View Full Version : If you didn't want it on the web...

03-09-2005, 08:33 AM
If you don't want something on the web, the solution is simple. Don't store it on a computer with a web connection. It really gets tiring to hear folks complain about largely "self created" situations. Now in this one, Hurst seems to have legitimately gotten hacked, so I can show a little sympathy. But not much. The ones that get to me the most are the movie studios and the record companies complaining that someone stoile the entire movie or album via the internet. If you don't want it gotten to then like I say, "don't put it on a computer with a web connection". Not everything in life has to be available to you across the internet.


Durst sues Web sites over porn images

Knight Ridder Newspapers
Mar. 7, 2005 05:40 PM

We knew if we lived long enough, there'd come a day when we might actually understand something Fred Durst did or said. Like a lawsuit.

The Limp Bizkit frontman is suing a slew of Web sites for posting clips and stills from a graphic home-made porn vid in which he starred. Rock Dude was Paris Hilton'd last month by the same fiendish evildoer who infiltrated her cell phone - the vid was hacked from his home computer.

According to the Smoking Gun Web site, Rock Dude's $80 mil federal copyright infringement and invasion of privacy complaint, filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, says Durst made the vid in '03 with a (consenting) former girlfriend and that it was "never intended to be shown to the public."

Gossip blog Gawker.com, one of the sites named in the suit, says it took down the video long before Durst's lawyers contacted it: "We shared it with the world for about 2 hours. Then we wept, found God, took a hot bath, and removed the video from our site."

03-09-2005, 11:16 AM
I have often wanted my accountant to set something up so we can message during the day, as we are friends, too.

She won't because of the very reason you've stated. There will be NO Internet connection near her computers. There is client information of a very sensitive nature.

Is she being a little paranoid?

I used to think so; not anymore....Simple solution...I just call her!