View Full Version : Hosted Galleries from FastSize (with descriptions)

02-21-2005, 10:52 PM
I know everyone likes their free hosted galleries pre-sorted and organized, so I've gone through the trouble of writing out the descriptions for all of FastSize's FHGs. Here is a list of around 90 galleries all sorted and ready to be imported into your script.

fastsizefhg.txt (http://www.bukkakestore.com/fastsizefhg.txt)

Take a look and see if you like the galleries. They are very simple to set up.

To get started you need a FastSize affiliate account. If you do not have one sign up through the following link.

FastSize Affil Signup (http://www.fastsize.com/webmasters/?rid=1016)

Once you are done with that, take your affiliate number and go to Galleryblaze (http://www.galleryblaze.com) and sign up for a free account there. All you need is your galleryblaze number to plug those galleries into your script!

If you have any questions just email me at alex@fastsize.com. Don't PM me or post a reply, the best way to contact me is by email. Good luck!

P.S. For any NEW FastSize affiliates there is a $49 bonus upon signing up, so once you sign up just send me an email and I'll get your bonus activated.