View Full Version : Did anybody know that Dravyk has a son ?

04-15-2005, 02:21 PM
I got to meet him last week. Cute little kid named Jimmy. Anyway, we got talking about his school and stuff and he told me a little story.

It seems that one day in school, the teacher had finished earlier than expected, so she opened the floor to questions. Jimmy, who had had something bothering him for a while raised his hand. The teacher asked him what question he had. Jimmy asked her "Yeah teach, I've been hearing a lot lately about something called a penis. Can you tell me what it is ?"

The teacher blushed and hemmed and hawed a bit and then told him, "Jimmy, I think that's a question that you should ask your father". jimmy said ok.

That night, Jimmy came up to Dravyk and told him "Dad, I asked the teacher and she said to ask you, but I've been hearing a lot lately about something called a penis. Can you tell me what it is?". Well, Dravyk stood up and said "Sure son, I can tell you". At that, Dravyk unbuckled his trousers, whipped his manhood out and told Jimmy "Son, this is a penis. And furthermore, this is a perfect penis".

Jimmy said "thanks Dad"

The next day, Jimmy was walking to school and his buddy Bobby came running up and asked him "Hey Jimmy,did you find out what a penis was ?". Jimmy looked very proud as he pulled down his pants and told Bobby, "Bobby, this is a penis, and furthermore, if it was 4 inches shorter, it would be a perfect penis"

04-15-2005, 04:19 PM
This is totally untrue!!

I do not have a son with a 16" penis!


04-15-2005, 06:51 PM
No, you have a son with a 4 and a half inch penis..... (or so I've been told) :yowsa: