to negative databases such as the Internet Merchant Blacklist and the CyberSource-enhanced-by-Visa service. These databases are shared by thousands of businesses, and will prevent you from using your creditcard in the future with other merchants, both online and offline.

Prepare a "rebuttal" package of documentation that is sent to your credit-card company which proves the legitimacy of the charges (this package includes your digital signature plus detailed computer logs, including screennames, passwords, ip addresses and other information, reflecting your entire use of iFriends and our complete file on you.)

Report the outstanding amount to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax, as "under collection".

Refer your account to a collection agency, and if collection efforts are unsuccessful, pursue litigation against you.

Report any ultimate uncollected amounts as an "uncollected debt" to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax.

Report the fraud incident to Law Enforcement authorities, including the Secret Service, which may bring charges that can result in a $10,000 fine and a ten-year prison sentence for merely attempting the fraud. To wit, "...The Secret Service is a criminal law enforcement agency which operates under the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 3056. Under Section 3056, Subsection (B), the Secret Service is specifically authorized to detect and arrest any person who violates federal criminal laws relating to coins, obligations, and securities of the United States and foreign governments, electronic fund transfers, credit or debit card fraud, false identification documents or devices, and certain laws relating to financial institutions. Additionally, pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code, Sections 1029 and 1030, the Secret Service is specifically charged with the authority to investigate offenses concerning fraud and related activity in connection with computers and/or access devices. See Title 18 U.S.C. 1030(d), Fraud and related activity in connection with computers ("The United States States Secret Service shall ... have the authority to investigate offenses under this section.").
Remember: If you have any questions or concerns about a credit-card charge appearing on your statement, call iFriends first at 1-800-iFriends (also, 1-800-4374363) to avoid any misunderstanding that negatively impacts your credit rating, puts your credit-card on a black list, etc. Although our toll-free number is printed on every credit-card statement, here it is again for your convenience: 1-800-iFriends (overseas callers dial 001-561-656-0500). You may also email help@iFriends.net.

In closing, iFriends recognizes that 99% of its customers are honorable people of integrity. However, for the small minority that try to "beat the system" and engage in various forms of credit-card fraud (including "true-knowledge fraud"), be advised that not only will iFriends pursue each of the above steps, but those steps may very well result in your imprisonment. iFriends fights credit-card fraud.

3.) Summary

Unless you see Smiley's friendly mug at the top of the page, every page of content you encounter on iFriends carries no surcharges, and comes free with your membership. (Smiley's presence indicates that you are about to progress into a premium-priced area of iFriends)

iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud. If you are using a stolen credit-card to purchase services from iFriends, you will be prosecuted. If you are using your own card to purchase services, but falsely claim later that you did not, you will be prosecuted. Plus, your account may be referred to a collection agency, your credit-rating may be impaired, and your card may be blacklisted for use with thousands of merchants. iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud.

/end quote

If you get aggressive on YOUR OWN chargebacks you might get alot fewer of them.

Want a lap dance there Skippy?

There's pretty good information there be it as it may. You can choose to read it, roll it around a bit and assimilate it, or you can be Skippy getting the lap dance.

Granted getting lap dances is fun. I bought KK several in Vegas a few years ago and it was extremely entertaining. lol

04-20-2005, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by BillPMB@Apr 19 2005, 09:24 AM
There are a few marketing pearls in this thread that relate directly to selling website memberships.


Of all places, bimbos with brains are scary. But, if you read that thread and the lightbulb starts glowing, you get it.
Bill is now a moderator at stripperweb:)

04-20-2005, 12:42 AM
Originally posted by BillPMB+Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BillPMB @ Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Other Steve@Apr 19 2005, 05:24 PM
I love it when people describe strippers - and hookers too - as bimbos. Some of the most creative and talented marketers are strippers and hookers.

They were selling illusions and fantasy long before Bill had his first wet dream.


A ) I would take anything I read on stripperweb with a grain of salt because the majority of the posters there just plain don't tell the truth about what the do and do not do.

