View Full Version : Can you install MySQL without Root Access

02-22-2005, 10:02 AM
I need MySQL installed to install a script I have, however my problems lies with the fact that the old user name and pass I had to my previous mysql database (which was a stand alone server) isn't working any more.

Rather than waiting to get the proper login info (sometiems it can take weeks sometimes only a day - but better safe than sorry) I was considering installing MySQL on to my server but I don't have root access.

I am guessing you do need root access as you pry have to modify the httpd.conf file, along with needing access to directories only root users are allowed into - But if someone could shed some light on this for me I would appreciate it.


02-22-2005, 10:47 AM
Yes and No :)

If you just need it for development and testing while you wait on the passwords, you can build it and run it out of your home directory. you'll have to play with some of the flags to get it to listen on a different port and store the databases locally. But it won't start if the server reboots, so it's not for production

For a production one, you need root access since you have to put files in /usr/local and /etc.

02-22-2005, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by JerryW@Feb 22 2005, 07:48 AM
Yes and No :)

If you just need it for development and testing while you wait on the passwords, you can build it and run it out of your home directory. you'll have to play with some of the flags to get it to listen on a different port and store the databases locally. But it won't start if the server reboots, so it's not for production

For a production one, you need root access since you have to put files in /usr/local and /etc.
Figured as much, thanks...

I'll just wait hopefully I get the root login info to my MySQL server later today

02-23-2005, 12:25 AM
Jerry pretty much nailed it. You don't *have to* install it as root but it's best to do so. The mysqld daemon(s) should be restarted at each reboot and to do so effectively they should be started with the init.d or rc.d scripts as root for security and process priority reasons.

Have you verified with your host that mysql needs to be installed? Typically, that's a given for any virtual or dedicated setup I've seen. However some hosts that use a control panel like Ensim or CPanel don't automagically setup mysql but it's usually a simple click of a button in the admin panel to install it and get it running. However, I prefer a manual install that's somehow plugged in to get necessary patches and upgrades from the vendor.

Bottom line, it *shouldn't* take more than a couple hours from the time you enter a support ticket till it's done for your host to install it - as mySQL is a pretty standard webserver option.

Hell Puppy
02-23-2005, 01:01 AM
If you install it as a user instead of root you're going to run into permissions issues as well. You'll have to either run everything as that same user or chmod 777 the whole path to the data.

02-23-2005, 09:32 AM
Hey guys, I had a seperate MySQL box from when I ran my affiliate program and multiple other operations that hit my MySQL database hard including mailer traffic from an old list - so I had one server setup JUST for mysql.

Basically I just had to wait for them to reboot the user/pass to that server for root access and everything was fine :) Just got a little confusing when one of the people told me the other person needed to handle it and vice versa - brought up some old memories of how quickly things used to got done witht hat company which was part of my frustration when I worked in this business before.

I turned out being happy as when I dealt with them this morning it was taken care of promptly, and the program I was installing is being 'configured' at this point. God php scripts have gotten much more complex, lol !! (Not the installation the code and modifications of code)