View Full Version : National Net - believe the hype

Hell Puppy
03-26-2005, 01:00 AM
I've been more than well aware of NatNet's operation for years. GonZo and I even toured their data center a couple or three years back while looking for a spot to host a pretty complex opration for what turned out to be some deadbeat mainstreamers. But even though I've referred business their way, I had never bought a server down there for my own company since I generally insist upon having root and highly customizing my boxes.

However, for a new project I'm working on, I wanted the best. Now it didn't surprise me that LBBV and the NatNet crew didn't even blink at the nitpicky pain in the ass configuration that I requested. Nor did it surprise me that they were able to get it online quickly despite me requesting a bit more robust hardware than the typical box.

What has been jaw dropping is the speed of their service now that the box is up. I go open a ticket on their website, and by the time I get back to my email program and refresh it, I usually have a copy of the ticket with a note from the NOC on top of it saying "Done, anything else we can help you with?". I'm not exaggerating, response time has been under 5 minutes every time so far even in the middle of the night.

Now I know why they keep their NOC guys jacked up on coca-cola, ho-ho's and ding dongs!

Most people only post to bitch when something is wrong, just thought I'd pass along some well earned kudos from a very happy NatNet customer...

03-26-2005, 04:06 AM
Always good to hear positive stuff about companies. :okthumb:

03-26-2005, 04:27 AM

Simply put, Nat Net rocks.

Im an instant gratification guy when it comes to adding new domains, emails etc etc to our server and i can honestly say i dont think i have had to wait longer than 5 minutes for a domain addition or an email address to be added.

Christian, Matt, John and the guys in tech support are great to work with just as is the entire Nat Net team... If you arent already hosting at Nat Net.. You should be!

03-26-2005, 08:28 AM
Got hooked up with hosting at NatNet during a "Condom Special" promo sometime in '99 I think and have been there ever since. :okthumb:

03-26-2005, 08:50 AM
When you are ready to see the Natnet data center v3.0 let me know. I am sure I can get LBBV to put together a small tour for you.

Hey...as a matter of fact, there is a Mc Cormick and Schmitts just up the block by CNN Center. Maybe we should do a tour and grab dinner one evening!

FFN's unite :rokk:

Thanks for the kind words.

03-26-2005, 08:57 AM
I still remember Bill calling me at home at 4 in the afternoon on a Sunday helping me with a problem (that ended up not even being theirs).

Natnet :rokk:

03-26-2005, 09:17 AM
And I well remember Kathi helping me with a problem ....and I wasn't even hosting with her....it was for a friend of mine.

Nat Net takes care of everyone....customer or not!

That's saying something.

03-26-2005, 10:13 AM
An FFN CNN dinner? Is there a Starbucks close by? :awinky:

Thanks for the kind words. Tony and Bill have assembled quite a team. :okthumb:

Mike AI
03-26-2005, 12:05 PM
Sweet T is the man!!! Just have him configure your servers himself, and you're all set!


03-26-2005, 03:17 PM
Been off the boards for quite a long while, so I haven't posted this as frequently as I should, but...

National-Net Rocks.


03-26-2005, 04:07 PM
Thanks for the kind words guys :D

People always ask "why is NatNet so expensive". Well, this is why. Great employees, fast networks, and world-class service isn't cheap.

As Kathi said, we now have a brand new data center, and it's way amazing!!! Holler if you want a tour, as we're always looking to show it off :awinky:
