View Full Version : Michael Jackson

03-11-2005, 11:39 AM
Interesting the BBC name the kid...

The teenage boy accusing Michael Jackson of sexually molesting him has been describing how and when the alleged abuse took place.
Gavin Arvizo, 15, told the jury in Santa Maria that he was abused in the pop star's bedroom at his ranch.

Mr Jackson arrived an hour late to his trial, wearing pyjamas and slippers and complaining of back pain.

The angered judge had threatened to issue a warrant for his arrest unless he arrived within an hour.

In a statement, Michael Jackson's defence said that Mr Jackson had been taken to a hospital for treatment for a severe back problem after tripping and falling over while getting dressed.

'Jesus Juice'

Mr Jackson arrived at about 0938 (1738 GMT) on Thursday, looking frail as he walked gingerly into the courthouse in what appeared to be blue hospital-issue pyjama trousers as his supporters chanted "innocent".

He denies 10 charges including child abuse and false imprisonment.

He said not to tell anyone about the Jesus Juice and said this is like a testimony that we'll be friends forever

Gavin Arvizo
Michael Jackson's accuser

If found guilty he could face a 21-year prison sentence.

The jury is to have a day off on Friday as the court considers a number of motions relating to the case.

Gavin Arvizo, a cancer survivor who was 13 when the abuse he alleges took place described in detail on Thursday how he was molested.

He said he and Michael Jackson were in bed together and that, after asking the boy lots of questions about sex, Mr Jackson had put his hand down Gavin Arvizo's pyjama bottoms and touched him.

The boy told the court that the experience felt weird and that Mr Jackson tried to comfort him as Gavin felt bad about it.

Lawyer Thomas Mesereau paced about waiting for Michael Jackson

Gavin also described how he had consumed various kinds of alcoholic drinks - including vodka, wine and brandy - with the star.

Secret drinking

He said they were frequently drunk from fizzy drinks cans.

Describing his introduction to wine Gavin said, "He said, 'You know how Jesus drank wine, well, we call it Jesus Juice'."

Gavin said he thought that the liquid he sipped tasted "ugly".

He said that on one occasion after drinking alcohol with Mr Jackson, he had been given an expensive watch and told to keep their drinking secret.

"He said not to tell anyone about the Jesus Juice and said this is like a testimony that we'll be friends forever".

On Wednesday, Gavin told the court he had slept in Mr Jackson's bedroom where they watched internet pornography together.

The boy said the singer had suggested that he spend the night at his Neverland Ranch, and get permission from his parents - which he did.

03-11-2005, 11:43 AM
I think he's a freakin pede, but thats just me <_<

03-11-2005, 12:15 PM
They need to make sure he gets locked in cell with the aryan brotherhood at a maximum security facility if you ask me !!!

03-11-2005, 12:19 PM
David & Victoria Beckham have both invited Michael Jackson onto their new boat for a short trip along the Spanish coastline.

Mr Jackson was delighted at the invite and said that he would love to cum on their little Cruz.

Ok... Ok you can ban me now :unsure:

03-11-2005, 12:29 PM

the vote is 9-0 now that he is a pedo

fucking sick bastard

03-11-2005, 12:44 PM
I just can't believe people are still out there who say he's NOT.

Gimme a break. :rolleyes:

03-11-2005, 12:49 PM
he's at least a pedo, may have molested some kids, although i'm not sure if he molested this one, the mom is a real scammer.

i believe cory feldman admitted jacko showed him porn, but never said he molested him. maybe the dood just likes lookin at porn with kids, and smellin their underwear.

03-11-2005, 01:09 PM
Perfect 12-0 record on the voting now!! :okthumb:

03-11-2005, 01:17 PM
What happened to the "undecided" option? =)

here's why I can't make up my mind:

Michael jackson is worth hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars. Anyone who even whispers sexual assault in his direction walks away with millions of dollars before guilt is ever established. At this point it seems not only logical, but probable, that anyone coming with such allegations is looking for a big payoff.

HOWEVER. After so many people have come forward, and after he has admitted to sleeping in the same bed with these children, you HAVE TO wonder if he's doing a little bit more than just snuggling.

I think the truth is probably that the first one, maybe the first two kids were truly assaulted/groped/fondled/etc., and anyone after that is just looking to retire before college.