B ) If you could have chargebacks with anywhere near the ease which you can on the web in a stripclub, almost all of these places would be out of business. Remember this when you decide to use them as a model for your marketing concepts.
If they were, they're pretty old bimbos and whores by now. The marketing aspect didn't actually get remotely scientific until global communications media (such as the web) was available for said bimbos, whores, tramps, etc to use.

(of course with computers bought by dumb asses who thought they were going to get laid)

If the bitches were rocket scientists I doubt they'd be leaving snail tracks on linoleum stages for dollar bills.


Women are pretty open for the most part with each other and it seems they're all about their reputations on that forum. I doubt they'd toss bad info out only to be publically humiliated by their peer (bimbos) for doing so.

On the chargeback notion, that's true if you sit there and eat the chargeback. Have you ever joined Ifriends to gather clickcash content?



When you use your iFriends membership login and password to enter into premium, fee-based areas, you are always clearly notified of the price and have the chance to confirm the price before entering the area. If you later contest or "charge back" such a charge, without first contacting iFriends' customer service department (1-800-iFriends; also, 1-800-437-4363 -- overseas customers call 001-561-656-0500) and giving us an opportunity to resolve your concern (we will be happy to discuss a complete or partial refund with you if you had a negative experience), iFriends will follow these seven steps:

Classify the contested transaction as one of two forms of credit-card fraud: "identify theft", or "true-knowledge fraud" (true knowledge fraud is when a cardholder agrees to a product or service and then later falsely denies having done so). If we conclude that the fraud is "true person fraud", you lose the protection of iFriends' Privacy Policy (since you deny being the person protected by the policy), and iFriends will take the following additional steps:

Add your credit-card and contact information to negative databases such as the Internet Merchant Blacklist and the CyberSource-enhanced-by-Visa service. These databases are shared by thousands of businesses, and will prevent you from using your creditcard in the future with other merchants, both online and offline.

Prepare a "rebuttal" package of documentation that is sent to your credit-card company which proves the legitimacy of the charges (this package includes your digital signature plus detailed computer logs, including screennames, passwords, ip addresses and other information, reflecting your entire use of iFriends and our complete file on you.)

Report the outstanding amount to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax, as "under collection".

Refer your account to a collection agency, and if collection efforts are unsuccessful, pursue litigation against you.

Report any ultimate uncollected amounts as an "uncollected debt" to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax.

Report the fraud incident to Law Enforcement authorities, including the Secret Service, which may bring charges that can result in a $10,000 fine and a ten-year prison sentence for merely attempting the fraud. To wit, "...The Secret Service is a criminal law enforcement agency which operates under the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 3056. Under Section 3056, Subsection (B), the Secret Service is specifically authorized to detect and arrest any person who violates federal criminal laws relating to coins, obligations, and securities of the United States and foreign governments, electronic fund transfers, credit or debit card fraud, false identification documents or devices, and certain laws relating to financial institutions. Additionally, pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code, Sections 1029 and 1030, the Secret Service is specifically charged with the authority to investigate offenses concerning fraud and related activity in connection with computers and/or access devices. See Title 18 U.S.C. 1030(d), Fraud and related activity in connection with computers ("The United States States Secret Service shall ... have the authority to investigate offenses under this section.").
Remember: If you have any questions or concerns about a credit-card charge appearing on your statement, call iFriends first at 1-800-iFriends (also, 1-800-4374363) to avoid any misunderstanding that negatively impacts your credit rating, puts your credit-card on a black list, etc. Although our toll-free number is printed on every credit-card statement, here it is again for your convenience: 1-800-iFriends (overseas callers dial 001-561-656-0500). You may also email help@iFriends.net.

In closing, iFriends recognizes that 99% of its customers are honorable people of integrity. However, for the small minority that try to "beat the system" and engage in various forms of credit-card fraud (including "true-knowledge fraud"), be advised that not only will iFriends pursue each of the above steps, but those steps may very well result in your imprisonment. iFriends fights credit-card fraud.

