View Full Version : Chris Rock and the Oscars

02-23-2005, 04:03 PM
Was reading this article about Chris Rock and his hosting the Oscars and got to this part which i thought was funny as all hell!!


It’s no exaggeration to say that the stakes are huge for Rock on Sunday night. He’ll be blamed if the telecast stutters in the ratings, even though this is a star-challenged year where none of the five Best Pictures have even come close to $100 million in grosses, a sign they haven’t been seen in fly-over country. It could also damage Rock’s film career, which is on life support already. He’s bombed so consistently at the box office that, I’m told, he pulled up to a stoplight on Sunset in his Mercedes convertible one day and saw that the driver exactly parallel was trying to talk to him.

“I just rented Head of State, and I want my four bucks back,” the driver told Rock. With that, the signal turned green and the two cars inched forward to the next light.

All of a sudden, a wadded-up $5 bill came sailing through the driver’s window.

“Keep the change!” yelled Rock, all smiles as he drove off.

02-23-2005, 05:19 PM
:lol: I'm sure he wanted to throw something more damaging than a $5 bill at that driver.

Evil Chris
02-23-2005, 10:26 PM
I like Chris Rock... he's always made me laugh. His style of standup comedy is the type I like most. Can't say I've liked many or any of his movies much, though.

Is giving him host of the Oscars a black thing? I haven't heard anyone in the media mention that yet.