03-11-2005, 01:21 PM
What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

Do i personally think he is guilty, based on the media coverage of the case, i would say yes however, based on the current 'facts' of the case, the kids brother admittedly lying under oath at the persuasion of his parents, id say no.

Im gonna let a jury decide on this :)

03-11-2005, 07:47 PM
I think he will go to jail forever , or kill himself.

The supposedly banned transcripts are on thesmokinggun.com.

The mother sounds like a scammer..but theres so much more evidence /allegation than just theirs..the last allegations were gross...at best.

03-11-2005, 08:29 PM
I say he is framed by the cock sucking crooks who've done it before...and I can't give a damn what the vote is....

If you beleive the stories his acusers make in court,
"DO NOT CLICK HERE" would work for you as much as it works on
John Q Surfer....

03-11-2005, 09:51 PM
According to the BBC this evening, he is about $300 MILLION in the red and looking at potential bankruptcy ..

03-12-2005, 12:00 AM
I don't know if he molested this guy or not but he has had too much weird shit that he has admitted to going on to be ignored. A grown man has no fucking excuss to be sleeping with kids like that.

He ain't right!

I am sure at some point and several times over he has been involved with these kids in a very inappropriate matter and it time he gets whats comming to him.

03-12-2005, 12:14 AM
Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's latest record?
A: "Feel the World."

Q: Did you hear about Michael Jackson's latest song?
A: "Don't let your son go down on me."

What's the difference between MJ and a grocery bag?
One's white, made from plastic, and harmful to children, the other you carry your groceries in.

How do we know MJ is guilty?
Because he's been fingered by several children.

How do you know when it's bedtime at Neverland?
When the big hand is on the little hand.

What is MJ's new book called?
The Ins & Outs of Child Rearing.

Q. What did Michael Jackson say to Woody Allen?
A. Got 2 fives for a 10?

When is it bedtime at Neverland Ranch?
When the big hand is on the little hand.

Why does MJ want to be a jockey?
Because he heard they ride 3 year olds.

What's the hardest stain to get out of little boy's underpants?
MJ's make-up.

Q: What do Michael Jackson and an xbox have in common?
A: Both are made of plastic and get turned on by kids!!!

Q: What do Michael Jackson and Santa Claus have in common?
A: They both leave little boys' rooms with empty sacks.

Q: What's soft and brown and sometimes found in little boy's diapers?
A: Michael Jackson's hand!

03-12-2005, 12:17 AM
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
- Bertrand Russell

03-12-2005, 01:27 AM
I heard they have Michael on suicide watch...

The whole family is hanging tight keeping an eye on him.

Rumor is that they heard a big thump and all went running to see what the niose was and as it turned out it was one of Janet's tits had fallen out of her bra...

03-12-2005, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by iknowalttl@Mar 12 2005, 12:01 AM
I don't know if he molested this guy or not but he has had too much weird shit that he has admitted to going on to be ignored. A grown man has no fucking excuss to be sleeping with kids like that.

He ain't right!

I am sure at some point and several times over he has been involved with these kids in a very inappropriate matter and it time he gets whats comming to him.
There are so many people in this industry just "just ain't right"

how come there was no outrage over R Kelly having sex with an underage girl and videotaping it? I guess we can stomach pedos as long as they only prey on girls and aren't too "weird"...because godness knows the only thing worse than a pedo is a pedo fag, right?

Roman Polanski fled the country to avoid prosecution, yet he still managed to win an Academy Award...maybe he can come back to the US afterall and no one will care...

If it had been Janet Jackson having sex with underage boys, everyone would have been saying "geez, I wish I could hang out with Janet"

and why is Bashir so fucking interested in pedos? you can almost hear his erection growing when he talks about the molestation charges...

is he guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor? sure, but that doesn't mean he's guilty of molestation...everyone keeps saying "well come on, obviously, he did something" well, I thought Kobe Bryant was obviously a rapist, but maybe I was wrong because i didn't have all of the facts...

it's easy to rush to judgement and even easier to rush to judgement when it's "some weirdo"

if he's guilty, then he needs to go to jail for a very long time, but if he's innocent, people need to fucking let it go and stop worrying so much about it....

sorry, I'm cutting caffeine from my diet and am feeling really cunty tonight...