View Full Version : Screen Resolution size when developing a site

02-22-2005, 12:26 PM
1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
Don't even tell me 800 X 600 :)

I am guessing you optimize it for 1024 X 768 resolution sizes. Which is as simple as doing what I have shown below...

(center) ( table width = 1024 ) (/center)

Material goes here


This leaved me with one question, I am at 1280 X 1024, after a brief learning curve I am used to it and I find alot of pages done as shown above and I also see some that seem to take up my whole screen... These same sites also pretty much took up my whole screen at 1024 X 768 so there isn't any difference.

Is there actually a way to optimize it for both at the same time, or do you pick one of the two and go with it... Do you feel like you are leaving 'empty' ad space by optimizing for say 1024 X 768 ?

02-22-2005, 12:41 PM
I always lay my sites out for the lowest common denominator.... 800x600....

Still a majority of surfer's using that.... most have 15 inch screens, cuz thats what came with their 'package'... ;-)

02-22-2005, 12:54 PM
There are still a lot of surfers with 800x600, but with the reality tours I typically design for about 750 width and as long as requires. The bacground image can always be made to blend into this seemlessly.

Take a look at this it might help with sizing.


02-22-2005, 01:03 PM
YEEESH!!! And I thought I was slow with updating to new browsers, monitors, etc.. LOL !!!

I did just read the fine print and that was as of June 2001. I would assume it has got to be at least something the 800 X 600 users are at least used to by now (scrolling over due to design being optimized for 1028 X 768).

I took a look around and found this, for this month


and this for January,


Shows me twice as many people using 1024 X 768 - I think I will keep it optimized for them as that covers 2/3rds of the surfers (between 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024).

Very interesting that people even still have 800 X 600, I never would of thought 1/3rd of surfers used that resolution. Surfing the web has to be a bitch for them and I would venture a guess they are using dial-up as well :)

02-22-2005, 01:43 PM
Although it is 2001 it still gives you the relative safe areas to work within, that was more the object of the link, I should have explained that. Apologies ;)

I agree that the stats show a lot more people use 1024 now, and it would make it easier if it were just 1024, and to discount the 800x600 completely. You could be losing a lot of potential sales; I personally use 1280 resolution for surfing, but for those with 800x600, they have to scroll sideways if you design solely for 1024.

There are the odd corporate clients I have that still insist on 640x480, even after being informed of resolutions, as they have legacy clients who complain at 800x600. ;)

02-22-2005, 01:50 PM
Are there actually still monitors out there that WORK that can "only" handle 800 X 600, or are they just to stubborn to change the resolution in the display panel ? lol ..

I remember being at 800 X 600 only years ago and had to get used to a higher resolution as alot of the sites made me scroll, I finally kicked over even though it took a bit of time to get used to. I just don't see how people could stand to surf at 800 X 600, it's all the 65 + ers ;)

02-22-2005, 02:15 PM
800x600 always. I think I've had my screen set to a different resolution once or twice over the years LOL

02-22-2005, 02:17 PM
BTW- I am NOT 65 years old!! Got 30 more years before that happens!! :P

02-22-2005, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 22 2005, 01:04 PM
Shows me twice as many people using 1024 X 768 - I think I will keep it optimized for them as that covers 2/3rds of the surfers (between 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024).

Meaning you will willingly give a bad experience to 30% of your surfers.

Not a great idea IMHO

02-22-2005, 03:32 PM
But the "TheCounter" stats seem a bit weird, my own stats show ~15% mozilla (firefox) there's show 1%

02-22-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 22 2005, 01:04 PM
YEEESH!!! And I thought I was slow with updating to new browsers, monitors, etc.. LOL !!!

I did just read the fine print and that was as of June 2001. I would assume it has got to be at least something the 800 X 600 users are at least used to by now (scrolling over due to design being optimized for 1028 X 768).

I took a look around and found this, for this month


and this for January,


Shows me twice as many people using 1024 X 768 - I think I will keep it optimized for them as that covers 2/3rds of the surfers (between 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024).

Very interesting that people even still have 800 X 600, I never would of thought 1/3rd of surfers used that resolution. Surfing the web has to be a bitch for them and I would venture a guess they are using dial-up as well :)
then by all means, put in some javascript to determine screen resolution and anything less than 1024x768 can be redirected to me...I'll take that 33% you don't want...

also, think about hoe many of your surfers are AOLers? did you know the average AOL browser only opens to about 2/3rds of screen size? it doesn't open to full size by default...

depending on what I'm designing, I've still been designing my tables with a width of 640

back when I was still doing webdesign, I did some work for a client and he called me totally pissed off that the site was broken..I couldn't figure out what was wrong...
well, he was accessing on AOL, had his screen resolution to 640x480 and my tiled image was a jpg (AOL compresses jpg's and makes them look like shit). He also had a 21 inch monitor. When I saw the site on his computer, I wanted to crawl into a hole...I lost a $20K contract because I failed to take into consideration lowest common denominator...

Most computers now come with 800x600 default and a lot of newbie surfers keep everything on default as much as possible...stop thinking like a webmaster and start thinking like a surfer...not all of them are online as often as we are (I know I've forgotten this numerous times myself)

but, just they are still surfing on default, it doesn't mean they don't have money to spend ;-)

(I have gradually started widnening my tables though)

02-22-2005, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 22 2005, 10:04 AM
YEEESH!!! And I thought I was slow with updating to new browsers, monitors, etc.. LOL !!!

