View Full Version : Schiabo case a precursor to a coming battle

03-31-2005, 01:56 PM
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2005Mar31.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A15454-2005Mar31.html)

Schiavo Case a Precursor to Battles Ahead

By Dana Milbank
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, March 31, 2005; 10:39 AM

The political passions stirred by the Terri Schiavo case over the past fortnight are but a hint of the feud likely to come this summer with an expected Supreme Court confirmation battle, partisans on both sides say.

Republicans say the Schiavo fight has mobilized its conservative base for the struggles to come over President Bush's judicial nominations. In defeat, they believe Schiavo's death could become a rallying point for a broader "culture of life" movement to secure judges and a justice who would restrict abortions.

_____Terri Schiavo Dies_____

• Photo Gallery: A photographic look at the Schiavo case.
• Timeline: Key dates in her life and the legal struggles over her fate.

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"It is entirely possible that in her death Terri Schiavo will become a symbol for many people about a disturbing trend in American culture," said Gary Bauer, a prominent conservative activist. Predicting a "donnybrook" over the eventual Supreme Court nominee, he said the Schiavo case "will make more acute the feeling at the grass roots that too many of the most important decisions are being made by unelected judges."

Democrats are comforted in knowing that the intervention in the case by Congress and the president has been resoundingly rejected--not just by the courts but by large majorities of Americans and even some conservative commentators. "The other side has overplayed its hand and taken a beating," said Jim Jordan, a Democratic strategist.

But on one thing, the two sides agree. The Schiavo dispute will have echoes, first in the effort to end Senate Democratic filibusters of Bush's appellate court nominees, and then the likely battle over a successor for ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist. "It certainly guarantees an even uglier, even more passionate argument on both sides," Jordan said.

Click link for full article

This WON'T go away. It will go on for quite some time and will be a battle that will be aged for quite some time. The part that worries me about it is that the right wing base will be the loudest on the issue and often he who is loudest wins in washington.