View Full Version : Joesho! You Fuck!

03-09-2005, 12:16 AM

http://www.eho.wa.gov/searchdocuments/1999...219%20final.htm (http://www.eho.wa.gov/searchdocuments/1999%20Archive/pchb%2098-219%20final.htm)

You once burnt some shit!!! And got fined for it...

You broke this byelaw:

It shall be unlawful for any person to cause or allow any open fire:

(1) Containing prohibited materials which include, but are not limited to, garbage, dead animals, petroleum products, paints, rubber products, plastics, paper (other than what is necessary to start a fire), cardboard, treated wood, processed wood, construction debris, metal or any substance which when burned releases toxic emissions, dense smoke or obnoxious odors

Well frankly I'd be shocked , if...

It wasn't for burning stuff in the wrong place without permission , and if I didn't already know it !!!


You naughty naughty man


gonzo can we change his title to " Master of the Burn"?


The very worldshaking info juicy found , reflects him...insignificant

03-09-2005, 12:20 AM
Only if he will admit to buring behind his flea market booth!

Joe for shame all this good business youve done up to this point I am in SHOCK!

03-09-2005, 12:25 AM
:burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn: :burn:

03-09-2005, 12:39 AM
Yeah he now claims he was due a fee for fucking fired and that I owed it to him.. funny I never knew i was a principle in that site, I was a judge LOL

and now it seems he is calling me a thief saying I stole his fee.

of course he never mentioned it until today LOL

I am a scum of the earth....

03-09-2005, 12:49 AM
He did the same thing if you read GFY.

Started to try and cover his ass by trying to come up with some sort of counter attack.

I know it is all lies , because he has never mentioned being owed a fee in all his previous BS posts.

I think everyone reading the drama sees that as clearly as we do.

He has underestimated the inteligence of his supporters.

Interesting really.

A friend of mine told me once "Little dogs bark and yap when they are scared.The fuckers to worry about are the ones that snarl , and then watch you a while...cause they end up taking a bite out of your ass"