I did just read the fine print and that was as of June 2001. I would assume it has got to be at least something the 800 X 600 users are at least used to by now (scrolling over due to design being optimized for 1028 X 768).

I took a look around and found this, for this month


and this for January,


Shows me twice as many people using 1024 X 768 - I think I will keep it optimized for them as that covers 2/3rds of the surfers (between 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024).

Very interesting that people even still have 800 X 600, I never would of thought 1/3rd of surfers used that resolution. Surfing the web has to be a bitch for them and I would venture a guess they are using dial-up as well :)
Hi RyanLanane

You have a very interesting approach to making money. I am sure I will learn something from you. You think out of the box. This is a good thing.

Now…… the bottom line of this particular issue is …… the only reason to design a site with a screen resolution of 800 x 600 is if you want to make the maximum amount of revenue from your site.

If you are not restricted to basing your decisions on revenue streams, then design your site for whatever size makes you happy.

Hey sykkboy :rokk:

How’ve you been my friend. I think of you often.

>>>>>Winners “WIN” because “NEVER GIVE UP!”<<<<

Hell Puppy
02-22-2005, 11:18 PM
800x600 here as well. Remember, not everyone surfs with their windows maximized. Or so I'm told.

02-22-2005, 11:52 PM
Just because a given surfer's screen resolution is bigger than 800x600 doesn't mean they browse in full screen mode, or with their browser maximized. I, for example, certainly don't and haven't since I graduated from Windows 3.1.

I build 99% of the sites I build for clean viewing on 800x600 and also make sure that they keep the same clarity at larger resolutions. 3 years from now that may change as larger monitors with higher resolutions become "standard", but for now I'm keeping potential horizontal scroll out of the equation.

02-23-2005, 12:33 AM
Ryan, I've noticed from your posts that you are very reluctant to actually learn anything other than what you already know ... you asked a question, and when you were given a response you came back with reasons why that answer was wrong.

>>I would assume it has got to be at least something the 800 X 600 users are at least used to by now (scrolling over due to design being optimized for 1028 X 768).

yes, i'm sure 800x600 surfers are used to not being able to view 200 pixels of a site, usually the bit that has the navigation or join button on it. I'm sure they are so used to it, they know exactly where to find the X.

If you design a site at 750 pixels wide, a 1024 surfer will see some extra space on either side, that's it - if you design it at 1024, even a 1024 surfer will have to scroll sideways because there's a scroll bar and browser borders to consider as well.

You can't blame your customers for using the equipment they are sold in the way its sold to them.

02-23-2005, 12:59 AM
800 x 600

02-23-2005, 05:08 AM
Same goes for webmasters - especially webmasters. Never assume that because your stats are showing that 85% of your traffic is using 1024x768 or higher that they are all using it full screen - cuz they're NOT. I've been getting crap from "small screeners" over a new design for one of our sites for the sideways scroll. I didn't realize so many people small screened it - even with the double monitor set ups, etc... So we're working on it.... *sigh*

Lesson learned - I still hate the 800x600 design look (actually less, 760 max is what I've been told) for the larger screen settings - and the expandable stuff never looks right IMHO - but you gotta do what you gotta do. lol

I imagine that if so many webmasters are wanting the 800x600 set, many many more surfers would be wanting it as well because of default settings, etc. and other reasons discussed here already.


02-23-2005, 09:21 AM
Point taken - Apparently 800 X 600 is the target to go for.

Designing there I cover 100 % which is betetr than 66% of course.

I just hate thinking about all that lost space I could of used for banners, side bars... google Ad Words, etc ... Guess I will just have to get used to it though.

Thanks everyone, looks like it was a good conversation and everyone appears to be sticking to 800 X 600. Meaning I obviously should as well


02-23-2005, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by RyanLanane@Feb 22 2005, 01:04 PM
Shows me twice as many people using 1024 X 768 - I think I will keep it optimized for them as that covers 2/3rds of the surfers (between 1024 X 768 and 1280 X 1024).

Very interesting that people even still have 800 X 600, I never would of thought 1/3rd of surfers used that resolution. Surfing the web has to be a bitch for them and I would venture a guess they are using dial-up as well :)
I still code surfer sites at 800x600. (Why lose a third of my traffic???)

B2B sites, I know Joe and Jane webmaster have better and newer gear, so I go 1024 on those.

02-23-2005, 03:58 PM
Our webmaster sites are now 1024 x 768, however surfer stats still remain 800x600 it is about 30-40% of the traffic to the day..

02-23-2005, 04:02 PM
Obviously you can force the users browser to open full screen

I do 1024x768 but then my design skills suck

Spw Guru
02-23-2005, 04:02 PM
Wow these numbers are disturbing. I had this very conversation here the other day. I personally run 1600x1200 on a 17 inch laptop display. and 1600x1200 on my 19 inch desktop monitor. I have not run 800x600 on a machine since before windows 95. To see so many still using it truly sad as they are missing out on so much.

Without trying to sound retarded why do you all design based on a specific size? We keep our graphics und 800x600 but design our pages on percentages. Using extra side images and such so no matter what size resolution it always looks full.