3.) Summary

Unless you see Smiley's friendly mug at the top of the page, every page of content you encounter on iFriends carries no surcharges, and comes free with your membership. (Smiley's presence indicates that you are about to progress into a premium-priced area of iFriends)

iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud. If you are using a stolen credit-card to purchase services from iFriends, you will be prosecuted. If you are using your own card to purchase services, but falsely claim later that you did not, you will be prosecuted. Plus, your account may be referred to a collection agency, your credit-rating may be impaired, and your card may be blacklisted for use with thousands of merchants. iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud.

/end quote

If you get aggressive on YOUR OWN chargebacks you might get alot fewer of them.

Want a lap dance there Skippy?

There's pretty good information there be it as it may. You can choose to read it, roll it around a bit and assimilate it, or you can be Skippy getting the lap dance.

Granted getting lap dances is fun. I bought KK several in Vegas a few years ago and it was extremely entertaining. lol
:nyanya: [/b][/quote]
and here i thought KK didn't like lap dances;)

The Other Steve
04-20-2005, 02:25 AM
Originally posted by BillPMB+Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BillPMB @ Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-The Other Steve@Apr 19 2005, 05:24 PM
I love it when people describe strippers - and hookers too - as bimbos. Some of the most creative and talented marketers are strippers and hookers.

They were selling illusions and fantasy long before Bill had his first wet dream.


A ) I would take anything I read on stripperweb with a grain of salt because the majority of the posters there just plain don't tell the truth about what the do and do not do.

B ) If you could have chargebacks with anywhere near the ease which you can on the web in a stripclub, almost all of these places would be out of business. Remember this when you decide to use them as a model for your marketing concepts.
If they were, they're pretty old bimbos and whores by now. The marketing aspect didn't actually get remotely scientific until global communications media (such as the web) was available for said bimbos, whores, tramps, etc to use.

(of course with computers bought by dumb asses who thought they were going to get laid)

If the bitches were rocket scientists I doubt they'd be leaving snail tracks on linoleum stages for dollar bills.


Women are pretty open for the most part with each other and it seems they're all about their reputations on that forum. I doubt they'd toss bad info out only to be publically humiliated by their peer (bimbos) for doing so.

On the chargeback notion, that's true if you sit there and eat the chargeback. Have you ever joined Ifriends to gather clickcash content?



When you use your iFriends membership login and password to enter into premium, fee-based areas, you are always clearly notified of the price and have the chance to confirm the price before entering the area. If you later contest or "charge back" such a charge, without first contacting iFriends' customer service department (1-800-iFriends; also, 1-800-437-4363 -- overseas customers call 001-561-656-0500) and giving us an opportunity to resolve your concern (we will be happy to discuss a complete or partial refund with you if you had a negative experience), iFriends will follow these seven steps:

Classify the contested transaction as one of two forms of credit-card fraud: "identify theft", or "true-knowledge fraud" (true knowledge fraud is when a cardholder agrees to a product or service and then later falsely denies having done so). If we conclude that the fraud is "true person fraud", you lose the protection of iFriends' Privacy Policy (since you deny being the person protected by the policy), and iFriends will take the following additional steps:

Add your credit-card and contact information to negative databases such as the Internet Merchant Blacklist and the CyberSource-enhanced-by-Visa service. These databases are shared by thousands of businesses, and will prevent you from using your creditcard in the future with other merchants, both online and offline.

Prepare a "rebuttal" package of documentation that is sent to your credit-card company which proves the legitimacy of the charges (this package includes your digital signature plus detailed computer logs, including screennames, passwords, ip addresses and other information, reflecting your entire use of iFriends and our complete file on you.)

Report the outstanding amount to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax, as "under collection".

Refer your account to a collection agency, and if collection efforts are unsuccessful, pursue litigation against you.

Report any ultimate uncollected amounts as an "uncollected debt" to credit bureaus such as TRW and Equifax.

