View Full Version : It's Official! IwantU.com is offering $2.50 flat o

IwantU Luis P
03-16-2005, 12:17 PM
It's Official! IwantU.com is offering $2.50 flat on all free signups, NO RATIOS!!!!


You wanted it, we did it.

$2.50 Pay-Per-Email with NO RATIOS! (http://affiliates.iwantu.com/join.ring?id=73826055)

Starting now, you may promote IwantU.com and get paid nicely on FREE signups (also known as pay-per-email), without having to worry about any sliding scales or ratios!

If you don't already have an account, SIGNUP NOW (http://affiliates.iwantu.com/join.ring?id=73826055)

Once you have an account, or for existing affiliates, you should create a new campaign ID for the Pay-per-Email program. You can do this form your 'Manage Campaigns' section.

Then, go to the linkcode section and get your linkcode (as usual) and you are ready to rock!!!

*** Please note, that anyone caught trying to cheat us will not only be terminated, but will also be fed to the crocodiles.

Enjoy and start sending that traffic over NOW (http://affiliates.iwantu.com/join.ring?id=73826055)

03-16-2005, 12:44 PM
Great promo guys. That will put some nice extra money in people's pockets which is always a good thing!! :okthumb:

BTW_ you need to edit the beginning of your post as the link isn't working at the beginning of your post.

03-16-2005, 03:08 PM
Can you ICQ me plz. thanks.

03-16-2005, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by TheEnforcer@Mar 16 2005, 12:45 PM
Great promo guys. That will put some nice extra money in people's pockets which is always a good thing!! :okthumb:

BTW_ you need to edit the beginning of your post as the link isn't working at the beginning of your post.
fixed ;-)

Sorry luis, I had to step in ;-)

Nice promo btw!!!
not many programs with deep enough pockets to take risks on paying per email these days. hope it does well for you!