View Full Version : My Netflix List is too High Brow

03-01-2005, 05:49 AM
I feel like I need to utilize Netflix by renting documentaries, foreign films etc and by the time Im in the mood in relax and watch a movie I just want some fluffy crap instead of trying to read subtitles :( I end up going to Blockbuster and renting Saw and The Notebook ...... Im lame!

Almighty Colin
03-01-2005, 06:03 AM
Sounds like you learned your lesson ;-)

03-01-2005, 06:47 AM
I've got 2 accounts at 8 each. Usually a good variety around here.

03-01-2005, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by MissEve@Mar 1 2005, 06:50 AM
I feel like I need to utilize Netflix by renting documentaries, foreign films etc and by the time Im in the mood in relax and watch a movie I just want some fluffy crap instead of trying to read subtitles :( I end up going to Blockbuster and renting Saw and The Notebook ...... Im lame!
I have a good mix of high brow, fluff and TV shows on my list :)

Now if I can just finish up watching everything on TiVo so I can hit the movies......

03-01-2005, 10:22 AM
I find I am watching less and less TV, but I still think about joining netflix. One of the television shows I really want to get caught up on is Curb Your Enthusiasm. I saw one episode and about died laughing...

03-01-2005, 03:32 PM
Hub doesn't care about movies but the kids and I do. We just went back to Netflix after a year hiatus. Our list is layered in 3's.... my pick, my son's pick and my daughter's pick... we always have a variety. My son likes anything war/military/action - my daughter goes through phases (we're in Johnny Depp mode now... just saw Benny & Joon - she loved it!) and I pick a variety of documentaries, old films and fluffy new things I wouldn't pay to see in the theaters.

The best thing about Netflix for us has been exposing my kids to old movies... my kids might just be the only teenagers out there with an appreciation for John Hughes films. What have I done? lol At least they understand my teenaged POV and know that I actually DO "get" them.

I love movies... I think I'll wrap up in one tonight! :)

03-01-2005, 04:19 PM
My Netflix queue ranges from foreign films to documentaries to movies I don't feel like blind buying to artsy fartsy movies and of course low-grade b-flicks...

I did recently join Columbia House's DVD club and am a member of Best Buy's Reward Zone program to get even more DVD goodness....