View Full Version : Good morning

03-17-2005, 09:31 AM
Sorry to have been away for a few weeks, had some thing I had to take care of and have been busy on several things.

Hope all is well with the family.

Everyone ready for some B-Ball............march madness starts today....RTR


03-17-2005, 10:41 AM
Hi Danny! Good to see you around again :)

03-17-2005, 10:43 AM
Great to see you back , Dan.

However in your absence M3Server has been down for 2 long periods with everyone left with no form of contact whatsoever.

You've had some very very pissy customers on here man.

03-17-2005, 11:28 AM
Welcome back

Yeah add me to the list of WTF M3 Server posters.

In an absence of info or any replies on this board or GG&J I did finally find some info or on VNWR before their idiotic bingo game hid it.

We shouldn't have to be searching every board trying to find out what happened and when we will be up again.

A simple page on a server not at M3 letting us know what is going on at least since you do not have 24/7 phone support is needed.

03-17-2005, 11:54 AM
Thanks peaches:)

Since sept 1996 when we started on this journey we have had a few problems that we have had to overcome. We went several years without a hitch, at times when most all hosting companies were having all sort of problems, we were lucky, smart techs, good network and hard work. We built our rep on uptime and proud of it. This winter we have hit a couple of hurdles that took us by surprise and have implemented plans to deal with them. The other morning we had some sort of attack or something that really put a hurt on our network, something that we have not seen but now have a plan for it.

We are working on plans to have a way to notify clients in case of a big problem with our network. The biggest problem is when your site is down and you don't know anything and I understand, I have sites that I don't want down myself.

That all said, M3server.com built 10 years of service on our support,service and uptime, we're not going to loose it on downtime. We WILL fix these gremlins just like we have for the past 10 years and continue to offer topnotch hosting.

Thanks for everyones support and Patience.

03-17-2005, 04:19 PM
With all due respect to Dan, Corey and Trevor and M3

Hate to go public with it but I don't have the contact # anywhere

M3 has my support, been great for me for almost 3 years but

Again today??!!

The patience part is getting a little thin

Can we get please updated on what is happening and what is being done to correct the situation?

03-17-2005, 04:41 PM
Yup...down again...

03-17-2005, 04:42 PM
<---- Not hosted by M3 :P

03-17-2005, 04:47 PM
Down again and no answer on their phones. WTF
Simple Hosting
(800) 445-3119
(205) 750-0850

03-17-2005, 04:51 PM
The not answering the phone part really bothers me......... :(

03-17-2005, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by sarettah@Mar 17 2005, 05:52 PM
The not answering the phone part really bothers me......... :(
Someone on GFY has spoken to them - maybe they just can't grab all the calls at the same time?

03-17-2005, 05:03 PM
Back up

Still would like to hear what's going on and what's being done to correct it

I've been a staunch supporter of M3 for years and would really like to continue to be

03-17-2005, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Vick@Mar 17 2005, 05:04 PM
Back up

Still would like to hear what's going on and what's being done to correct it

I've been a staunch supporter of M3 for years and would really like to continue to be

But this is my income, 100% of my web business is there, 3 servers.

May be time to move at least one server. :(

03-17-2005, 05:10 PM
Fuck I jinxed it

Back down


03-17-2005, 05:19 PM
I am a yo yo

Back up :)

03-17-2005, 05:19 PM
I can only reach one of my three severs now

03-17-2005, 05:39 PM
11 posts and 5+ hours later and still no one from M3 has posted anything here.

03-17-2005, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Trev@Mar 17 2005, 05:40 PM
11 posts and 5+ hours later and still no one from M3 has posted anything here.
I think Dan is the only one from M3 who reads and posts here on a regular basis
They might be a little busy answering phones right now

When the opportunity presents it's self still would like to hear status and what is going to be done to correct it

03-17-2005, 06:02 PM
Answering phones is foremost ,but a post on the main boards doesn't hurt and it only takes fingers not a voice...