Report the fraud incident to Law Enforcement authorities, including the Secret Service, which may bring charges that can result in a $10,000 fine and a ten-year prison sentence for merely attempting the fraud. To wit, "...The Secret Service is a criminal law enforcement agency which operates under the provisions of Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 3056. Under Section 3056, Subsection (B), the Secret Service is specifically authorized to detect and arrest any person who violates federal criminal laws relating to coins, obligations, and securities of the United States and foreign governments, electronic fund transfers, credit or debit card fraud, false identification documents or devices, and certain laws relating to financial institutions. Additionally, pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code, Sections 1029 and 1030, the Secret Service is specifically charged with the authority to investigate offenses concerning fraud and related activity in connection with computers and/or access devices. See Title 18 U.S.C. 1030(d), Fraud and related activity in connection with computers ("The United States States Secret Service shall ... have the authority to investigate offenses under this section.").
Remember: If you have any questions or concerns about a credit-card charge appearing on your statement, call iFriends first at 1-800-iFriends (also, 1-800-4374363) to avoid any misunderstanding that negatively impacts your credit rating, puts your credit-card on a black list, etc. Although our toll-free number is printed on every credit-card statement, here it is again for your convenience: 1-800-iFriends (overseas callers dial 001-561-656-0500). You may also email help@iFriends.net.

In closing, iFriends recognizes that 99% of its customers are honorable people of integrity. However, for the small minority that try to "beat the system" and engage in various forms of credit-card fraud (including "true-knowledge fraud"), be advised that not only will iFriends pursue each of the above steps, but those steps may very well result in your imprisonment. iFriends fights credit-card fraud.

3.) Summary

Unless you see Smiley's friendly mug at the top of the page, every page of content you encounter on iFriends carries no surcharges, and comes free with your membership. (Smiley's presence indicates that you are about to progress into a premium-priced area of iFriends)

iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud. If you are using a stolen credit-card to purchase services from iFriends, you will be prosecuted. If you are using your own card to purchase services, but falsely claim later that you did not, you will be prosecuted. Plus, your account may be referred to a collection agency, your credit-rating may be impaired, and your card may be blacklisted for use with thousands of merchants. iFriends prosecutes credit-card fraud.

/end quote

If you get aggressive on YOUR OWN chargebacks you might get alot fewer of them.

Want a lap dance there Skippy?

There's pretty good information there be it as it may. You can choose to read it, roll it around a bit and assimilate it, or you can be Skippy getting the lap dance.

Granted getting lap dances is fun. I bought KK several in Vegas a few years ago and it was extremely entertaining. lol
:nyanya: [/b][/quote]
Now I know why CJ thinks of you as she does

Anybody can sell anything on the Net - just by sheer weight of numbers - you don't even have to be very good at it.

Selling an illusion and a fantasy when you're standing 6 inches away from your mark takes marketing to a whole new level - a level that few marketers here can ever attain.

If you could sell as those girls do when their mark can see the reality right there before their eyes but are convinced of the fantasy then you wouldn't be Bill PMB - you would be God

04-20-2005, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by grimm@Apr 19 2005, 08:43 PM
and here i thought KK didn't like lap dances;)
A trip to Ricks is definitely in order next time I'm down your way ;)

04-20-2005, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by *KK*+Apr 20 2005, 09:43 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (*KK* @ Apr 20 2005, 09:43 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-grimm@Apr 19 2005, 08:43 PM
and here i thought KK didn't like lap dances;)
A trip to Ricks is definitely in order next time I'm down your way ;) [/b][/quote]
thats status quo for your visits:)

04-20-2005, 06:18 PM
Hey Steve,

Fuck you bitch.

CJ, I have respect for, she can talk to me any way she wants, but you, cunt, stick it up your fucking ass.

Have a nice day!


Don't mind me, I'm just in a GREAT mood! :)

04-20-2005, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by BillPMB@Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM
If the bitches were rocket scientists I doubt they'd be leaving snail tracks on linoleum stages for dollar bills.
that made me chuckle.

04-20-2005, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by aeon+Apr 20 2005, 04:05 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (aeon @ Apr 20 2005, 04:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-BillPMB@Apr 19 2005, 08:24 PM
If the bitches were rocket scientists I doubt they'd be leaving snail tracks on linoleum stages for dollar bills.
that made me chuckle. [/b][/quote]
and I thought it would.

04-20-2005, 08:10 PM
that thread is wortheless without pics

04-21-2005, 02:31 AM

I had a guy pay $1174.04 for a cam show Saturday night!!!

Some of us Cam Bimbos really know how to sell it too :)
